Consider the following statement(s) is/are related to the Deccan Plateau I. It is roughly of a triangular shape, extends from the Satpura hills in the north to Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of India ending in the Indian Ocean. II. On the eastern edge of the Plateau lie the Sahyadri, the Nilgiri, the Annamalai and the Cardamom Hills, the Annamalai and the Cadamom Hills, commonly known as the Western Ghats. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct? Code.

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Consider the following statement(s) is/are related to the Deccan Plateau I. It is roughly of a triangular shape, extends from the Satpura hills in the north to Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of India ending in the Indian Ocean. II. On the eastern edge of the Plateau lie the Sahyadri, the Nilgiri, the Annamalai and the Cardamom Hills, the Annamalai and the Cadamom Hills, commonly known as the Western Ghats. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct? Code.

1.Only I

2.Only II

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Posted Date:-2021-01-22 02:13:04

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