Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription?
1.Chandragupta Maurya
2.Samudra Gupta
4.Skand Gupta
Posted Date:-2021-01-16 03:44:05
4.Social conscience
Answer 31.loose families
3.close relatives
4.slum dwellers
Answer 11.Cooperative society
2. United Nations
3.Family Planning
4.A intending to organise opposition against the cricket club
Answer 41.the net difference between births and deaths
2.population explosion
3.the difference between migration and immigration
4.the difference between birth rate and mortality rate
Answer 11.affective, emotional, and rational action
2.emotional, traditional and rational action
3.traditional, legal and charismatic action
4. none of the above
Answer 21.Fashion, culture
2.Mores, custom
3.Custom, fashion
4.Culture, habit
Answer 31.Deviant Behaviour
2.Customary obedience
4.None of the above
Answer 11.density of population
2. area covered
3.occupation followed by the people
4.none of the above
Answer 41.Significant others
2.Generalised others
3.Looking-glass self
4.None of the above
Answer 31.Monogamian family, consanguine family, punaluan family, syndasmian family and patriarchal family
2.Punaluan family, syndyasmian family, consanguineal family, patriarchal family and monogamian family
3. Consanguine family, punaluan family, syndayasmian family, patriarchal family and monogamian family
4.None of the above
Answer 31.338
Answer 11.Which are relegated by a single authority
2.Which are regulated by the eldest person in the group
3.Which are simply accepted by the members of the society
4.Which are regulated by law
Answer 31.14 years and younger and 65 years and above
2. 16 years and below and 60 years and above
3.18 years and younger and 60 years
4.None of the above
Answer 11.Brings the disintegrating forces in equilibrium
2.Disturbs the equilibrium in the social life of the people
3.Acts in contradiction to deviance
4.Means the behaviour which is shown by diligent individuals
Answer 21.social division of labour
2. occupational division of labour
3.technical division of labour
4.territorial division of labour
Answer 11.social division of labour
2.technical division of labour
3.occupation division of labour
4. territorial division of labour
Answer 21. youngest brother
2.eldest brother
3.maternal uncle
4.none of the above
Answer 21.it believes in one supreme God
2.it believes in the theory of held and heaven
3.it believes in truth and falsehood
4.it believes in transmigration of soul
Answer 31.Society
3.Social group
4.None of the above
Answer 11.An automatic process
2.An indifferently imposed process
3.An artificial process in the sense that people follow customs to showoff
4.With some conceivable amount of deviation.
Answer 11. primitive communism, ancient society, feudal society and capitalist society
2.savagery, feudalism and capitalism
3.slavery, barbarism and feudalism
4.feudalism, capitalism and socialism
Answer 11.John Stuart Mill
2.Betty Friedan
3.Simone de Beauvoir
4. Shulamith Firestone
Answer 31.Anaemia among Women
2.Carelessness of doctors
4.Adolescent pregnancies
Answer 11. classificatory
2. ambiguous
Answer 11.A weak sanction
2.An uncertain sanction, since no one can be sure of its unified stand
3.Useless since nobody is ready to follow it
4.Has no relation with social control
Answer 21.legal rights
2.moral rights
3.political rights
4.fundamental rights
Answer 41.C.H. Cooley
2.G.H. Mead
3.Sigmund Freud
Answer 21.agnates
3.lineal kins
4.collateral kins
Answer 11.transient in nature
2. permanent in nature
3.of double coincidence in nature
4.similar to that of the patriarchal society
Answer 21. W.G. Sumner
2.Emile Durkheim
3.R.K. Merton
4.Talcott Parsons
Answer 41.process
2.circulation of elites
3.process of producing lion elites
4.process of producing fox elites
Answer 21.Religious organization
3.Trade Union
4.Teacher-student relations
Answer 41.Family
3.The Party Executive
4.Trade Union
Answer 41.Trade Union
2.Countries which joined to defeat Hitler in the Second World War
3.The referee, players and spectators on the play ground
4.All the above
Answer 41.Family
4.General Assembly
Answer 11.It socializes the individuals
2.It makes society above individual
3.It brings individuals into the social
4.All the above
Answer 41.Art. 342
2.Art. 343
3.Art. 344
4.Art. 345
Answer 11.It highlights values & manners within individuals.
2. Socialisation includes both learning of new things and unlearning of maladaptive behaviours
3.Socialization is both intentional and unintentional
4.All the above
Answer 41.Delinquent
4. Hippie
Answer 31.Deviance is in contradiction to social norms
2.Deviance is the negation of the social behaviour and decency
3.Deviance means the performance of activities which are not approved by the society
4.All of the above
Answer 41.untimely death of a relation
2.heavy loss of property
3.failure in meeting a group of friends
4.more reward for less work
Answer 41.It disturbs social equilibrium
2.It contravenes social norms
3.It is a departure from usual mode of behaviour
4. It is a departure from newly developed set of behaviour
Answer 41.(a) in it, it is possible to have healthy children
2.in it the chances of sex corruption are reduced
3.in it the fragmentation of property is saved
4. in it there is harmony in the family
Answer 41.Sigmund Freud
2.G.H. Mead
3.C.H. Cooley
Answer 11.Hegel
2.August Comte
4.Herbert Spencer
Answer 31.O.H. Mead
2.C.H. Cooley
3.S. Freud
4.T. Mazumdar
Answer 11.G.H. Mead
2.C.H. Cooley
4.S. Freud
Answer 21.C.H. Cooley
2.G.H. Mead
3.S. Freud
Answer 21.C.H. Cooley
2.G.H. Mead
3.Sigmund Freud
4.All the above
Answer 4