English/CBES Board(Class 12-English)MCQ Questions with Answers(Chapter 1 The Last lesson)-Flamingo book Sample Test,Sample questions

Alphonse Daudet was from which country?




4.New Zealand

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Don't go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means ___

1.getting late

2.very early

3.not early

4.early enough

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Expression 'Thunder Clap" in the lesson means ____

1.loud but not clear

2.loud and clear

3.startling and unexpected


Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?

1.20 years

2.35 years

3.30 years

4.40 years

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

From where did the orders come to teach only German in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine?





Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Who is the author of The Last Lesson?

1.Jane Austen

2.Rabindra Nath Tagore


4.Alphonse Daudet

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

The Last Lesson story was written in which year?

1.1869 - 1870

2.1870 - 1871

3.1870 - 1871

4.1870 - 1872

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

The story ‘The Last Lesson’ highlights which human tendency?

1.Male Chauvinism




Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What attitude of M.Hamel surprised Franz?

1.soft and kind


3.firm and strict

4.none of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What bad news used to come from the Bulletin Board?

1.lost battles

2.the draft

3.orders of commanding officers

4.All of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What changed Franz's feelings about M.Hamel and school?

1.Police Patrolling

2.Orders from Berlin

3.Strict words from M. Hamel

4.old Primer

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?


2.people were happy

3.teachers were sad

4.strange quietness and sadness

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What did Franz find on reaching the school?

1.People were dancing

2.school was closed

3.Police patrolling

4.strange quietness

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What did Franz notice that was unusual that day?

1.quietness in the school

2.soldiers in the school

3.crowd in school

4.all of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What did Hauser bring?




4.old Primer

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What did Mr. Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?

1.new pens

2.new notebooks


4.story books

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What do the marching soldiers under the windows represent?

1.The Dawn of Prussia in the defeat of French people

2.The defeat of Prussia

3.The victory of French

4.None of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What does effects this story speaks about?





Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What does the expression in great dread of scolding mean?

1.to be happy about it

2.very badly scared of scolding

3.To be indifferent

4.None of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What does The Last Lesson signify?

1.Change of power

2.hange of Government

3.change in life

4.Change of teachers

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What does The Last Lesson symbolize?


2.Loss of freedom

3.Loss of language

4.Loss of language and freedom

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What had been put up on the Bulletin Board that day?

1.Teach only French

2.Speak only English

3.Teach only German

4.Teach all these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What made Franz and the people realize about the preciousness of their mother tongue?

1.M. Hamel's words

2.School orders

3.Sudden orders from Berlin

4.School Principal

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What made Franz forget M.Hamel's ruler and crankiness?

1.Police Patrolling

2.Strange Quietness

3.Bustle on the streets

4.The idea of his going away

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What was Franz expected to be prepared for at school that day?



3.essay writing


Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What was there in front of the Bulletin Board?




4.a crowd

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

What were the things being taken for granted by the people of Alsace?

1. Teachers of the school

2.Time and school

3.People around

4.Money and power

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

When people are enslaved, what key do they have to the prison, according to M.Hamel?

1.their behaviour



4.mother tongue

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Where did the parents send their children?



3.farms and mills


Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Whlich language would the students study from the next day?





Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Who occupied the back benches in the class?

1.weak students


3.monitors of the class

4.village elders

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Who was M.Hamel?

1.a spy

2.language teacher


4.School Principal

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Whom did M.Hamel blame for not sending students to school?





Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why did Mr. M. Hamel call the French language the most beautiful?

1.Because it was the clearest and logical

2.Because it was his native language

3.Because people were from France

4.None of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?

1.to complain

2.to say goodbye

3.to gossip

4.to show gratitude

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why was Franz feeling regretful and sad?

1.for reaching late

2.for not learning participles

3.for change of the Government

4.for not learning his mother tongue

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why was Franz reluctant to go to school?

1.wanted to enjoy warm Sunlight

2.wanted to see soldiers drill

3.wanted to enjoy outdoor

4.lesson on participles was not prepared

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why was Franz surprised?

1.Because of village elders

2.Because of police patrolling

3.because of students' behavior

4.because of M.Hamel's kind and polite behaviour

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why was Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel?

1.Because of his formal dress

2.because he gave sweets

3.because he had a flower in his hand

4.all of these

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40

Why were the parents sending their children to the farms and mills?

1. to play

2.to meet friends

3.to meet relatives

4.to earn money

Posted Date:-2021-02-02 09:27:40


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