A ray of light is incident from air into a glass slab which is Silvered at its base such that the ray of light is incident normal to the mirrored surface. it retractive index of air with respect to glass is μ1 then the refractive index of glass with respect to air is i2 1he relation between the two refractive indices is

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A ray of light is incident from air into a glass slab which is Silvered at its base such that the ray of light is incident normal to the mirrored surface. it retractive index of air with respect to glass is μ1 then the refractive index of glass with respect to air is i2 1he relation between the two refractive indices is

1.μ1> μ2



4.μ1 = 1 / μ2

Posted Date:-2022-01-10 06:37:14

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