According to John Dewey contemporary liberalism is:
1.An attitude towards certain things alone
2.Solid programme of action
3.Partly an attitude and partly a programme
4.Both an attitude and programme
As a liberal which one of the following is not true about John Locke?
1.He protected individual on the basis of natural rights
2.He believed that state should uphold natural rights
3. The individual can revolt against state if natural rights are not protected
4.The state is natural and not an artificial institution
Graham Wallas the chief exponent of New Individualism believes that the Upper Houses should be constituted on:
1.Territorial basis
2.Nomination basis
3.Hereditary basis
4.Vocational basis
In the political shpere liberalism pleaded for:
1.Compulsory education
2. Freedom of thought and expression
3.State control of the means of production and distribution
4.Right to property
Individualist theory is supported on the plea that:
1. It will remove artificial berriers in trade
2. It will create artificical barriers in trade
3.It will encourage individual s interests in trade
4. It will help possession of wealth be each individual
Liberalism became a definite theory or philosophy only in:
1.The seventeenth century
2. The eighteenth century
3.The nineteenth century
4.The present century
Liberalism is philosophy which:
1. Pleads for freedom of press
2.Plead for freedom from every form of social control except law
3.Pleads for freedom from all controls including law
4.Pleads for non-interference in the economic sphere
Liberalism originated from word liberalis which belongs to language:
Which one of the following is not a feature of positive liberalism?
1.The state is a necessary evil
2.The state is instrument of general welfare
3.The functions of the state need not be curtailed
4. The state is a moral institution
Which one of the following is not true about liberalism?
1.It stands for individual liberty
2.It has no faith in human reasoning
3.It supports human freedom
4.It stands for constitutional government
Who of the following is not associated with the limiting of the functions of the state on economic basis?
1.Adam Smith
3.J.S. Mill
4. Marx
As a liberal Bentham did not stand for one of the following pick that up:
1.He wanted the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people
2.He stood for legal reforms
3.He wanted status quo in educational system
4.He wanted changes in the electoral system
In 16th century liberalism arose as a reaction against certain factors. Which one of these was not responsible for it?
3.Absolutism of the king
4.Deteriorating social system
Liberalism as a philosophy developed in:
1.18th century
2.19th century
3.20th century
4.Did not develop and remains vague
Negative aspect of liberalism developed during:
1.16th century
2.17th century
3.18th century
4.19th century
The chief exponent of Liberalism in England was:
The main difference between the Individualists and New Individualists is that as against Individualists New Individualists lay stress on:
2.Rights to producers
3. Rights of consumers
4.None of these
Which one of the following is incorrect about liberalism?
1.It advocates individual liberty
2.It stands for equality among citizens
3.It is champion of democracy
4.It wants abolition of private property
Which one of the following is not an essential element of liberalism namely advocacy of?
1.Rights of the individual
2.Free trade
3.The ideal of the secular state
4.A stateless society
Which one of the following is not true about liberalism on the basis of ethical values?
1.Man can develop when state interferes least
2.Man can develop when state interferes the most
3. Functions of the state should be minimised
4. None of the above
Which one of the following is not true about liberalism?
1.It is not antonym of conservatism
2.It is not individualism
3.It is not one with democracy
4.It is not one with capitalism
Which one was not a feature of 17th century liberalism?
1. It laid stress on dignity of individual
2. It emphasised on rationality
3.It believed that freedom was absence of restraints
4. It cared least for capitalists and maximum for the welfare of common man
Who of the following has said liberalism is the theory and practice of an individual liberty political
4.None of the above
Who of the following is not an advocate of liberal philosophy?
1.T.H. Green
2. J.S. Mill
4.Karl Marx
According the New Individualists state:
1.It the only possession of sovereignth
2.Can enforce its will on reluctant associations C.
3.Does not possess
4.Shares its sovereignty with other associations
According to individualists the main duty of the state is to:
1.Protect and restrain
2.Foster and develop
3.Increasingly interfere in normal life of the individuals
4.Control over every aspect of human life
According to new Individualism state is:
1.Above all associations
2.March of God on earth
3.Association of associations
4.One of the associations
Individualism has been supported on ethical grounds by:
2.Adam Smith
3.Herbert Spencer
4. Karl Marx
Individualist theory about functions of the state is criticised because it is felt that:
1.These people believe that the state must be abolished
2.State is necessary for human development
3.State should be given maximum functions
4. State is a necessary evil
Individualist theory has been refuted because:
1.Experience has proved that it is wrong
2.It has unnecessarily enhanced the prestige of the society
3.It is opposed to the system of laissez faire
4. It considers that the state is essential development.
Individualists believe that state:
1.Should be given more powers
2.Should be immediately dissolved
3.Is an evil
4.Is necessary evil
Individualists believe that the individual:
1. Cannot decide about his own welfare
2.Collective welfare is better than individual welfare
3.Is the best judge to decide about his own welfare
4.Needs leaders for deciding his welfare
Liberalism as a philosophy flourished maximum in:
Liberalism flourished in England because:
1. It had a strong middle class
2. It was an industrially advanced country
3.It had a monarchical system of government
4. It had an unwritten constitution
Liberalism is not a principle it is:
3.Normal instruction
4.An opinion of certain thinkers
Modern individualists believe that:
1.Means of production should remain in the hands of private enterprises
2.Means of production should remain in the hands of public enterprises
3.Public enterprises should be given more functions
4.Private enterprises should be given less functions
Modern Individualists:
1.Are in favour of concentration of authority in the hands of the state
2.Wich the state to perform more and more functions
3.Stand for decentralisation of authority
4.Are in favour of abolition of state
Modern Individualists: A. B. C. D.
1.Feel that present system of majority party rule is ideal
2.Feel majority party rule has failed
3.Are of the view that minority should govern the nation
4.Feel full power should be in the hands of bureaucrats
Modern liberalism has tried to struck a balance between the interests of:
1.States of the world themselves
2.Parliamentary and Presidential system
3.Individual and Society
4.Unitary and Federal System
Positive liberalism became necessary because of the:
1. Liberal philosophy of free trade
2.Improved conditions of the workers
3.Improved conditions of the workers
4.Change in the approach of capitalists towards workers
Positive liberalism developed by the end of:
1.17th century
2.18th century
3.19th century
4.20th century
The Liberalism can be traced back to:
1.Early Greek thinkers
2. French Revolution
3.Glorious Revolution of 1688
4.American War of Independence
The name of Graham Wallas is associated with:
2.Guild socialism
Which of the following is not true about Hallowell s ideas about liberalism?
1.Law should be above administrative order
2. Individual should be independent in political sphere
3.Individual s independence in social fields should be checked
4.Individual can revolt against state
Which one of the following are correct views of positive liberals about state?
1.It can promote intellectual faculties
2.It should participate in economic activities
3.It should promote general welfare
4.It should protect private property at all costs
Which one of the following does not hold good in the case of liberalism?
1.It champions the cause of constitutional government
2. It has faith in secularism
3.It supports constitutional government
4.It supports concentration of powers
Which one of the following is not a valid criticism against liberal philosophy?
1. It is a fluid philosophy
2.Its thinkers have divergent views
3.It is essentially a capitalist philosopy
4.It is basically philosophy of working classes
Which one of the following is not main feature of liberalism?
1.It is opposed to blind faith
2. Development of human personality is state aim
3.Man is means and state is an end in itself
4.State is artificial and not natural institution
Which one of the following is not true about contemporary liberalism?
1.It was reaction against totalitarian
2. It has given more importance to individual and less to social groups
3.It has laid more stress on social group than an individual
4.State is little more than federation of groups
Which one of the following is not true about Hallowell s ideas about liberalism?
1. There is nothing like spiritual equality of individual
2.There should be freedom of individual will
3.Natural rights were injoyed by the people
4.State should be created to safeguard natural rights
Which one of the following is not true about liberalism:
1.It is opposed to artificial pressures on freedom
2.It stands for free trade these days
3. It wants limited state activities
4.It favours separation of powers
Which one of the following is not true about liberalism?
1.It has helped in development of democratic idea
2.It discouraged feudal order
3.It discouraed orthodoxy and conservatism
4. It laid stress on the development if human personality
Which one of the following is not true about liberalism?
1.It has faith in world peace
2.It has faith in the philosophy of live and let live
3. It has faith in constitutional Government
4. It has no faith in pluralistic society
Which one of the following is not true about Locke s political views?
1.He supported constitutional government
2.He wanted limitations on state sovereignty
3.He wanted limited rights for the individuals
4.He considered individual prior to state
Who of the following has defined liberalism by saying Liberalism as a political creed is a compound of two separate elements? One of these is democracy and the other individualism .
4.Karl Marx
Who of the following has said Liberalism is the expression less of a trend than of a temperament ?
3.Thomas Paine
Who of the following has tried to defend liberalism on the biological basis?
1.John Locke
3.Adam Smith
4.Herbert Spencer
Who of the following is not associated with liberalism?
1.J.S. Mill
2.T.H. Green
Who of the following is not associated with the defence of liberal ism on ethical grounds?
1. J.S. Mill
3. T.H. Green
Who of the following is not associated with the defence of liberalism on economic basis?
2.Adam smith
4.J.S. Mill
Who of the following is not closely associated with liberalism?
2.Karl Marx
Who of the following is often described as the father of liberal political philosophy?
4. Thomas Paine