The first western writer to offer a systematic exposition of the doctrine of sovereignty was:
1.John Austin
According to Laski law is:
1.Command of the sovereign
2.Embodiment of general will
3.Built upon general social environemtn
4.Accumulation of religious principles and practices
According to the Pluralists one of the important limitations on sovereignty is:
1.Written Constitution
2. Independent Judiciary
3.Political Parties
4.International Law
De facto sovereign refers to:
1.A person who is the lawful ruler of the country
2.King who has lawfully inherited to the throne
3.A person or body of persons who actually exercise power
4.None of the above
In India the legal sovereignty lies in the
2.Supreme Court
It would be of lasting benefit to Political Science if the whole concept of sovereignty were surrendered. This statement reflects the view point of:
1.The monistic school
2.The pluralistic school
3.The legalistic school
4.The analytical school
One of the followings is a basic feature of Pluralist concept of sovereignty:
Sovereignty has been defined as Supreme Power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by law by:
Sovereignty is an essential element of:
The concept of legal sovereignty was for the first time propounded by:
4.T.H. Green
The Pluralists regard the state as:
1.Master of people
2. Servant of people
3.A power machine
4.Brother of masses
The term sovereignty has been drawn from the Latin term:
2.Supreme Court
Titular Sovereign means:
1.A person who enjoys absolute powers and is not accountable to any one
2.A person who is vested with all sovereign powers by the constitution but whose powers does someone else enjoy
3. A person who enjoys all the powers vested in him by the constitution
4.A sovereign elected by the Parliament
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.The legal sovereign in England is the Queen or the King
2.The legal sovereign in England is the People
3.The legal sovereign in England is the House of Commons
4. The legal sovereign in England is the Queen/King-in-Parliament
Who of the followings is known as the high priest of sovereignty?
Who said that sovereignty cannot reside in determinate human superior?
3. G.D.H.Cole
4.Henry Maine
Who said that sovereignty was the fullness of state?
1. The Greeks
2.The English
3.The Romans
According to the concept of Plural Sovereignty:
1.Sovereignty lies in the state only
2.Sovereignty lies in the Parliament
3.Sovereignty lies in the Kind
4.Sovereignty lies in all the associations of the state
De-jure and De-facto sovereign are:
1.Contradictory to each other
2.Complementary to each other
3.Not related to each other
4.None of the above is true
In Britain the legal sovereignty resides in:
1.he House of Lords
2.TB. The Queen-in-Parliament
3.The Queen
4.The Courts
Pluralists believe that:
1.The state is a unique organization
2.The state is as important as the other social economic and religious groups
3.The other social economic and religious groups are more important than the state
4.State is controlled by other associations
Political Pluralism calls for:
1.Parliamentary control of associations
2.Government control of association
3.Autonomy of associations
4.Administrative control of associations
Sir Henry Maine:
1.Fully supported Austins theory of sovereignty
2. Supported the basic principles of Austins theory of sovereignty but differed from him in details
3.Bitterly criticised Austinss theory of sovereignty
4.Expressed new views about Austins theory of sovereignty
Sovereignty is an essential attribute of:
The concept of popular sovereignty is associated with:
The main function of the state according to the Pluralists is:
1.To promote general welfare of its citizens
2.To regulate the activities of various associations
3.To regulate production distribution of essential goods
4. To provide social securities like unemployment allowance and old pension
The monistic theory of sovereignty holds that:
1.The sovereignty resides in the state alone
2.Sovereignty resides in the King only
3. Sovereignty is shared by the King and the Parliament
4.Sovereignty is shared by the state and other associations
The Pluralists believe in the concept of:
1.Traditional sovereignty
2.De-jure sovereignty
3.Political sovereignty
4.Hereditary sovereignty
The principle of popular sovereignty holds that sovereignty lies with:
1. People
2.Members of Parliament
Which one of the following is associated with the statement that If sovereignty is not absolute no state will exist?
3. Karl Marx
Which one of the following is not true about pluralists attack on concept of sovereignty?
1. This concept is impossible
2. It is against individual liberty
3.It is against freedom of association
4.It is against the ideal of international peace and harmony
Who of the followings believed that sovereignty vested in the general would?
Who said No sovereign has any where possessed unlimited power; and the attempt to exert it has always resulted in the establishment of safeguards?
1.Sir Henry Maine
Who said that the theory of sovereignty is not valid for political philosophy?
1.T.H. Green
According to Laski the state is:
1.Master of society and associations
2. Servant of society
3.Identical with society
4.None of the above
According to Rousseau sovereignty resides in:
1.The General Will
2.The Real Will
3.The Actual Will
4.The King
Austin propounded a theory of:
1.Legal Sovereignty
2.Political Sovereignty
3.Titular Sovereignty
4.Popular Sovereignty
Austin propounded his theory of Sovereignty in the book:
1.Two Treatises on Government
2.Lectures on Jurisprudence
3. Early History of Institutions
4. Modern State
De jure sovereign refers to:
1.A person who has legal right to govern and command obedience.
2.A person who is authorised by Parliament to rule the country
3.A person in whom the entire authority is vested by the constitution but does not make use of that power
4.The constitutional ruler of state
External Sovereignty means:
1.Right of the state to act without outside restrictions
2.Right of state to apply international law
3.Right of state to send diplomatic envoys to other states
4.Rights of a state to maintain an army of its own
he concept of political sovereignty is associated with:
2.John Lacke
he Pluralistic theory of sovereignty was first propounded by:
4.Von Gierke
If a determinate human superior not in a habit of obedience to a like superior receives habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society that determinate superior is sovereign in that society; and the society (including the superior) is a society political and independent. Which of the followings said this?
2.Jean Bodin
If sovereignty is not absolute no state exists Who said this?
1.John Austin
2.Jean Bodin
4.None of the above
Pluralistic view of sovereignty was:
1.A reaction against denial of sovereignty to state
2.A reaction against to much of importance attached to economic and social groups
3.Reaction against dogmatic legalism of Austinian theory of sovereignty
4.A plea for an independent judiciary
Sovereignty is an attribute of:
1.Despotic state only
2. Democratic states only
3.All states
Sovereignty is an essential element of:
The assertion that the state is not the only association but one among many associations in society is:
1.A Marxist viewpoint
2.A Pluralist viewpoint
3.A Fabian viewpoint
4.An Anarchist viewpoint
The champion of absolute sovereignty of monarch was:
4.Marsiglio of Padua
The concept of external sovereignty was developed by:
1.John Austin
The Courts recognise only:
1.Legal sovereign
2.Political sovereign
3.Popular sovereignty
4.All the above sovereigns
The de facto and de jure sovereignty:
1. Are opposed to each other
2.Can exist side by side
3.Have no relation with each other
4.Are acquired with the help of force
The Legal Sovereign has to bow before the:
1.Real sovereign
2.Political sovereign
3.Popular sovereignty
4.None of the above
The legal sovereignty resides in:
1.The courts which decide the disputes
2.The constitution of a country
3.The body which possesses supreme law making powers
4.The Head of the State
The Pluralist thinkers have attacked the concept of sovereignty on a number of grounds. Which of the following is not a ground of their attack on sovereignty?
1.The concept of sovereignty is against the freedom of association
2.The concept of sovereignty is against individual liberty
3.The concept of sovereignty is against the ideal of international peace and harmony
4.The concept of sovereignty is unethical
The Pluralists are in favour of:
1.Denial of all sovereign power to the state
2.Grant of absolute sovereign right to the state
3.Grant of limited sovereign powers to the state
4.Grant of all powers to associations only
The Pluralists are in favour of:
1. Abolition of state
2.Classless and stateless society
3.Curtailing powers of state
4.Further extension of the powers of state
The Pluralists believe in:
1.Legal sovereignty
2.Political sovereignty
3.Nominal Sovereign
4.Absolute sovereignty
The Pluralists believe that:
1.Sovereignty is exclusively vested in the state
2.Sovereignty is shared by the various social religious economic and political groups
3.Sovereignty is the privilege of social and economic groups only
4.Sovereignty rests with the United Nations
There are several forms of sovereignty. The sovereignty of the King of Great Britain can be classified as:
1.Titular Sovereignty
2.Real Sovereignty
3.Popular Sovereignty
4.Legal Sovereignty
Under democratic system of government the popular sovereignty resides in:
1.Popularly elected representative body
2.The electorate
3.The people
4. All the above
Which of the followings was the bitterest critic of Austins theory of sovereignty?
3.Sir Henry Maine
Which one of the following according to Pluralists is a serious limitation on sovereignty?
1.Inernational law
2.Trade unions
3.Associations operating in the state
4.written constitution
Which one of the following characteristics of sovereignty has been wrongly listed?
Which one of the following described laws as a command of the sovereign:
Which one of the following features of legal sovereignty has been wrongly listed?
1. It is definite
2. It enjoys only limited authority
3.It possesses the power to issue final commands
4.All rights emanate from it
Which one of the following group of thinkers do not draw any distinction between the governemtn and the state?
4.All the above
Which one of the following is not correct about Austins theory of sovereignty?
1.It believes sovereignty is indivisible
2.It believes that legal and popular sovereignty cannot keep pace with each other
3.It up holds the concept of popular sovereignty
4.It has not distinguished between legal and political sovereignty
Which one of the following statements correctly defines sovereignty as a legal attribute of the state?
1.To make decisions with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of the state free of external restraint or coercision
2.To enforece laws made by decision makers over those who are willing to coerce the unwilling citizens
3.To cultivate popular conscience to obey wuch decisions as are made by the legislature and to ensure compliance there of
4.To ensure enforcement of dicisions made by authorities with a view to total and abiding obedience by citizens
Which one of the following statements depict the true nature of Defacto sovereignty?
1.A sovereignty where ultimate authority rests with the people
2.A sovereignty which has the legal right to command obedience
3.A sovereignty which is actually obeyed by the people whether it has a legal status or not
4.A sovereignty which is absolute and Incapable of limitation
Which one of the following statements in wrong?
1.Sovereignty rests exclusively with the state
2.Sovereignty is permanent
3.Sovereignty is shared by the state with government
4.State can give a part of its sovereignty to society
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.Sovereignty implies freedom to conduct intenal affairs of a state
2.Sovereignty means freedom to conduct the foreign affairs
3.Sovereignth means freedom to conduct both Internal and external affairs
4.Sovereignty is the desire of people to have independence
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.The legal sovereign is superior to political sovereign
2.The legal sovereign is inferior to political sovereign
3. The legal sovereign is equal to political sovereign
4.No relationship exists between the political and legal sovereign
Which one of the following statements is incorrect with reference to Austins definition of sovereignty?
1.It resides in a determinate human superior
2. The determinate human superior should not be in the habit of obedience to like superior
3.The determinate human superior receives habitual obedience from the bluk of population of given society
4.The determinate human superior must be responsible for his acts to the elected representatives of the people
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
1.Legal sovereign has power to issue final commands
2.Violation of the command of Legal sovereign is punishable
3. All rights emanate from the legal sovereign
4.The legal sovereign enjoys only limited authority
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
1.Austins theory of sovereignty is in keeping with the notions of popular sovereignty
2.Austins theory of sovereignty is not in keeping with the notions of popular sovereignty
3.Austin exaggerates the element of force when he describes law as a command of the sovereign
4.Austin fails to draw a distinction between legal and political sovereignty
Who of the following was the first systemtic thinker about doctrine of sovereignty?
Who one of the following is not associated with the concept of popular sovereign?
Who said that sovereignty resides in determinate human superior?
Who was the doyen of the Pluralists from amongst the following?
2.J.S. Mill