Engineering/Civil Engineering MCQS-Surveying Section 3 Sample Test,Sample questions

Cross-staff is used for

1.setting out right angles

2.measuring contour gradient

3. taking levels

4. measuring distances

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Imaginary line passing through points having equal magnetic declination is termed as


2.agonic line

3.isoclinic line

4.none of these

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Back bearing of a line is equal to

1.Fore bearing ± 90°

2.Fore bearing ± 180°

3.Fore bearing ± 360°

4.Fore bearing ± 270°

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

For orientation of a plane table with three points A, B and C, Bessel's drill is

1.Align b through a and draw a ray towards c, align a through b and draw a ray towards c, finally align c through the point of intersection of the previously drawn rays

2.Align c through a and draw a ray towards b, align a through c and draw a ray towards b, finally align b through the point of intersection of the previously drawn rays

3.Align c through b and draw a ray towards a, align b through c and draw a ray towards a, finally align a, through the point of intersection of the previously, drawn rays

4. In the first two steps any two of the points may be used and a ray drawn towards the third point, which is sighted through the point of intersection of previously drawn rays in the final step.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

If a tacheometer is fitted with an anal-latic lens

1. additive constant is 100, multiplying constant is zero

2.multiplying constant is 100, additive constant is zero

3.both multiplying and additive constants are 100

4.both multiplying and additive constants are 50.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Ramsden eye-piece consists of

1.two convex lenses short distance apart

2.two concave lenses short distance apart convex lens and one concave lens short distance apart

4.two plano-convex lenses short distance apart, with the convex surfaces facing each other.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The distance between steps for measuring down hill to obtain better accuracy

1.decreases with decrease of slope

2.increases with increase of slope

3.decreases with increase of slope

4.decreases with decrease of weight of the chain.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The longitudinal section of the surface of bubble tube is





Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

A clinometer is used for

1.measuring angle of slope

2.correcting line of collimation

3.setting out right angles

4. defining natural features.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

A theodolite is said to be in perfect adjustment if

1.rotation axis is vertical to the transit axis

2.transit axis is perpendicular to line of collimation

3.line of collimation sweeps out a vertical plane while the telescope is elevated or depressed

4.all the above

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

A traverse deflection angle is

1.less than 90°

2.more than 90° but less than 180°

3.the difference between the included angle and 180°

4.the difference between 360° and the included angle.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Diurnal variation of magnetic declination is

1.greater at equator than nearer the poles

2. less at equator than nearer the poles

3. less in summer than in winter

4.same at all latitudes and during different months.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

he Random errors tend to accumulate proportionally to

1.numbers of operations involved

2.reciprocal of operations involved

3.square root of the number of operation involved

4.cube root of the number of operation involved.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

If the smallest division of a vernier is longer than the smallest division of its primary scale, the vernier is known as vernier

2.double vernier

3.retrograde vernier

4. simple vernier.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

In a constant level tube, size of the bubble remains constant because upper wall is

1.of relatively larger radius

2.of relatively smaller radius

4.convex downwards.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

In an internal focusing telescope

1. the objective is at a fixed distance from the diaphragm

2.the focusing is done by the sliding of a divergent lens.

3.the focusing divergent lens is situated at about the middle of the tube

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

In reciprocal levelling, the error which is not completely eliminated, is due to's curvature

2.non-adjustment of line of collimation


4.non-adjustment of the bubble tube.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

In tacheometrical observations, vertical staff holding is generally preferred to normal staffing, due to

1. ease of reduction of observations

2.facility of holding

3. minimum effect of careless holding on the result

4. none of these

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.A level surface is perpendicular at all points to the direction of gravity

2.A level line lies in level surface

3.A horizontal surface is normal to the direction of gravity at only one point

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.the lines of sight while observing back sight and fore sight lie in the same horizontal plane

2.the staff readings are measurements made vertically downwards from a horizontal plane

3.the horizontal plane with reference to which staff readings are taken, coincides with the level surface through the telescope axis

4. all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Pick up the correct statement from the following : the earth's magnetic field, a magnetic needle rests in magnetic meridian

2.the angle between the true meridian and the magnetic meridian is called magnetic variation end of the magnetic needle supported at its centre of gravity tends to dip down towards the. nearer magnetic pole of the earth

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.If the slope of the curve of a mass diagram in the direction of increasing abscissa is downward, it indicates an embankment

2.The vertical distance between a maximum ordinate and the next forward maximum ordinate represents the whole volume of the embankment

3.The vertical distance between a minimum ordinate and the next forward maximum ordinate represents the whole volume of a cutting

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Prismatic compass is considered more accurate than a surveyor's compass, because is provided with a better magnetic needle

2. it is provided with a sliding glass in the object vane

3. its graduations are in whole circle bearings is provided with a prism to facilitate reading of its graduated circle

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Removal of parallax, may be achieved by focussing

1.the objective

2.the eye-piece

3.the objective and the eye-piece

4. none of these

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Simpson's rule for calculating areas states that the area enclosed by a curvilinear figure divided into an even number of strips of equal width, is equal to

1. half the width of a strip, multiplied by the sum of two extreme offsets, twice the sum of remaining odd offsets, and thrice the sum of the even offsets third the width of a strip, multiplied by the sum of two extreme offsets, twice the sum of remaining odd offsets and four times the sum of the even offsets third the width of a strip, multiplied by the sum of two extreme offsets, four times the sum of the remaining odd offsets, and twice the sum of the even offsets sixth the width of a strip, multiplied by the sum of the two extreme offsets, twice the sum of remaining odd offsets and four times the sum of the even offsets

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The 'fix' of a plane table from three known points, is good, if

1.middle station is nearest

2.middle station is farthest

3.either the right or left station is nearest

4. none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The 'point of curve' of a simple circular curve, is

1.point of tangency

2.point of commencement

3.point of intersection

4.mid-point of the curve

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The bubble tube is nearly filled with

1.alcohol or chloroform

2. a liquid which is very mobile

3. a liquid having low freezing point

4. a liquid having low freezing point

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The construction of optical square is based, on the principle of optical



3. double refraction

4.double reflection.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The curve composed of two arcs of different radii having their centres on the opposite side of the curve, is known

1.a simple curve

2. a compound curve

3. a reverse curve

4.a vertical curve.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The direction of steepest slope on a contour, is

1.along the contour an angle of 45° to the contour

3. at right angles to the contour

4.none of these

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The least count of a vernier scale is

1.sum of the smallest divisions of main and vernier scales

2.value of one division of the primary scale divided by total number of divisions of vernier scale

3.value of one division of vernier scale divided by total number of divisions of primary scale

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The main plate of a transit is divided into 1080 equal divisions. 60 divisions of the vernier coincide exactly with 59 divisions of the main plate. The transit can read angles accurate upto





Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The minimum range for sliding the focusing lens in the internal focusing telescope for focusing at all distances beyond 4 m is

1.5 mm

2.10 mm

3.15 mm

4.20 mm

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The ratio of the angles subtended at the eye, by the virtual image and the object, is known as telescope's

1. resolving power


3.field of view


Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The slope correction may be ignored if

1.the slope of the ground is less than 3° slope of the ground is say 1 in 19

3. both (a) and (b)

4. neither (a) nor (b)

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The tangent to the liquid surface in a level tube, is parallel to the axis of the level tube at

1.every point of the bubble

2.either end of the bubble

3.the mid-point of the bubble where.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

The true meridian of a place is the line in which earth's surface is intersected by a plane through

1.east and west points

2. zenith and nadir points

3.north and south geographical poles

4.north and south magnetic poles.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

Which one of the following procedures for getting accurate orientation is the most distinctive feature of the art of plane tabling





Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

While measuring a chain line between two stations A and B intervened by a raised ground gets obstructed

2. chaining gets obstructed

3.both vision and chaining get obstructed

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27

While rotating the theodolite in the horizontal plane, the bubble of the bubble tube takes up the same position in its tube, it indicates

1. the rotation axis is vertical

2.the trummion axis is horizontal

3.the line of collimation is perpendicular to vertical axis

4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2021-03-26 07:56:27


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