Operating system/Operating System MCQ QUESTION AND ANSWER Sample Test,Sample questions

 A set of processes is deadlock if __________

1. each process is blocked and will remain so forever

2. each process is terminated

3.all processes are trying to kill each other

4. none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2024-02-23 09:21:04

A process can be terminated due to __________

1. normal exit

2. fatal error

3. killed by another process

4.all of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2024-02-23 09:19:42

A process stack does not contain __________

1.Function parameters

2. Local variables

3. Return addresses

4. PID of child process

Posted Date:-2024-02-23 09:21:41

The systems which allow only one process execution at a time, are called ________

1.uniprogramming systems

2.uniprocessing systems

3.unitasking systems

4. none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2024-02-23 09:18:09


  1. paging|Page replacement policy|Secondary memory and Disk scheduling
  2. Operating Systems MCQs
  3. Operating System MCQ
  4. Operating System MCQ QUESTION AND ANSWER
  5. Operating System MCQ QUESTION AND ANSWER
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