According to Weber, the three types of leadership are:
1. rational, feudal and capitalistic
2. feudal, traditional and charismatic, traditional and charismatic
4. none of the above
According to Weber the groups which are specifically concerned with influencing policies and making decisions in the interests of their membership are called_____________.
1. Parties
3.Political Parties
4.Relative Classes
According to Weber, which are stems from an individuals emotional stage at a particular time?
1. Affective action
2.Reflective action
3.Spring action
4.Rational action
Institutional belief system is one which is:
1. adopted by only one institution
2.adopted by few institution
3.adopted by a particular Society
4.discarded by all institution
Social institutions are sets of organised human relationships established by common will was said by:
1.C.H. Colley
2.E.A. Ross
3.Kingsley Davis
4.Sheriff and Sheriff
These days in India the institution of marriage is weakening because:
1.Our religious leaders are becoming rigid
2.women are becoming economically sell-sufficient
3.less number of people are liking to marry
4.people prefer small size family
Which among the following constitutes a group?
1.Vegetables sellers following one another into a lane.
2.Members of a circus company engaged in performance.
3.Children running out of the school after it is closed for the day.
4.Partnership that has failed.
Which among the following is institutionalized and involves the right to take certain actions including decisions to issue commands?
Which among the following is not a secondary group?
1.Political party
2.A city
3.Labour union
4.Students in a class room
Which among the following is secondary group?
1.Nurses attending upon patient
2.Production efficiency council in a factory
3.A picnic group
4.Cooperative Society
With whose name will you associate the Voluntaristic theory of Action?
According to H.M. Johnson, which one stands important for integration and pattern maintenance?
According to Parsons, society is a system having four basic functional prior conditions, they are-
1.adaptation, goal-orientation, integration and pattern maintenance, socialization, social control and religion
3.economic institutions, political institutions ideology and kinship
4.none of the above
According to Tonnies, neighbourhood is types of_____________.
3.Social group
4.Primary group
According to_________, self and society are not identical
Belief system in every religious system:
1.has some symbolic expressions
2.has nothing to do with symbols
3. adopts symbols when necessary
4.discards symbols at will
Find out the incorrect match-
1.Horizontal group ? craft union
2.Spatial groups ? corporation
3.Secondary group ? corporation
4.Primary group ? political party
Force theory about origin of society is not accepted because it is believed that:
1.It is not historically correct
2.State was given by God
3.It creates feat in the minds of the people
4.It is by now clear that state is expansion of families
Force theory about origin of society makes us believes that:
1.Society was given by God
2. Force brought society into existence
3.Force has nothing to do with the emergence of society
4.Force has no relevance with the coming of society
George Simmels classification of group as monad, dyad, triad etc. is based on:
1.physical proximity
2.nature of membership relations
In India, the institution of family has a trend towards:
1.Joint family
2.Single family
3.Patriarchal family
4.Matriarchal family
In society differences grow due to:
Indicate which of the following a group?
1. Some members of Bar Association discussing matters concerning their Association.
2.Some surgeons discussing an important subject of surgery.
3.An executive body of a trade union.
4.A horse-man, a cyclist, and a pedestrian going along the road.
Industry is institutional structure of an institution which by nature is:
Institutional belief system:
1.cannot at all be changed
2.can be changed easily
3.can be changed rarely
4.can be changed only when few powerful in the society like that
Lack of aptitude
4.Both adopted and natura
Mark out the primary group among the following:
1.Members of a trade union
3.Students of history
4. The social workers
Member of a small trade union is:
1.A social group
2. An associational group
3.A statistical group
4.A primary group
Norm is:
1.actual behaviour
2.a culturally shared definition of desirable behaviour
3.behaviour desired by majority of the individuals
4.standard of behaviour
Norms are
1.the conducts which incorporate value-judgments
2.the standardized generalisations
3.the conducts which are the guidelines of the expected behaviour
4.not pattern setting limits or the behaviour of an individual
Pick up one which is not true of an institution:
1. It is least concerned with customs and mores
2.Customs and mores are its distinguishing feature
3.It meets primary needs of the people
4.It is very stable
Social norms refer to:
1.all types of behaviour
2.the most frequently observed behaviour in a society
3.right type of behaviour
4.those standards or rules which specify appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
Social structure is a/an-
1.structural coherence
2.integration of ultimate values
3.ritualistic expression
4.functional arrangement
Socialism is a _____ not a process.
2. Virtue
3.biological specialization
4.state of nature
Sociology is the interpretive understanding of social action. This definition was brought by-
1.Max Weber
2.Karl Marx
3.C. Levi Strauss
4.Henry Maine
Striving for admission is a ___________ behaviour.
1.reference group
2. primary group
4.secondary group
When universalism is combined with achievement values, the result is a social structure of-
1.universalistic-achievement pattern
2. particularistic-ascription pattern
3. universalistic-ascription pattern
4.particularistic-achievement pattern
Which among the following are reference groups?
1.College going students
2.Nuclear scientists
3.Marine engineers
Which among the following do not constitute the reference group?
1.Cambridge scholars
2.Nov Ratans in the Court of Vikramaditya
3. Urchins on the road side
4.Members of the United Nations
Which among the following has influenced mans faith and belief most?
1. the habitats
2.levels of culture achieved
3.the expanding experience
4.the in-born feeling
Which of the following is not a characteristic of social group?
1.Its members are conscious of shared membership.
2.Its members accept certain rights and obligations.
3.Its members are a casual collection of people
4.Its members have a distinctive set of interpersonal relations.
Which of the following is not the characteristic of an institution?
1.It must follow some well-established rules
2.Its strength is based on obedience to rules
3.These grow with the society
4.These have no definite objectives
Which of the following statements gives correct explanation of norms:
1.norms are those standards of group behaviour which the members must follow
2.norms are those standards which are obeyed to bring diffusion among the individuals
3.norms are certain rules which are adopted to keep the individuals away from any kind of interaction
4.norms act against the modes of behaviour of the individuals
Which one of the following is not correct about institutional structure?
1.There is rule to codify its working
2.There are no codified rules of its working
3.There are symbols which synthesize relationship
4.It is bound with the others
Who among the following does not fall under the category of community?
1.Keralites in Delhi
2.Trade union movement
3.The people of U.S. origin
4.None of the above
Who among the following have applied reference group theory in understanding sanskritization process in India?
1.Damle and Lynch
2. O. Lewis and Majumdar
3.Marriott and Singer
4.Srinivas and Beteille
Who among the following introduced the concept of imaginary reference group?
1.New Comb
Who of the following has defined institution by saying that, Institution is definite organisation pursuing some specific interest in a specific way?
1.R.M. Maclver
4.E.A. Ross
Who of the following has said that A social institution is a functional configuration of culture pattern?
1.Kimball Young
4.Gillin and Gillin