Engineering/Civil Engineering MCQS-Surveying Section 4 Sample Test,Sample questions

A lemniscate curve will not be transitional throughout, if its deflection angle, is





For preparation of a contour plan for a route survey

1. method of squares is used

2.method of trace contour is used

3.method of cross profile is used

4. indirect method of contouring is used.

From any point on the surface with a given inclination

1.only one contour gradient is possible

2. two contour gradients are possible

3. indefinite contour gradients are possible

4.all the above.

In levelling operation,

1.The first sight on any change point is a back sight

2. The second sight on any change point is a fore sight

3.The line commences with a fore sight and closes with a back sight

4.The line commences with a back sight and closes with a foresight.

Reduced bearing of a line is an angle between

1. north line and given line measured clockwise

2.. north line and given line measured anticlockwise

3.east or west and the given line

4. given line and the part of the meridian whether N end or S end, lying adjacent to it.

If the radius of a simple curve is 600 m, the maximum length of the chord for calculating offsets, is taken

1.10 m

2.15 m

3.20 m

4.30 m

In a lemniscate curve the ratio of the angle between the tangent at the end of the polar ray and the straight, and the angle between the polar ray and the straight, is





In an adjusted level, when the bubble is central, the axis of the bubble tube becomes parallel to

1.line of sight

2. line of collimation

3.axis of the telescope

4. None of these

The method of finding out the difference in elevation between two points for eliminating the effect of curvature and refraction, is

1.reciprocal levelling

2.precise levelling

3.differential levelling

4. flying levelling

The zero of the graduated circle of a prismatic compass is located at

1. north end

2.east end

3.south end

4.west end.

Total latitude of a point is positive if it lies

1. north of the reference parallel

2. south of the reference parallel

3.east of the reference parallel

4.west of the reference parallel.

Transition curves are introduced at either end of a circular curve, to obtain

1.gradually decrease of curvature from zero at the tangent point to the specified quantity at the junction of the transition curve with main curve

2.gradual increase of super-elevation from zero at the tangent point to the specified amount at the junction of the transition curve with main curve

3.gradual change of gradient from zero at the tangent point to the specified amount at the junction of the transition curve with main curve

4.none of these.

While measuring with a metallic tape of 30 m length pull should be applied

1.1 kg

2.2 kg

3.3 kg

4.4 kg

A standard steel tape of length 30 m and cross-section 15 x 1.0 mm was standardised at 25°C and at 30 kg pull. While measuring a base line at the same temperature, the pull applied was 40 kg. If the modulus of elasticity of steel tape is 2.2 x 106 kg/cm2, the correction to be applied is

1.0.000909 m

2. + 0.0909 m

3.0.000909 m

4. none of these

ABCD is a rectangular plot of land. If the bearing of the side AB is 75°, the bearing of DC is





Accurate measurement of deflection angles with a transit not properly adjusted may be made by

1.setting the vernier A at zero at back station and then plunging the telescope

2. setting the vernier A at zero at back station and turning the instrument to the forward station

3.taking two back sights one with the telescope normal and the other with telescope inverted

4.none of these.

An angle of deflection right, may be directly obtained by setting the instrument to read on back station

2.180° on back station


4.270° on back station.

Angles to a given pivot station observed from a number of traverse stations when plotted, the lines to the pivot station intersect at a common point

1.angular measurements are correct and not the linear measurements

2.linear measurements are correct and not the angular measurements

3.angular and linear measurements are correct and not the plotting of traverse

4. angular and linear measurements and also plotting of the traverse are correct.

Flint glass

1. has slightly the greater refracting power than crown glass

2. has roughly double refracting power than that of crown

3.and crown glass proportions yield the required focal length and neutralise the dispersion produced by the convex lens at the emergence from the concave

4.all the above.

Greater accuracy in linear measurements, is obtained by

1.tacheometry chaining

3. direct taping

4.all the above.

Grid lines are parallel to

1. magnetic meridian of the central point of the grid

2. line representing the central true meridian of the grid

3.geographical equator

4.none of these.

he horizontal angle between true meridian and magnetic meridian, is known


2.magnetic declination



If whole circle bearing of a line is 120°, its reduced bearing is

1.S 20° E

2.S 60° E

3.N 120° E

4.N 60° E.

The reduced bearing of a line is N 87° W. Its whole circle bearing is





Magnetic bearing of a survey line at any place

1.remains constant

2.changes systematically

3.varies differently in different months of the year always greater than true bearing.

Magnetic declination at any place

1.remains constant

2.does not remain constant


4. changes abruptly.

Perpendicularity of an offset may be judged by eye, if the length of the offset is

1.5 m

2.10 m

3.15 m

4.20 m

Ranging in chain survey means

1. looking at an isolated point not on the line

2. establishing an intermediate point on the line

3.determining the distance between end points

4.determining the offset distance

Surveys which are carried out to depict mountains, rivers, water bodies, wooded areas and other cultural details, are known as

1.cadastral surveys

2. city surveys

3.topographical surveys map surveys

Systematic errors are those errors

1. which cannot be recognised

2.whose character is understood

3.whose effects are cumulative and can be eliminated

4.none of these.

The apparent error on reversal is

1.equal to the actual error

2. twice the actual error

3. thrice the actual error

4.none of these.

The bearing of AB is 190° and that of CB is 260° 30'. The included angle ABC, is

1. 80° 30'

2.99° 30'

3. 70° 30'

4. none of these

The bearings of two traverse legs AB and BC are N52° 45' E and N34° 30' E respectively. The deflection angle is

1.18° 15' E

2.18° 15' N

3.18° 15' W

4.18° 15' L

The co-ordinate of a point measured perpendicular to the parallel, is called latitude

2.meridian distance

3. total departure

4.consecutive co-ordinate.

The magnetic meridian at any point, is the direction indicated by a freely suspended

1.magnetic needle

2.and properly balanced magnetic needle

3.properly balanced and uninfluenced by local attractive force

4.magnetic needle over an iron pivot.

The power of a lens

1. is reciprocal of its focal length

2. is positive if it is a convex lens

3. is negative if it is a concave lens

4. is measured in diopter.

The total change in level along the line is equal to total back sights

1.minus total fore sights

2.the total rises minus total falls

3. the reduced level of last point minus reduced level of the first point

4.all the above.

Which of the following introduces an error of about 1 in 1000 if 20 m chain is used

1. length of chain 20 mm wrong end of the chain 0.9 m off the line end of chain 0.9 m higher than the other

4.all the above.


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