Which of the following is not the classification of computers based on application?
1.Electronic Computers
2.Analog Computers
3.Digital Computers
4.Hybrid Computers
Posted Date:-2021-02-01 04:19:11
1.Open ended
Answer 41.respectfully confront the clients prejudiced beliefs
2.educate the client about the negative effects of racism
3. refer the client to another therapist who might have similar belief
4.respect the clients beliefs and focus on the presenting problem
Answer 41.Violence against younger children
2.Sexualized behavior
Answer 41.Ross
Answer 41.t-test
3.Chi-square test
4.Pearson’s correlation
Answer 41.Triangulation
2. Enabling
Answer 21.Making the variables measurable
2.Arranging the variables in a logical order
3.Making the variables fit for research.
4.Making the variables fit for research.
Answer 21.Eradication of untouchability
2.Land ownership to depressed classes
3.A formal representation of weaker sections in village governance
4.Spread of education
Answer 31.G.R. Banerjee
2.G.R. Madan
4.Marula Siddaiah
Answer 11.Respect the parents need for separation by not contacting them
2.Request that the child be discharged
3.Contact the parents about the childs placement
4.Assess the childs response to the parentsactions
Answer 41.Organization of services for people.
2.Mobilization of community leaders. C
3.Action-reflection process with people.
4.Identification of target systems for work.
Answer 31.Mechanism to provide justice out of the Court.
2.To provide speedy justice.
3.To provide justice to poor, needy and weaker sections of society with the help of the NGOs’ and media.
4.None of the above.
Answer 31.Providing social service to people
2.Helping people to help themselves
3.Organizing charitable works
4.Orphanages, destitute homes, poor homes
Answer 11.Mary Richmond
2.Joseph Luft
Answer 11.Attitudes and behaviors attached to individuals because of their sex
2.an individuals sex orientation and/or preference
3.Biological characteristics that influence an individuals behavior
4.Interplay of biological and sociocultural influences
Answer 11.6 to 12
2.13 to 16
3. 17 to 45
4.16 to 60
Answer 31.High birthrate and high deathrate
2.Rapidly falling deathrate and high birthrate
3.Low birthrate and low deathrate
4.All the above
Answer 41.Rights which are provided by Constitution of India.
2.Rights which are Fundamental.
3.Rights provided to all human beings by nature.
4.Rights desired by human beings.
Answer 31.be aware of how personal cultural biases affect the social workers ability to deal with issues of diversity
2.realize that assessment models are not a substitute for clinical judgment or experience
3.use a strengths perspective rather than a deficit model to form a partnership with the childs family
4.understand the need for appropriate eye contact, tone of voice and question techniques during the assessment
Answer 11.communication patterns vary due to economic conditions
2.speech is influenced by culture and experience
3.psychosocial conditions will cause variations in speech
4.speech is influenced by group taboos and norms and may indicate false beliefs
Answer 21.using a single system design, evaluate the quality of services
2.in the final interview, ask the client about their level of satisfaction
3.after submitting process recordings, ask supervisor for feedback
4.at termination, ask clients to complete a service evaluation and satisfaction form
Answer 41.Juvenile Justice Act – 1985
2.Untouchability Offences Act – 1954
3.Dowry Prohibition Act – 1962
4.Factories Act – 1948
Answer 41.Accommodation
Answer 31.Arya Samaj – Swami Dayanand Saraswati
2.Bhrahma Samaj – Raja Ram Mohan Roy
3.Prarthana Samaj – Ramabai Ranade
4.Satysodhak Samaj – Jyothiba Phule
Answer 31.Treatment
4.Content Analysis
Answer 41.Mahatma Gandhiji
2. Mother Theresa
3.Swamy Dayananda Saraswati
4.Deep Joshi
Answer 41.1994
Answer 2