Data structure/Data Structure MCQ questions and answer Sample Test,Sample questions

Among the following, what all could be done on Linkedlist? 

1.For the binary trees to be implemented

2.For the stacks and queues to be implemented

3.Dynamic Array

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2024-03-03 12:10:17

Among the following, which is not an advantage of using a bit array? 

1.The exploit bit level parallelism type

2.Maximum use of data cache feature

3.It is helpful for storing and manipulating in the register set for a longer period of time

4.For the access of individual elements making it easier

Posted Date:-2024-03-03 12:11:20


  1. Data Structures and algorithms MCQ Questions
  2. Data Structure -Abstract Data Types
  3. Data Structure Questions and Answers Singly Linked
  4. Data Structures &algorithms MCQ Questions
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  6. Data Structure (DS) MCQ Set 1
  7. Data Structure (DS) MCQ Set 2
  8. Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) set 1
  9. Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) set 2
  10. Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) set 3
  11. Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) set 4
  12. Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) set 5
  13. Linear Data Structures - List
  14. Data Structure MCQ questions and answer
  15. Data Structure MCQ questions and answer
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