Example & Tutorial understanding programming in easy ways.

What is the life-cycle of JSP?

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What is the difference between jsp and servlet?.

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What is the requirement of a tag library?

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Explain JSP URL mapping? What is URL hiding or protecting the JSP page?

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What is a JSP expression?

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Expalin type of JSP tags in uses?.

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What is JSP and tell its uses?.

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Explain JSP Technology?.

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What are the advantages of JSP over Servlet?.

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How to include static files in a JSP page?

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what usage of Declaration Tag explain with example?.

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What is the usage of Expression Tag explain with example?.

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What is directives tag in jsp?.

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What is page directive in jsp?.

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What is Scriptlet tag? Explain with example?.

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What is include directive in JSP?.

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How is Taglib Directive used in JSP?

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What is action tag in jsp? explain with example?.

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what is the Difference between include directive and include action in JSP

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Can constructor be used instead of init(), to initialize servlet?

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Explain lifecycle methods of jsp?.

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Difference between forward and sendRedirect?

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Is JSP variable declaration thread safe?

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What is custom tags,how to use it and create it in jsp?.

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How to create First JSP Page?

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How can I set a cookie and delete a cookie from within a JSP page?

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How does JSP handle run-time exceptions?

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How can I implement a thread-safe JSP page? What are the advantages and Disadvantages of using it?

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What is the difference b/w variable declared inside a declaration part and variable declared in scriplet part?

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How can I set a cookie and delete a cookie from with in a JSP page?

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What are implicit objects? List them?

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What is the difference between custom JSP tags and JavaBeans?

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How do I use comments within a JSP page?

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How can my JSP page communicate with an EJB Session Bean?.

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What JSP lifecycle methods can I override?

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How can we avoid direct access of JSP pages from client browser?

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Explain the advantages of JSP?.

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Differentiate between GET and POST?.

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Explain about autoflush?

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Why use of scripting elements in JSP is discouraged?

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What are the different scopes available for JSPs?.

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In JSPs how many ways are possible to perform inclusion?

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What is EL ?

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how does EL search for an attribute ?

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What are the types of JSTL tags?

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