Session Implicit Object in JSP with examples:
Session is most frequently used implicit object in JSP. The main usage of it to
gain access to all the user’s data till the user session is active.
Methods of session Implicit Object
setAttribute(String, object) – This method is used to save an object in
session by assigning a unique string to the object. Later, the object can be
accessed from the session by using the same String till the session is active.
setAttribute and getAttribute are the two most frequently used methods while
dealing with session in JSP.
getAttribute(String name) – The object stored by setAttribute method is
fetched from session using getAttribute method. For example if we need to access
userid on every jsp page till the session is active then we should store the
user-id in session using setAttribute method and can be accessed using
getAttribute method whenever needed.
removeAttribute(String name) – The objects which are stored in session
can be removed from session using this method. Pass the unique string identifier
as removeAttribute’s method.
getAttributeNames – It returns all the objects stored in session.
Basically, it results in an enumeration of objects.
getCreationTime – This method returns the session creation time, the time
when session got initiated (became active).
getId – Servlet container assigns a unique string identifier to session
while creation of it. getId method returns that unique string identifier.
isNew() – Used to check whether the session is new. It returns Boolean
value (true or false). Mostly used to track whether the cookies are enabled on
client side. If cookies are disabled the session.isNew() method would always
return true.
invalidate() – It kills a session and breaks the association of session
with all the stored objects.
getMaxInactiveInterval – Returns session’s maximum inactivate time
interval in seconds.
getLastAccessedTime – Generally used to know the last accessed time of a
Session Implicit Object Example:
The below html page would display a text box along with a submit button. The
submit action would transfer the control to session.jsp page.
String[] allpasswords = request.g
<title>Welcome Page: Enter your name</title>
<form action="session.jsp">
<input type="text" name="inputname">
<input type="submit" value="click here!!"><br/>
The session.jsp page displays the name which user has entered in the index page
and it stores the the same variable in the session object so that it can be
fetched on any page until the session becomes inactive.
<title>Passing the input value to a session variable</title>
String uname=request.getParameter("inputname");
out.print("Welcome "+ uname);
<a href="output.jsp">Check Output Page Here </a>
In this page we are fetching the variable’s value from session object and
displaying it.
<title>Output page: Fetching the value from session</title>
String name=(String)session.getAttribute("sessname");
out.print("Hello User: You have entered the name: "+name);