Fascism held faith in:
1.International peace and order
2.War and imperialism
3.Elimination of racial discrimination
4. Grant of freedom to all colonial people who were politically fit to assume respobsibility for self governiment
Fascism resembles Communism (Marxism) in so far it stands for:
1. Retention of private property
3.The doctrine determinism
4.A totalitarian state
Fascism was:
1.In favour of absolute right to private property
2. Opposed to private property
3.Silent about right to private property
4.In favour of right to property subject to the condition that it does not came into clash with the national interests
The main objective of the Fascists in Italy was to transform Italy into:
1.A socialist state
2.A laissez faire state
3.A great power
4.None of the above
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.The Fascists are in favour of a strong opposition party
2.Fascism stands for full freedom of press and expression
3.Fascism insists on an independent judiciary
4.Fascism believes that all power should be used by the executive or party bosses
Which one of the followings was supreme according to the Fascists?
1.The people
2.The leaders
3.The elected Parliament
4.The nation
Who said My programme is action and not talk ?
According to Fascists:
1.Peace was the first condition of civilization
2.Peace war the only condition for just reghteous society
3.Peace was the first condition of civilization
4.None of the above
Fascism believes in bringing changes through:
1.Constitutional and peaceful methods
2.Persuasion and propaganda
3.Violent methods
4.Fascism is opposed to all changes
The term fascism is derived from the world facio which means:
1. A bundle of sticks
2.A bundle of rods
3.A bundle of brooms
4.None of the above
Which one of the following arrangements was favoured by the Fascists?
2.Guild Socialism
4.A combination of good features of all the above systems
According to Fascists individuals liberty was possible:
1.Only under a strong state
2.Only in a democratic state
3.Only in a state where judiciary is independent
4.Only in a state with a written constitution
ascism was in favour of:
1. Individual liberty
2.Territorial reporsentation
3.Function representation
4. representation of minorities
Fascism believes in:
1.Subordination of women
2.Equality of men and women
3.Equality of races
Fascism differes from Communism in so far as:
1.It holds that the state is an instrument of exploitation
2.It considers the state a supreme reality
3.It does not held faith in totalitarian government
4.It stands for one party rule
Fascism was:
1.In favour of socialism
2.Opposed to socialism
3. Indifferent to socialism
4.None of the above
1.Encouraged progressive ideas
2.Opposed all progressive ideas
3.Favoured a person to think for himself
4. None of the above
1.Showed admiration for democracy
2.Condemend democracy
3.Showed complete towards democracy
4.Favoured adoption of direct democracy
Fascists state is:
1.A corporative state
2.A classless state
3.Lasisez faire state
4.A Socialist state
The Fascists regarded:
1.The individual as superior to nation
2. The nation as superior to the individual
3.The individual and nation as supreme within their allotted spheres
4. views on relationship between the individual and the nation
The Fascists were opposed to democracy on account of various reasons. Which one of the following reasons has been wrongly listed?
1.Because they did not believe in the inherent worth of man
2. Because they felt that the masses were not competent to govern themselves
3.Because they believed in human inequality
4.Because majority consists of fools
The rise of Fascism in Italy was the result of:
2.First World War
3.Napoleonic Wars
4. Industrial Revolution
Which one of the defects of Fascism given below has been wrongly listed? A. B. C. n D.
1.Fascism glorifies war and violence
2.Fascism restricts individual freedom and curbs human personality
3.Fascism, insists on cooperation between two classes to increase national production
4.Fascism lay too much emphasis on peace and moral transformation
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Fascism?
1.Single Party dictatorship
2.Intense nationalism
Which one of the following is a feature of Fascism?
Which one of the following points is not common to Marxism (Communism) and Fascism?
1.Faith in the importance of religion
2.Hatred for democracy
3.Supermacy of the leadership
4.Opposition to individual freedom
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.Fascists were opposed to wars because it caused unnecessary suffering to the people
2.Fascists opposed war because it could lead to annihilation of their country
3.Fascists favoured war, because it represents the virtues of resoluteness and audacity
4.Fascists made no reference to war or peace
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.Fascism believes in class-war
2.Fascism does not believe in class-war
3.Fascism believes in a classless society
4.Fascism believes in stateless society
Which one of the following statements is in keeping with the programme of the Fascists?
1.A state is the embodiment of class conflict
2.Existence of a strong opposition is essential far a good government
3.Capitalism is the best system which primates the good of all sections of society
4.A state must expand or period
Who said war alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to meet?