Example & Tutorial understanding programming in easy ways.

What is Python? and what are the benefits of Using Python ?

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What do you mean by PEP 8?

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If the program requires no action but requires it syntactically then what statement we use in Python ?

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What The Process To Get The Home Directory Using '~' In Python?

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What are the Built-In Data types available in Python?

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What are the immutable built-in datatypes of Python?

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What are the Mutable Data type in python ?

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How we find a bugs or perform static analysis in a Python based Application?

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When and where the Python Decorator used ?

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What is the main difference in the List and the Tuple data type in Python ?

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How does Python handle the Memory Management ?

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What is the Difference between the lambda and the Def in python?

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Write a reg expression that confirms an Email Id using the Python Regular Expression module 'Re' ?

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Is following Python code gives an error ? l=[1,2,3,4] print(l[10:])

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Is there a Switch or Case statement in Python?

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What is a Built-In Function that python uses to iterate over a number sequence?

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What is the Syntax of the range() function in Python ?

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What are the optional statements possible inside a Try-Except block in Python?

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What is a String in Python?

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What is Slicing in Python ?

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What is %S in Python ?

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Is String Mutable or Immutable in Python ?

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What do you understand by the Immutable data type in Python ?

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What do you understand by the Mutable Data type in Python ?

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What is the Index in Python?

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What is DocString in Python ?

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What is Function in Python Programming ?

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How many types of Function are in Python ?

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Which keyword are used to define a Function in Python ?

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What is the Syntax to define the Function in Python ?

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What is a Function call or a callable object in Python?

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What is the return keyword used for in Python?

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What is Call by value in Python ?

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What is call by Reference in Python ?

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What is the return value of the Trunc() Function in Python ?

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Is it mandatory for a Python Function to return a Value?

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What is the Use of the Continue Statement in Python ?

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What is the purpose of the id() function in Python ?

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What does the *args do in python?

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What does the **Kwargs do in Python?

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How we can pass a variable number of arguments in Function calling in Python ?

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Is there any main() function in Python ?

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How we can make a main() function in Python programing language ?

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What does the __ name __ do in Python?

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What is the purpose of the end in Python ?

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What is the purpose of the break statement in Python ?

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At the time of running loop, we want to stop the loop at some condition then How we can do that in python ?

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What is the difference between the continue and pass statement in python ?

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What the len() function do in Python ?

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How we find the length of the given string in Python ?

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How we can find the length of the list in Python ?

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What does the chr() Function do in Python?

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What is the use of the ord() function in Python ?

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How we can find the ASCII value of Any character in Python ?

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What is rstrip() in Python?

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What is lstrip() in python ?

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What is whitespace in Python?

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How we can remove the white space from the left portion of the string ?

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How we can remove the white space from the right portion of the string ?

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What is the use of the title() function in Python ?

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Why we use the split() function in Python

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How do we use the split() function in Python ?

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How we can make list by the string in Python ?

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What is the work of the join() function in Python ?

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How we can take all item in list and make the string in Python ?

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What does the title() method do in Python?

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What makes the CPython different from the Python?

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Which package is the fastest form of Python?

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What is GIL in Python Language?

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How is Python Thread Safe ?

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How does Python manage the Memory ?

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What is the Tuple data type in Python ?

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Which type in Python are the collection of items ?

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What is Dictionary in Python programming language ?

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What is the set object in Python?

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What is set data type in Python ?

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What is the use of the Dictionary in Python ?

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Is Python list a Linked List in C ?

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Is Python supports oops ?

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What is Class in Python ?

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What is the Difference between in Function and method ?

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What is Attribute in Python Class

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What is Method and Attribute in Python Class ?

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How to assign values for the class attributes at Runtime?

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What is Inheritance in Python programming language ?

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What Syntax we use for inheritance the class in python ?

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What is composition in Python ?

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What is error and exception in Python ?

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How we Handle the exception in Python ?

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What is Exception Handling in Python programming language ?

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Why we use the Finally block in Python

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What do you understand by Python Iterators ?

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What is the difference between an Iterator and Iterable?

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What is the Python Generator ?

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What is the Closures in Python?

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How we can create a dictionary in Python ?

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How we can read the dictionary in Python ?

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How do you traverse through a Dictionary object in Python?

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How do you add elements to a Dictionary in Python?

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What are the Decorators in Python ?

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How we van delete the items from the Dictionary in Python ?

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How do you check the presence of a Key in a Dictionary?

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What is the syntax for List Comprehension in Python

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How do you write a Conditional Expression in Python?

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What do you understand by Python Enumerate ?

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What is the use of the global() function in Python ?

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How we can access the global variable in Python ?

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What is the use of the zip() function in Python ?

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What are class or static variables in Python Programming?

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How the ternary operator works in Python ?

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What is the work of the self keyword in Python ?

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What are the different methods to copy an object in Python?

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What is the purpose of Docstrings in Python?

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Which Python function is used to make a number as a string ?

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List down some of the PDB commands for Debugging Python Programs?

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Write a command to debug the Python program

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Why and when do you use Generators in Python?

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What is the work of the yield keyword in Python ?

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How we can convert the list to string in Python ?

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How we can convert the List to Sets in Python ?

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How we can convert a list to tuple in Python ?

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How we make a dictionary using two list in Python ?

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How we can find the occurrence of the item in list in Python ?

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What is Numpy in Python ?

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What are the different way to create a Empty Numpy array in Python ?

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What is pickling and unpickling?

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How Python is Interpretor ?

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What is the default data type return by the input() function ?

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What is the Difference between the List and the Array in Python ?

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What do you understand by the canvas Programming ?

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What is namespace in Python ?

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What do you know about the lambda function in Python ?

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Why lambda forms in python does not have statements?

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What is unittest in Python?

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How type of variable is decided in Python ?

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What is negative index in Python ?

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What is the difference between Xrange and range?

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What is module and package in Python?

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Mention what are the rules for local and global variables in Python?

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How we can delete the file in Python ?

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How we can generate random number between 0 and 1 ?

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How we can generate random integer number between two range ?

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Write a program to find the random number between 0 to 10 .

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Mention what is the difference between Django, Pyramid, and Flask?

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Explain what is Flask & its benefits?

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Explain what is the common way for the Flask script to work?

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Explain how you can access sessions in Flask?

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Explain what is Dogpile effect? How can you prevent this effect?

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What type of language is python? Programming or scripting?

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Name some commonly used built-in modules in Python?

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Is python case sensitive?

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What is Type conversion in Python ?

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How we make a complex number in Python ?

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Minimum number of argument pass in complex number is ?

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What Happen if we pass only one argument in complex() function ?

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Is indentation required in python?

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What is __init__ in python?

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What does [::-1] do?

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How we can reverse the string in Python in one line ?

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How we write a command in Python ?

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Swap two variable value using third variable in Python ?

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Swap two number without using third variable in Python ?

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Write a program to swap two variable in one line of code in Python.

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How we can capitalized first word of the string in Python ?

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How do you convert the string in all lowercase ?

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How do you convert the string in all uppercase in Python ?

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What function of Python we use to make every first alphabet of each word in string will be of Upper case ?

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How we print the statement in Python ?

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What is the purpose of the 'in' in Python ?

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What is the purpose of the 'is' in python ?

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What is the purpose of using the 'not in' in Python ?

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How we can find the length of the set data type in Python ?

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How we can add two string in Python ?

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How we can sort the list in Python ?

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Sort the string and convert it into the list in Python.

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What is the difference between sort() and sorted() function in Python ?

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How you can reverse the items in the list in Python ?

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How we can add new item in list at the end ?

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How do you insert a new item in list at required index position in Python ?

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What is the difference between append() and insert() function of list?

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Does Python have OOps concepts?

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How we can import the module in Python ?

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How we can install the new module in python ?

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How we can create a class in Python ?

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Does python support multiple inheritance?

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What do you understand by polymorphism in Python ?

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Define encapsulation in Python?

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How do you do data abstraction in Python?

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Does python make use of access specifiers?

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What does an object() do?

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What is map() function in Python ?

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Is python numpy better than lists?

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Write a program to make a factorial of the given number in Python ?

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What is the syntax of the filter function in Python ?

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Find all even number from the list using filter() function in Python ?

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Why we call list as a mutable in Python ?

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Find the Intersection of two set in Python ?

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How we can find the union of two sets in Python ?

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