Xamarin Interview Questions for Freshers/Xamarin Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

How many types of pages are available in Xamarin forms?

There are 6 types of pages available in Xamarin Forms: Carousel Page, Content Page, MasterDetail Page, Navigation Page, Tabbed Page, and Template Page.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:28:22

What is the difference between ListView And TableView?

ListView and TableView controls are similar. We can take them as a single control. The major difference between them is how they layout the items.

ListView: ListView control displays the stacks of data vertically. It is just like a standard Listbox. We use this control to display the order of data in the list, especially the long list, that requires scrolling, like a list of email messages, a list of contacts, or search results.

TableView: TableView displays the stacks of data horizontally in rows. We use this control when we need more space for rich visualization of the item to be displayed.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:27:36

List down the differences between Native apps and cross-platform applications?

In order to develop native apps, we must choose a specific language for developing native applications. In this case, different code has to be developed for running on different operating systems. Languages used for native development are Objective C, C#, Java, and Swift.

In the case of cross-platform applications, a single code can be run on different operating systems. The Code is wrapped in a native application layer, but this always requires customization of user interfaces.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:26:37

Define the lifecycle of Xamarin.Forms apps.

The lifecycle of an app contains the sequence of methods that are called since the time the app is launched until the time it is in the memory. The Lifecycle methods allow developers to write code for initialization or logic or transition so that the app components are initialized or show a specific behavior as and when they transit from one state to another. The developer may want to save state, initialize graphical components with data or reset apps state or free memory during these App methods.

The various life cycle methods of XamarinForms Apps are:

* OnStart: when the application initializes onStart is called. It is the best place to initialize objects
* OnSleep: Once the application goes to the background, the state is called ‘resume’. The app does not die here rather is kept in memory but with reduced priority. OnSleep() is similar to OnPause() in Android
* OnResume: OnResume is called when the application is resumed, i.e after being sent to the background. Similar to OnResume on Android.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:25:20

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Xaml in Xamarin.forms?

XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language) allows developers to define the UI in Xamarin.Forms application using markup instead of code. The Designer allows previewing this UI thereby simplifying the design process.

The Xamarin.Forms pages have markup which has the responsibility of visual design for the UI and associated code to specify some action or logic based on interaction with the UI.

Xamarin.Android additionally supports AXML which is also a markup language specifically made for Xamarin.Android.

The main advantage of using XAML is it provides a clean separation of markup and code, so while the developer can concentrate on the behavior of the application (i.e. the code), the graphic designers can focus on the look and feel of the application. XAML can be compiled, and it takes full advantage of the Longhorn graphics subsystem, helping developers to produce great visual effects. In a XAML file, there is a clear hierarchy of graphical elements and it is easy to understand the GUI design of the app i.e. which element encloses which other elements. The separation of concerns ensures that any changes to the visual aspects of the application may not affect the business logic.

The drawbacks of using XAML are, XAML cannot contain any logic, all the logic has to go into separate code files. It does not directly support conditional processing or loops for repetitive processing of tasks

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:24:26

Which is better xamarin or Cordova?

On the other hand, one of the key favorable circumstances of Xamarin is the capacity to produce reusable code – up to 80%. Be that as it may, a similar code-sharing levels in Cordova can be accomplished through the intensity of CSS structures. Xamarin additionally offers extensively better UX, usefulness and execution

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:23:21

What are the different kinds of Pages present in the Xamarin.Forms?

The different types of pages present in the Xamarin.Forms are:

* Content page- This type of page displays a single view, often a container such as a stack layout or the scroll view.
* MasterDetail page- MasterDetailPage is a page that manages the information between the two related pages.
* Navigation Page- Navigation page manages the navigation of the pages.
* Tabbed Page- Tabbed Page helps the navigation of the children page using the tab.
* Template Page- The Template page helps to display the content of the full page with a control template.
* Carousal Page- This page allows the swipe gesture between the subpages, such as a gallery.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:22:43

How to write platform specific code in PCL project of Xamarin.Forms?

We already know compiler directives concept (#ifdef option) is not available in PCL . But in alternative we have majorly there are three ways to create platform specific code in PCL project.

* DependencyService: It can allow apps to call into platform-specific functionality from shared code. This functionality enables Xamarin.Forms apps to do anything that a native app can do.
* Device: It is a class containing a number of properties and methods to help developers customize layout and functionality on a per-platform basis. (Ex:Device.OnPlatform, Device.OS, Device.Idiom..etc)
* Custom Renderers: By default each page, layout, and control in xamarin.forms are rendered differently on each platform, using a Renderer class that in turn creates a native control, arranges it on the screen, and adds the behavior specified in the shared code. But using Custom renderers, developers can be used for small styling changes or sophisticated platform-specific layout and behavior customization.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:20:56

What is Cell in Xamarin.Forms?

Simple it is not a visual element, but it just describes a template for creating a visual element. And one important note is that Cells are elements designed to be added to ListView or TableView controls.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:19:16

What is Views?

Views are commonly known as controls of widgets. And they can refer to visual objects such as Label, Button, Entry, Image, BoxView, ListView, TableView..etc. All UI elements are typically are sub-classes of View.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:18:36

What does Pages in Xamarin.Forms?

The Page class is a visual element that occupies most or all of the screen and contains a single child. And pages in xamarin.forms are directly mapped to like below:

* In iOS it is a View Controller
* In Windows Phone it is a Page.
* In Android it is a Activity.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:17:56

What are the Effects and when should they be used?

Effects simplify the customization of controls, are reusable, and further parameters can be added in the future to increase its reuse. It allows us to customize the traditional or native controls on each platform. An Effect is recommended when we change the properties of a platform-specific control that is achieving the desired result.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:16:57

What are the various flavors of Xamarin Applications that can be made?

Xamarin allows two different ways of creating applications, based on the amount of code reusability and customization.

The first approach is the Traditional Native Approach wherein platform-specific apps using Xamarin.iOSiOS and Xamarin.Android can be made. This way of creating apps is generally used when there is a lot of customization specific to the platform is required as it allows direct access to platform-specific APIs. Xamarin.iOS is used for iOS applications and Xamarin.Android is used to create Android applications.

The second approach is creating apps through Xamarin.Forms approach. Xamarin.Forms are used when there is a possibility of reuse of a lot of platform-independent code and the focus is less on custom UI. The platform-independent code is separated and kept in Shared Project or PCL or .NET Standard Library and Platform Specific projects consume this common code by including it.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:16:16

What are the IDE’s we can use for Xamarin App Development?

* Xamarin Studio: This is Xamarin’s C# developer environment that runs on both Windows and Mac. Xamarin Studio has many of the features of Microsoft’s Visual Studio and uses exactly the same formats as Visual Studio: solutions (.sln) and C# projects (.csproj).

* Visual Studio: Xamarin offers a Visual Studio extension/plugin for visual studio 2012, visual studio 2013 update 1. And now Xamarin development is directly available from Visual studio 2015.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:15:32

Why xamarin is utilized?

A key advantage of utilizing Xamarin is that the application UI utilizes local controls on every stage, making applications that are vague from an application written in Objective-C or Java.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:14:14

What are Effects and when should they be used?

5 Effects, like Custom Renderers, allow a developer to customize controls for a specific platform. Effects are preferred over Custom Renderers when small styling changes are required instead of a complete layout or behavior change. Custom Effects are created for platform-specific projects by extending the base class PlatformEffect. Once created, they can be attached to the control it is meant for.

Effects don't have any type related information about the control they are attached to and hence if they are specified with a wrong control they should gracefully degrade. Effects are reusable and can be parameterised to extend its reusability.

Eg The sample application demonstrates a Focus Effect that changes the background color of a control when it gains focus.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:13:26

Explain the working of Xamarin.IOS.

Xamarin uses a fully functional implementation of the .NET runtime known as Mono, which compiles the app into a native ARM which helps to execute the code using all the functionalities of C#. It uses all the features of C# and .NET such as memory management, .NET base class libraries, and reflection. Developers then use any of the features of the provided programming languages to create native APIs on iOS while taking care of Apple’s privacy policies.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:07:54

What are the ways in which Xamarin applications can be created?

Using Xamarin Technology, there are two ways in which we can deliver native iOS, Android or Windows apps:

* Traditional Xamarin approach: Through this, direct access to platform-specific API can be provided. Platform-specific apps can also be created using Xamarin, for example, iOS-specific for iOS applications. Android-specific apps can be created.

* Xamarin.Forms: It follows the same architecture as that of Traditional cross-platform apps. Implementation of portable libraries or shared projects to save the shared code and then creating specific applications for every platform that will use this shared code. These were the most used methods for implementation.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:06:00

What are the advancement approaches in xamarin?

Xamarin has two techniques for building cross-stage versatile applications: Xamarin Forms – You can utilize Xamarin. Structures when you need to plan your application one time and offer it over all stages with some minor code changes.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:05:05

What number of Major Awards Has Xamarin Won, What Were They?

This mentioning is possibly displayed in the event that you are searching for after a higher solid advancement in the partnership, they may to be certain need to see your examination of them. Xamarin has won 2 principal abilities: Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms and the Dr. Dobbs Jolt Award for Mobile Development Tools.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:03:41

Mention the different Xamarin.forms techniques to share codes.

Shared projects and PCL are ways to share codes.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:03:10

Do you know about application package modes?

There are two modes to choose from. The first one is the release mode and the other one is debug. Both of them have their own requirements and are used when necessary.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:02:25

How to decide which way to use to Xamarin apps?

For all those applications where you either code sharing is the priority rather than unique UI or that need very less custom functionality, then Xamarin.froms can be used. On the other hand, you can use Xamarin native for all those apps where custom UI is the priority or you have to make custom interactions.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:01:44

What is the difference between Native App and Cross Platform APP?

* Native App: If we want to develop native apps, we need to choose the specific native language (C#, Objective-C, Swift, and Java) for developing specific native app for Windows, Android, iOS.

* Cross Platform App: This is the way to develop all three mobile apps using single code base wrapped in a native application layer, but it always requires customization of interfaces to native languages.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:00:41

What are the types of apps that are built with Xamarin?

The followings are the 5 types of apps that are built with Xamarin- goal 2014 football manager, the secret society, iLearn for kids, parental access and Toolwiz cleaner.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 11:00:02

What are the types of a programming language that support Xamarin development?

Xamarin is unique in the sense that it helps in offering a single language that includes C#, class library and runtime. These types of languages work across all three mobile platforms that are iOS, Android and Windows.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:59:37

State the disadvantages of Xaml in Xamarin.Forms.

There are several disadvantages of Xaml in Xamarin. Forms which can be explained by the following points

* XAML is incapable of containing the code. Usually, the code file must contain all the event handlers.
* XAML does not have the feature of loops for repetitive processing. There are some tools such as ListView, that can generate various children and do further processing.
* Conditional processing cannot be contained by XAML. However, the data binding feature eventually allows some of the conditional processing.
* Classes that do not define parameterless constructor, cannot be instantiated by XAML.
Generally, methods cannot be called XAML.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:58:29

What are the uses of the data pages in the Xamarin .forms?

The data pages help the developers to quickly and easily consume a supported data source and then render it by using the UI scaffolding. One can customize it with the themes.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:57:35

What are the different types of scenario used in the Xamarin .forms?

The following are the different types of scenarios used in the Xamarin .forms:

* View to view bindings
* Binding with the models
* Backward bindings
* Binding with the collections

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:57:16

What are the different types of data binding modes in Xamarin?

The following are the different types of data binding modes in Xamarin:

* Default
* One way – changes in the source affects the target
* One way to the source – changes in the target affect the source
* Two way – changes in the source and target affect each other

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:56:38

What are the products of Xamarin?

The following are the main products of the Xamarin:

* Xamarin platform
* Xamarin .forms
* Xamarin test clouds
* Xamarin for visual studio
* Xamarin Studio
* Xamarin .mac
* .Net mobility scanner
* Robo VM

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:55:28

How to set up the Xamarin?

The following are the 4 simple steps to set up the Xamarin:

* Download the Xamarin installer
* Run the installer
* Configure it
* Activation of Xamarin

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:54:47

What are the different types of layout control present in the Xamarin .forms?

There are different types of layout controls present in the Xamarin .forms. Some of them are:

* Content presenter
* Content view
* Frame
* Scroll view
* Template view
* Absolute layout
* Grid
* Relative layout
* Stack layout

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:54:15

State the Programming languages that support Xamarin Development.

Xamarin is very unique as it uses only one language, and that language is C#, it has a class library and runtime that work throughout all the three platforms of iOS, Android and Windows phone( The native language of Xamarian is already C#). It also offers Xami support for creating a user interface.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:53:07

How to set up the Xamarin?

The following are the 4 simple steps to set up the Xamarin:

* Download the Xamarin installer
* Run the installer
* Configure it
* Activation of Xamarin

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:51:48

What are the different kinds of pages are present in the Xamarin .forms?

The following are some of the different pages that are present in the Xamarin .forms:

* Content page – this type of the page displays a single view, often a container such as a stack layout or the scroll view.
* Master-Detail page – this type of page manages two types of panes of information.
* Navigation page – a page that manages the navigation and the user experiences as a stack of other pages
* Tabbed page – this page allows the navigation of the children pages using the tab.
* Templated page – a page that helps to display the full page content with a control template and the base class for the content page.
* Carousel page – a page allowing the swipe gestures between the subpages such as a gallery.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:49:51

What are the advantages of XAML?

There are many advantages to using XAML. Some main benefits are:

* XAML is often more crisp and precise than a similar code.
* XAML gives a clean division between an application and its code. Thus, it enables a clear developer-designer workflow.
* XAML has the parent-child hierarchy of user-interface objects with greater visual simplicity.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:47:58

What is XAML?

XAML stands for the Extensible Application Markup Language. XAML allows defining the user interface in Xamarin. Forms application use the markup language rather than code.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:47:33

What are the types of apps that are built with Xamarin?

The followings are the 5 types of apps that are built with Xamarin- goal 2014 football manager, the secret society, iLearn for kids, parental access and Toolwiz cleaner.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:47:15

What are the reason to use Xamarin for cross-platform development?

The following are some of the reasons to use Xamarin for cross-platform development:

* Less to learn
* No limits
* Faster time to market
* Fewer Bugs
* Readiness for future

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:46:42

What are the type of apps that use the Xamarin?

There are different types of apps that use the Xamarin and they are:

* OLO – An online platform to order food
* The world bank survey app – An app for the global survey
* Storyo – An app that helps to create videos from picture
* Freshdirect – Your friendly online grocer
* Insightly – A comprehensive CRM and project management application
* Just giving – a philanthropic Interface
* Evolve – The all in one event based informative app
* Super Giant Games – PC games that are compatible with iPhones
* Skulls of Shogun – Another multi-platform gaming app
* Thermo fisher scientific – An app that blends science a lot

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:45:54

What is data binding in Xamarin?

Data binding is the type of technique that is used to automatically synchronize the data source with the user interface. When the data binding is done and the data or your business model changes, then it reflects the changes automatically to the UI elements and the vice versa.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:44:08

What are the types of elements that are used in the Xamarin?

The following are the types of elements that are used in the Xamarin:

* C# language
* Mono .net framework
* Compiler
* IDE tools

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:41:35

What are the types of a programming language that support Xamarin development?

Xamarin is unique in the sense that it helps in offering a single language that includes C#, class library and runtime. These types of languages work across all three mobile platforms that are iOS, Android and Windows.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:41:11

What is data binding in Xamarin?

Data binding is the type of technique that is used to automatically synchronize the data source with the user interface. When the data binding is done and the data or your business model changes, then it reflects the changes automatically to the UI elements and the vice versa.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:40:54

What is Xamarin test cloud?

Xamarin test cloud allows testing a mobile application on diverse devices. Test cloud is also for automated testing on many real devices simultaneously.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:40:38

What are the uses of Xamarin?

Xamarin provides all the flexibility to write the core logic using the C# and also provides the extensibility to design the native user interface for each of the platform.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:40:24

What is Xamarin .forms?

A Xamarin .forms is a type of a framework that helps to allow the developers to build the cross-platform applications for the Android, iOS, and Windows.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:39:56

How to do Xamarin.Android applications work?

Xamarin.Android applications depend on Microsoft's Mono Virtual Machine. Mono is Microsoft's open-source implementation of the .Net Framework based on open standards for C# and CLR. Launched in the year 2001, it was mainly created to allow .Net applications to work on Linux platform, but was later modified to support development on various devices including embedded systems.

In Xamarin, Mono works in parallel with Android's ART. On Android, most of the system facilities like Audio, Graphics, OpenGL, and Telephony are not available directly to native applications, they are only exposed through the Android Runtime Java APIs residing in one of the Java.* namespaces or the Android.* namespaces. The native applications interact with the exposed .NET APIs. These APIs then, through Android Binding call the underlying Android Runtime Java APIs. The architecture is roughly like this.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:39:13

What is Xamarin?

Xamarin is a company that builds the software. The main operation of Xamarin is to build mobile apps that work on cross-platforms. It is used to build the UI for Android, iOS, and Windows operating system. Xamarin application shares the codebase. Xamarin's feature is similar to the native application. A developer can download the Xamarin tools in Visual Studio.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-16 10:38:50

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