Which among the following plateau is famous for Sheep rearing in Argentina?
1.Colorado Plateau
2.Mexican Plateau
3.Bolivian Plateau
4.Patagonian Plateau
Posted Date:-2021-06-19 07:51:52
1.Function point analysis
2.Control Chart
3.DRE (Defect Removal Efficiency)
4.None of the above
Answer 31.Rational Unified Process, IBM
2.Rational Unified Program, IBM
3.Rational Unified Process, Infosys
4.Rational Unified Program, Infosys
Answer 11.Planning process
4.All of the mentioned
Answer 21.It recommends some good practices that be included while carrying out the process.
2.It displays all the enacted process activities.
3.It portrays the phases that the model has entered over a specific time.
4.All of the above.
Answer 21.Diagonal, Perpendicular
2.Perpendicular, Radial
3.Angular, diagonal
4.Radial, Angular
Answer 41.Rapid Application Document
2.Rapid Application Development
3.Relative Application Development
4.None of the above
Answer 21.Parkinson's Law
2.Expert judgment
3.Algorithmic cost modeling
4.Estimation by analogy
Answer 31.Producing only the essential work products.
2.Utilizing the strategy of incremental product delivery.
3.Abolishing the project planning and testing.
4.All of the above
Answer 31.Costs of lunch time food
2.Costs of support staff
3.Costs of networking and communications
4.Costs of air conditioning and lighting in the office space
Answer 11.The reuse model
2.An early designed model
3.An application-composition model
4.A post architecture model
Answer 31.Scalability
Answer 21.System failure
2.Human error or mistake
3.System error
4.System fault
Answer 31.Requirements
2.Development team & users
3.Project type & associated risk
4.All of the above
Answer 41.Based on the iterations that occurred within the activities.
2.Based on the output, which is derived after negotiating in the software development process.
3.Based on the interleaved specification, design, testing, and implementation activities.
4.All of the above
Answer 11.Linear Development
2.Incremental Development
3.Iterative Development
4.Both Incremental and Iterative Development
Answer 41.It requires highly skilled developers/designers.
2.It necessitates customer feedbacks.
3.It increases the component reusability.
4.Both (a) & (c)
Answer 41.Object Model
2.Context Model
3.Behavioral Model
4.Data Model
Answer 31.Logical File
2.Physical File
3.Data Structure
4.All of the above
Answer 41.Data Flow
2.Data Process
3.Data Stores
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Details of DFD
2.Feasibility Study
3.System Analysis
4.System Planning
Answer 31. System Design
3. System Testing
4.Preliminary Investigation and Analysis
Answer 41.For strategic purposes
2.To minimize the development schedule.
3.To evaluate the ongoing project's quality on a daily basis
4.To minimize the development schedule and evaluate the ongoing project's quality on a daily basis
Answer 41.To evaluate the ongoing project's status and track possible risks.
2.To evaluate the ongoing project's status.
3.To track potential risks.
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Higher amount of risk analysis
2.Doesn't work well for smaller projects
3.Additional functionalities are added later on
4.Strong approval and documentation control
Answer 21.An Algorithm
2.A Plan
3.A List
4.Sequential Structure
Answer 11.Prototyping & Waterfall
2.Prototyping & RAD
3.Prototyping & Spiral
4.RAD & Spiral
Answer 21.Deployment
Answer 11.Empirical estimation models
2.Decomposition techniques
3.Automated estimation tools
4.Both empirical estimation models and automated estimation tools
Answer 11.Incremental Model
2.Concurrent Development Model
3.WINWIN Spiral Model
4.All of the above
Answer 41.Firmware, CAD
2.Embedded, CAM
3.Customized, Generic
4.CAD, Embedded
Answer 31.Assumption, Association, Learning
2.The investigation, Strategy, Coding
3.Requirements gathering, Adaptive cycle planning, Iterative development
4.All of the above
Answer 11.First Generation Language
2.Second Generation Language
3.Third Generation Language
4.Fourth Generation Language
Answer 41.Change management
2.System management
3.Internship management
4.Version management
Answer 31.Sizing
2.Parallel run
3.Specification freeze
4.All of the above
Answer 41.The ability to translate the size estimate into human effort, calendar time, and dollars
2.Use relatively simple decomposition techniques to generate project cost and effort estimates.
3.Base estimates on similar projects that have already been completed
4.Use one or more empirical models for software cost and effort estimation
Answer 11.The productivity of software engineers is improved.
2.The time required for developing software is reduced.
3.CASE tools and code generators help the 4GT model by providing a credible solution to their problems.
4.None of the above.
Answer 21.Gane and Sarson methodology
2.DeMarco and Yourdon methodology
3.Constantine and Yourdon methodology
4.All of the above
Answer 41.4GT Model
2.Waterfall Model
3.RAD Model
4.Spiral Model
Answer 11.Spiral
2.Iterative Enhancement
4.Both (b) and (c)
Answer 41.RAD & Waterfall
2.Prototyping & Waterfall
3.Spiral & Prototyping
4.Spiral & RAD
Answer 31.The prototyping model facilitates the reusability of components.
2.RAD Model facilitates reusability of components
3.Both RAD & Prototyping Model facilitates reusability of components
Answer 31.Domain Prototype
2.Vertical Prototype
3.Horizontal Prototype
4.Diagonal Prototype
Answer 41.Reengineering
2.Forward engineering
3.Reverse engineering
4.Reverse engineering and Reengineering
Answer 41.Quality
Answer 11.Software Evolution
2.Software Verification
3.Software Testing & Validation
4.Software designing
Answer 21.Hardware and Software Costs
2.Effort Costs
3.Travel and Training Costs
4.All of the above
Answer 41.Effort
4.All of the above
Answer 31.Unix shell
Answer 11.Transformation of a textual problem description into a graphic model
2.Functional decomposition
3.All the functions represented in the DFD are mapped to a module structure
4.All of the mentioned
Answer 3