Economics Interview Question and Answer for freshers/Economics Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

When was the Reserve Bank of India nationalized?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 03:00:44

When was the Reserve Bank of India established in India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 03:00:06

When was the Family planning Programmer started in India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 02:56:25

Which is the only E.P.Z in Kerala?

Kochi E.P.Z.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 02:54:45

Which is the first E.P.Z. in private sector in India?

Surat E.P.Z.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:56:40

What was the slogan adapted for the fifth five year plan?

Garibi Hatao Remove poverty

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:54:48

Which was the period of the fifth five year plan?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:53:34

What was the objective of the fourth five year plan?

Growth and stability

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:52:03

Which was the period of the fourth five year plan of the India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:49:08

What was the objective of the fourth five year plan?

Growth and stability

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:47:36

Which was the period of the fourth five year plan of the India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:44:17

Which period was considered as the plan holiday?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:42:36

Which was the period of the third five year plan of the India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:42:08

Which was the period of the third five year plan of the India?

Industrial development

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:41:05

What was the priority given to the second five year plan?

Industrial development

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:40:07

Which was the period of the second five year plan of India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:39:29

What was the priority given to the first five year plan?

Agricultural Development

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:38:35

Which was the period of the first five year plan of India?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:38:00

Who is the chairman of the National Development Council?

Prime Minister

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:37:37

Which body gives the final approval to planning in India?

The National Development Council

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:36:33

When was the National development Council (NDC)set up?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:36:06

Who was the first chairman of the Planning Commission of India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:35:39

When was the planning Commission of India set up?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:35:14

Who wrote the famous book on Economics Planned Economy of India"

M. Visveswarayya.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-08 01:34:36

Which is the famous book on Economics Written by Dadabjao Naoroji?

Poverty and un-British rule of India

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:53:47

What is the name of the Economy where imports and exports are not allowed?

Closed Economy

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:53:21

What is the name of Economy where imports and exports are allowed?

Free Economy

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:52:49

Which type is Indian Economy?

Mixed Economy

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:52:26

Adam Smith postulated which theory o Economics?

Theory of Laissez Faire

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:52:09

Which is the famous book on Economics written by Adam Smith?

A wealth of Nations

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:51:41

Is India a Third World country?


Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:51:10

Which are the Third world countries?

The developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:50:55

What is endowment?

The money given for a specific purpose; in insurance, fixed sum to be paid at the end of certain period is called endowment.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:50:16

What is commodities of habit?

Commodities whose consumption has become a habit of convention have in elastic demand. For example goods like cigarettes, pan etc. are consumed as a habit. In the case of such goods demand does not contract very much even if the price rises.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:49:48

What is control economy?

This is a system in which government exercise extensive control.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:48:51

What is demand forecasting?

A forecast is a prediction or estimation of a future situation. Demand forecasting enables a firm to avoid overproduction or
underproduction. It is also helps the firm to determine the price policy, promotional policy etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:48:09

What is advertisement elasticity of demand?

Advertisement elasticity also known as "Promotional elasticity measures the responsiveness of demand to changes in
advertising or other promotional expenses. Advertisement elasticity is always positive.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:47:30

What do you mean by income elasticity of demand?

Income elasticity of demand measures the rate of change in demand in response to a given rate of change in income.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:47:13

What do you mean by price elasticity of demand?

The rate at which demand changes when price changes is known as elasticity of demand.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:46:59

Which technique is mainly used in solving the business problems?

The operations research is a specialized approach to investigate into the partienlar problem of the firm. It ean be defined as the applieation of mathematical techniques in solving the business problem.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:46:31

Statistical techniques are now widely used for what? It is used for what?

It is used in dealing with managerial problems.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:46:08

Managerial economics has close connection with which subjects?

Statistics, mathematics and operations research.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:45:21

What is a discounting principle?

The discounting principle is a concept developed from the opportunity cost concept. It is a common notion that the present value of money available after a few years is less than the present value of money available today.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:44:14

What is called price theory?

The price mechanism as expressed through the market behavior of individual households and firms is the central point of micro
economic theory. Hence it is called price theory.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:43:33

What does micro-economics deal with?

It deals with the analysis of small units of the economy, such as individual consumers, firms, individual prices, individual industries etc..

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:40:30

The word 'micro' derived from which language?

Greek; it means small

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:39:11

What are they?

Micro economics and macro economics.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:36:46

Into how many branches the area of economic theory is divided into?

The area of economic theory is divided into Two

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:36:15

What is Economics?

Economics is the study of how goods and services produced and how they are distributed.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-07 23:35:28

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