What are the similarities in Facebook Twitter Yahoo Google+ etc?
1.Name of sites
2.Belong to the Internet
3. Social networking sites
4.There are sites for online shopping
Posted Date:-2021-01-20 06:46:07
1.Only I
2.Only II
3.Both I & II
4.I, II & III
Answer 41.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.Only I
2.Only II
3.Both I & II
4.I, II & III
Answer 41.Only I
2.Only II
3.Both I & II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 11.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 21.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 41.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 11.Three
Answer 41.The central tenets of Jain philosophy were established by Mahavira in the 6th Century B.C., although Jainism as a religion is much older.
2.A basic principle is anekantavada, the idea that reality is perceived differently from different points of view, and that no single point of view is completely true (similar to the Western philosophic
3.Both A & B
4.Neither A nor B
Answer 31.Ancient Greek
2.Ancient Roman
3.Hebrew Language
Answer 11.Kapila Muni
2.Gautama Muni
Answer 41.Non-violence
4.Voluntary promotion of human welfare
Answer 31.Nyaya-Vaisheshika
4.All of the above
Answer 41.Buddhism and Jainism
2.Advaita and Dwitya
3.Theistic and Atheistic
4.Orthodox and Heterodox
Answer 41.Prakriti or primordial matter (matter, creative agency, energy) ; and Purusha or individual conscious being (self or soul or mind)
2.Prakriti or primordial matter (matter, creative agency, energy) ; and Yoga (self or soul or mind)
3.Prakriti or primordial matter (matter, creative agency, energy) ; and Ayurveda
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Siksha
Answer 31.Purusakta, Prakrati, Ahankar, Mahat
2.Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, Mahat
3.Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, Alankar
4.Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, Ahankar
Answer 41.Samkhya
Answer 11.Only I
2.Both II & IV
3.Both II & III
4.I, II, III and IV
Answer 41.Buddhist philosophy deals extensively with problems in metaphysics, phenomenology, ethics and epistemology.
2.Buddhism is a non-theistic system of beliefs based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince later known as the Buddha, in the 5th Century B.C.
3.Both A & B
4.Netheir A nor B
Answer 31.All sinful acts are renounced for life-long
2.All philanthropies acts are renounced for life-long
3.Both A & B
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Tattva
4.All of the above
Answer 41.The main objective of the Purva Mimamsa School is to interpret and establish the authority of the Vedas.
2.The main objective of the Purva Mimamsa school is to concentrates on the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads (mystic or spiritual contemplations within the Vedas), rather than the Brahmanas (ins
3.Only A
4.Both A & B
Answer 31.Philosophy of Jainism
2.Philosophy of Samkhya
3.Philosophy of Buddhism
4.None of the above
Answer 11.C?rv?ka philosophy
2.Ajivika philosophy
3.Buddhist philosophy
4.Jain philosophy
Answer 21.Philosophy of Sankhya
2.Philosophy of Buddhism
3.Philosophy of Vedanta
4.Philosophy of Jainism
Answer 21.Sanchi
4.All of the above
Answer 11.Nyaya School
3.Both A & B
4.None of the above
Answer 21.Charvaka Philosophy of Materialism
2.Ajivika School
3.Purva Mimamsa
Answer 11.Ajivika School
2.Astika School
3.Charvaka school
4.None of the above
Answer 31.Gandhara School of Art
2.Amaravati School of Art
3.Mathura School of art
4.None of the above
Answer 31.Jiva (a living being) is that state in which puru?a is bonded to prak?ti in some form.
2.Purusha, also called atma, is immutable, eternal and conscious by its very nature.
3.Both A & B
4.None of the above
Answer 31.The Indian philosophical systems are classified according as they accept the authority of the Vedas or not.
2.The systems of Indian philosophy are classified into two groups: The Orthodox Systems (astika or theistic) ; The Unorthodox Systems (nastika or atheistic)
3.Both A & B
4.Neither A nor B
Answer 31.I only
2.II only
3.Both I and II
4.Neither I nor II
Answer 31.It is that state in which puru?a is bonded to prak?ti in some form.
2.To realize the purusha distinct from prakriti.
3.It is immutable, eternal and conscious by its very nature.
4.It evolves from subtle to gross, and manifests the visible world.
Answer 11.Charvakism
Answer 41.Orthodox System of Indian Philosophy
2.Unorthodox System of Indian Philosophy
3.Both A & B
4.None of the above
Answer 21.Orthodox System of Indian Philosophy
2.Unorthodox System of Indian Philosophy
3.Both A & B
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Prushukta doctrine of absolute determinism
2.Historical Materialism
3.Niyati Doctrine of absolute determinism
4.Doctrine of Yoga
Answer 31.Nastika School
2.Astika School
3.Both of the above
4.None of the above
Answer 21.Makkhali Gosala
2.Kapil Muni
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Kapila Muni
2.Gautama Muni
Answer 21.Kapila Muni
2.Gautama Muni
Answer 1