Software Engineering/Analysis and Design Tools Mcq Sample Test,Sample questions

 Engineering design activities consists of which of the following?

1.Studying the SRS

2.Producing new models of the problem

3.Product design models

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:22:51

 Which of the following represents the use of Conceptual models during engineeringdesign?

1. Understanding product design

2.Undergirding Engineering Modelling

3. All of the mentioned

4. None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:30:28

 Which of the following statement is true?

1.Class Diagram are graphical form of class models

2.Object Diagram are graphical forms of object models

3.All of the mentioned

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:27:49

 Which of these are types of class model used in object oriented analysis?

1.Analysis Class models/ Conceptual Models

2.Design Class Models

3.Implementation Class Models

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:28:42

 Which of these is wrong in terms of definition?

1.Planing is formulating scheme for doing project B.

2. Organizing is directing people doing project work

3.Project is one time effort to achieve a particular goal for organization

4.Staffing is filing the positions in an organizational structure

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:33:27

 Which of these states the goal of engineering design analysis?

1.To understand an engineering design problem

2. To provide an solution for a given problem

3.All of the mentioned

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:19:42

A generic software engineering design follows which of the activities?


2.Architectural Design

3.Finalize Design

4.Analysis & Architectural Design

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:23:36

Architectural design stage include which of the following activity?

1.Generate/Improve detailed design alternatives

2.Select architecture

3.Finalize Design

4. All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:24:20

Conceptual models are useful for which of the following reasons?

1.Understanding problem design

2.Data Requirements and Product design

3.Validating requirements

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:31:58

Detailed design stage include which of the following activity?

1. Generate / Improve candidate architectures

2.Evaluate candidate architecture

3.Finalize Design

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:25:06

What are Design Class Models?

1.They show classes in a software system

2.They represents attributes,operations, association in abstraction from language

3.They show implementation details

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:31:07

What benefits does patterns provide?

1.Promoting Communication

2.Streamlining Documentation

3.Increasing Development Efficiency

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:37:49

What fails a project?

1.Lack of anticipation of resources to accomplish tasks

2.Problems faced by rules governing project

3.All of the mentioned

4. None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:36:14

What is Analysis model?

1.Understanding of design problem

2.Representation of design problem solution

3.Representation of design problem

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:26:05

What methods can be followed if designers are out of good SRS or engineeringdesign?

1.They must do whatever part of product design which remains undone

2. Various approaches and techniques are to be followed to complete

3.All of the mentioned

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:20:59

Which of the following Choices and standardizes patterns for a problem domainpromotes software reuse and, hence, quality and productivity?

1. Promoting Communication

2.Streamlining Documentation

3. Increasing Development Efficiency

4.Supporting Software Reuse

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 07:37:59

Which of the following represents the use of Conceptual models during product design?

1. Understanding the problem design

2.Setting Data Requirements

3.Validating Requirements

4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:29:55

Which of the following statement is true?

1.A class model is representation of objects in a problem or a software solution

2. A object model is representation of classes in a problem or a software solution

3.All of the mentioned

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:26:52

Which of these comes under business activities?




4.Project & Operations

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:34:31

Which of these is not project development activity?





Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:34:03

Which of these terms have its role in project planning?




4.All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:35:11

Why is Modelling one of the best way to carry out analysis?

1.During analysis, It serves as a good test for understanding

2.Provides further documentation for input to design resolution

3.All of the mentioned

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:22:05

Why there is a need for Software management?

1.Software development is complex and expensive

2.It is done with few people with fixed skills and abilities

3.It is not time consuming

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-07-13 06:32:41


  1. Software Engineering Introduction to System Concept
  2. Software Engineering Requirement Analysis
  3. Introduction to Software Engineering
  4. Analysis and Design Tools Mcq
  5. Software Development Methodologies
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