How can you configure Eclipse to open a webpage in a browser outside of Eclipse using the Windows (Eclipse) -> Preferences -> General -> Web Browser dialog page?
1.Select Use external web browser.
2.Select Add a new browser and select the desired browser in the External web browsers menu
3.Select Use external web browser, click the New or Search button, add your browser, and then select it in the External web browsers menu.
4.Use the Search button to search for an installed web browser.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:48:50
How can you create a new Git branch in Eclipse?
1.All of these answers
2.Right-click your project in the Package Explorer and select Team -> Switch To -> New Branch
3.Click File -> New -> Git -> Branch
4.Click Source -> Team -> Switch To -> New Branch
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:34:35
How can you minimise all views except for the currently selected view in the Eclipse interface?
1.Press Control-M (Windows) or Command-M (Mac)
2.Double-click the tab you want to maximise
3.All of these answers
4.Click the Maximise button at the top right of the view
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:26:34
How can you set files to save automatically when launching an application?
1.Click Window (Eclipse) -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching, and then select Save required dirty editors before launching.
2.Click Window (Eclipse) -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Save Action
3.Click File -> Save All.
4.Change the project's run configuration
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 14:00:22
How can you view all the commits for a single file?
1.Open the commit in the Git Staging view.
2.Open the commit in the Git Reflog view.
3.Double-click a commit in the History view.
4.Right-click the file in the Package Explorer and select Team > Show in History.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 16:58:48
How do you connect to and debug a remote Java application/server?
1.Click Run > Debug As > Remote Application.
2.You cannot do this in Eclipse.
3.Create and run a configuration under Run > Debug Configurations > Remote Java Application.
4.Click Run > External Tools.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:10:35
In the JUnit view, what is the value in the parentheses after a previously run unit test?
1.The number of errors found in the test
2.The time it took the test to run
3.The name of the package containing the test class
4.The test class name
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:41:38
In this image, what does the circled button do?
1.It expands the comparison between the two files to include whitespace.
2.It allows you to delete the line of code to which it is connected.
3.It allows changes from one version of a file to be applied to another version of the file.
4.It allows you to merge both lines of code together.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:31:54
In this image, what does the circled icon in the Problems view do?
1.It sends the currently selected problem to another view.
2.It indents the currently selected problem.
3.It opens the Filter menu so you can customise what problems are displayed.
4.It jumps to the currently selected problem in the Editor.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:42:40
What can you not do in the Expressions view?
1.Track the value of a variable throughout the lifetime of the app.
2.Change the name of a variable while debugging.
3.Change the value of a final variable while debugging
4.Track values of variables when they are out of scope.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:43:46
What can you not do in the Variables view?
1.Monitor variables that are outside the scope of the current stack frame
2.Set a breakpoint to track a particular instance
3.Inspect the values of an object's fields
4.Edit the value of a variable while the debugger is running your app
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:52:32
What does the Problems view show?
1.All of the answers
2.Warnings and errors
3.Code that does not match your formatting settings
4.Threads containing errors
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:55:03
What happens when you double-click a Revision Time in the History view?
1.Nothing happens.
2.The select file is opened in the Editor in its state at the time of the revision.
3.The revision opens in a Split Editor window alongside the current local revision of the file.
4.A pop-up window showing details about the revision appears.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 14:02:45
What happens when you execute the Run -> Skip all Breakpoints command?
1.All breakpoints are deleted
2.All breakpoints will not be fired when debugging and will not cause application execution to suspend
3.All breakpoints and bookmarks are disabled
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:28:35
What is included in your wqorkspace folder?
1.A hidden .metadata folder
2.A hidden .metadata folder and projects imported into the workspace only
3.Only projects imported into the workspace
4.A hidden .metadata folder and projects created in the workspace
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:50:51
What is not a key part of Eclipse projects and technologies?
1.Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
2.Eclipse Project
3.Java Development Toold (JDT)
4.Eclipse .NET
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:29:30
What is not a method stub that Eclipse will create for you in the New JUnit Test Case window?
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:53:39
What is required to create a Git commit?
1.All of these answers
2.A local repository
3.Staged changes
4.A commit message
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 17:00:16
What is the benefit of using perspectives?
1.To switch between preferences within a single workspace
2.To easily switch between different layouts of views in the Workbenchfor specific tasks
3.To manage the fact that some views work only in certain perspectives
4.To debug multiple applications at the same time
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 16:57:40
What view, within the Team component, displays the commits related to a particular project or file?
1.Git Staging
4.Git Repositories
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:49:40
When inserting a snippet containing variables into a source file, how are values for the variable defined?
1.Eclipse fills them in with a drop-down menu of available optons.
2.They are automatically highlighted in code.
3.They are populated using environment variables.
4.You populate them through a pop-up windows.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:33:26
When selecting the Synchronise Workspace option for a project, what perspective is opened?
3.Team Synchronising
4.Remote Synchronise
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:46:53
When switching workspaces, what is preserved?
1.All preferences
2.None of these answers
3.The current perspective
4. Preferences for a language (e.g., Java)
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:59:01
Which is a valid way to create a code snippet?
1.Right-click the selected code and select Add to Snippets
2.Drag the code into the snippets view
3.Click Source -> Snippets -> Create Snippet
4.With the code selected, click the + button in the Snippets view
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:30:47
Which is not a valid way to create a test class?
1.In the Package Explorer, right-click a class and select New > JUnit Test Case.
2.None of these answers
3. Create a JUnit Test Case class through the File menu.
4.Create the class manually while in any perspective.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 14:01:31
Which is not a way to check the value of a variable while debugging?
1.Hover ove the variable in the Editor.
2.Check the Debug view.
3.Check the Variables view.
4.Watch the variable in the Expressions view.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:47:48
Why might you use the Open Type button?
1.To open a file by its name
2.To search the workbench for a class to open in an editor
3.To find a string in a text file
4.To find all places where a certain type is instantiated
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:35:27
Your code is highlighted in red when running code coverage. Why is this?
1.The code is the cause of a compiler warning.
2.The method is unused or causes runtime errors.
3.The code is within an if statement that is always evaluated as true at runtime.
4.No code calls the method.
Posted Date:-2022-08-09 13:45:05