Jira Interview Questions for Experienced/Jira Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

How to create subtasks in JIRA and explain issue cloning?

This is the advanced JIRA Interview Questions asked in an interview. Sub-tasking is the process of splitting an issue into small chunks of tasks and each of these can be tracked and worked impudently. The parent issue holds detailed information on all the subtasks created. all these task creation terms are confined to within a single project. Only if all the root tasks are completed then the primary parent task can be closed which establishes dependency in the process. the major steps involved in a sub-tasking process are as follow,

1) Open a parent issue by searching with an issue id or create any new issue id.
2)On the right side of the issue description screen, a small “…” clickable icon will be displayed. selecting this will display all the elements of it.
3) Click on Create Sub-task from the displayed drop-down option.
4)Subtask creation window is displayed
5) enter all the mandatory details like project field, summary, environment, etc in the window and select the create button.
6) This generates the subtask successfully under the respective parent.
7) There are also options available to convert an issue into a subtask as well as a subtask into an issue.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:21:58

Why is an issue labeled in JIRA?

Labeling an issue is important in JIRA to find which category it belongs to. If you want to search any issue later then it can be quickly found with the help of labels alone. Labels should be added at the time of issue creation and they can be modified if required. To check the labels for an issue, you should go under the details section for complete information.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:20:51

How can an issue be shared in JIRA with other users?

On the issue description page, there is one share option that can be used to share the issue in JIRA with other users. As soon as you click on the Share option, it will ask you the username and email ID that has to be filled.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:20:03

Mention one similarity and one difference between JIRA Scrum and JIRA Kanban.

Similarity: Both JIRA Scrum and Kanban is considered as the most powerful process tool for optimization of work and the processes as both processes focus is on continuous optimization and visualizing the workflow. In these cases, large and the complex tasks are broken down and each individual tasks are worked on and completed efficiently.

Difference: Scrum board is the work mode where progress of sprints and tracking of its work is done. Here the team determines the list of issues that has become backlog and then these issues are moved to sprints as per team plan.

In the case of the Kanban board, the work in progress activities is being maintained and their process flow is tracked. Here the team decides the increase and decrease of the number of issues that is to be displayed in each status of the workflow.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:17:57

Can we backup data in Jira Cloud?

Yes, Jira provides backup functionality of data. But it can save backup files only once and next time when you backup, the existing data will be overwritten.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:17:09

What is Zephyr for Jira?

Zephyr for JIRA is an add-on application that provides highly sophisticated test management capabilities right inside JIRA.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:16:06

How to delete a component in JIRA?

To delete a component in JIRA,

<> Navigate to components screen, hover over the relevant component to display the Delete button.

<> You will be prompted to connect these issues with another component if you wish.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:15:34

How is a sub-task created in JIRA?

<> Navigate to the issue you would like to be the parent issue of the sub-task you are about to create.

<> Select More > Create Sub-Task. You will see the Create Subtask screen.

<> Fill in the details as needed, and then click Create at the bottom of the page.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:13:44

What is the use of Move Issue wizard in JIRA?

Move Issue wizard enables you to specify another project in your JIRA instance. The Move Issue wizard permits you to change certain attributes of the issue such as Issue Type, Issue Status, and Custom Fields.

<> Issue Type: If your issue is a custom issue type that does not exist in your target project, you must choose a new issue type.

<> Issue Status: If you have assigned a custom status to your issue, and it does not exist in your target project, you must select a new issue status for your issue.

<> Custom Fields: If you have defined required custom fields for your issue that does not exist in your target project, you must set values for them.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:12:31

Name some reports generated by Kanban projects in JIRA.

The reports generated by any Kanban project in JIRA are

* Control chart
* Cumulative Flow diagram

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:11:08

How are reports generated in JIRA?

Steps to follow to generate reports in JIRA are as follows:

Step 1: Navigate to the desired board and click Reports. You can find different types of reports.

Step 2: Click Switch report to view a different report.

Step 3: Click on the switch report option to view a different report

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:10:24

Can we save search queries in JIRA?

Yes; we can give them unique names also.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:09:46

Is it possible to choose the time grain while generating reports in JIRA?

Yes; daily, weekly, monthly, yearly all are possible.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:08:52

Can a leave request be logged in JIRA?

If it is configured and allowed by management then Yes. Basically, it is nothing but a task. And tasks are allowed in JIRA.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:08:17

What is the benefits of “Move Issue” wizard in JIRA?

The move issue wizard enables you to specify another project in your JIRA instance. Move wizard permit you to change certain attributes of an issue like

>> Issue Type: If your issue is a custom issue type and does not occur in your target project, you must choose a new issue type for your issue.

>> Issue Status: If you have assigned your issue as a custom issue status and it does not exist in your project, you must select a new issue status for your issue.

>> Custom Fields: If you have determined required custom fields for your issue, which do not occur in the target project, you must set values for them.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 08:06:23

What is Quick Search in Jira?

The basic search is better than quick search. But lesser than advanced search. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to define complex queries, without needing JQL.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:46:58

How labelling helps in issue tracking?

Label for an issue is shown under details section. Using labels we can generate reports for categorization, prioritization, resource allocation. We can also use labels to keep track of things or for analysis purposes.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:44:12

Talk briefly on Reports in JIRA?

To track the progress in Agile, a Burndown Chart shows the actual and estimated amount of work to be done in the sprint. A typical burndown chart will look somewhat like this, where the red line indicates the actual task remaining while the blue line indicates ideal task remaining during the scrum cycle.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:43:33

Explain the step by step procedure of how an issue is created in JIRA.

Whenever an issue or defect is encountered while testing, it needs to be reported so that the developers can work on it and take the necessary action to fix it.

We will see step by step as how an issue is created in Atlassian JIRA.

a) Log in to your JIRA account by using valid credentials and get directed to the dashboard.

b) Click on ‘Create’ button displayed and you will be navigated to a window for creating an issue.

c) Enter all the necessary details as required to create an issue.

d) After all the details have been completed, click on the ‘Create’ button displayed on the window to create the new issue.

e) The issue id is generated which can be used in the future as a reference for tracking the progress of the issue.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:40:15

What is JIRA Agile?

Agile believes in delivering value to the customer on iterative basis with continuous feedback loop. JIRA helps in achieving that goal by streamlining the workflow into ToDo -> InProgress -> Done.

To create issues in Agile, go to main menu under Agile tab, click on "Getting Started", when you click on it, it will ask to create new board for the issues for Scrum or Kanban.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:39:32

What types of Post functions are carried out after the transition is executed?

ypes of Post functions carried out after transition is executed includes

* Adding a comment to an issue.
* Generating change history for an issue.
* Updating an issue’s fields.
* Generating an event to trigger email notifications

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:38:39

What do you mean by an Issue in JIRA?

Various organizations utilize JIRA to track various types of issues. Contingent upon how your organization is utilizing JIRA, an issue could represent a product bug, a project assignment, a helpdesk ticket, a leave request form, and so forth.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:37:44

What is scheduling an event in Jira?

Scheduling an event is activated in order to trigger action with respect to the issue. And to perform this scheduling, one should request “Schedule issue permission” from the administrator. This provides a “due date” to an issue to be scheduled for.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:37:06

What information is stored in issue change history?

Creation and deletion of issues, deletion of comments, attachments, and issue field changes are saved.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:36:35

Explain watch list in JIRA?

JIRA allows you to watch a particular issue, so whenever any update comes in that issues, you will be notified. To enable this, you should:

* Click on the word "watch" in the issue window
* If you want to see who is watching your issues, you have to click on the number in brackets.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:36:02

What are the different status, resolutions and priorities in JIRA?

Different statuses are:

* To do, InProgress, Open, Closed, ReOpened, and Resolved.

Different resolutions are:

* Fixed, won’t fix, Duplicate, Incomplete, Cannot reproduce, Done.

Different priorities are:

* Critical, major, minor, blocker and Trivial.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:33:42

For an Agile project, how user stories in JIRA are created?

Following steps are done to create user stories in JIRA for Agile:

* Issue type -Epic and Issue type – Story linked to it.
* ‘Create Issue’
* Go to “Configure Fields”
* Select “Epic link” field to be included in the issue creation screen.

Or you can have a product backlog by creating a main User story and having various sub-tasks under it.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:32:38

What are the limitations when editing an active workflow?

* If a workflow is active, you cannot edit the workflow name (only the description).
* You cannot delete the workflow steps.
* A step associated status cannot be edited.
* You cannot add any new outgoing transition if a step has no outgoing transitions (Global transitions are not considered).
* A step’s Step ID cannot be changed.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:31:05

Is it possible to get back up your JIRA cloud data?

In JIRA, you can take a backup of your JIRA cloud data using Backup Manager. But only one backup file is stored at a time. The existing backup is overwritten by new ones.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:29:50

What is the issue collector?

A feedback form provided to collect issues or bugs on the website that are to be addressed by the customers of the website is one of the features provided by Jira. And to address bugs, users no need to have Jira registration.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:28:04

What is Move Issue in JIRA?

It allows making a mention of another issue in JIRA and the attributes like Issue type, status, and custom fields can be modified after comparing with the target project.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:27:39

Are JIRA and Trello the same?

Trello is a customizable Kanban board but not observing the entire form of agile development. On the other hand, JIRA is a dedicated project management tool that can now be used for test management too.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:27:19

How to share the issue with others in JIRA?

Use the share option which is found on the issue description page to share with others. You can find the share option of every issue with a link to it which can be shared. It can be shared with Name, email, and a note field to personalize the issue.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:26:55

Why JIRA is the most powerful testing tool?

Even though JIRA was primarily designed as a project management tool customizing test management makes life easy. It is a powerful workflow tool and ensures traceability as well as a known environment for quite some years now.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:26:35

Can we back up data in Jira Cloud?

Yes, Jira provides backup functionality of data. But it can save backup files only once and next time when you backup, the existing data will be overwritten.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:25:20

Mention some of the popular add-ons for JIRA?

Some popular add-ons for JIRA include,

* Suites utilities for JIRA
* ScriptRunner for JIRA
* Zephyr for JIRA – Test Management
* JIRA Toolkit Plugin
* Atlassian REST API Browser
* Portfolio for JIRA
* JIRA Misc. Workflow Extensions
* Tempo Timesheets for JIRA
* JIRA Charting Plugin

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:24:25

Mention Is It Possible To Get Back Up Your Jira Cloud Data?

In JIRA, you can take backup of your JIRA cloud data using Backup Manager. But only one backup file is stored at a time. The existing backup is overwritten by new ones.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:23:33

How to delete a component in JIRA?

On the 'Components' screen, float over the significant Component to show the Delete option.
You will be provoked to connect these issues with another Component on the off chance that you wish.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:20:58

How can you share an issue with other users in JIRA?

You can email an issue by using the share option in JIRA. You can also email other JIRA users a link to the issue by sharing the issue with them or by mentioning them in an issue’s Description or Comment field.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:20:08

Explain How You Can Disable Mail Notification For Bulk Operations?

To disable mail notification for a particular Bulk Operations, you have to de-select the “Send Notification” checkbox in the bulk operation wizard.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:19:18

How security setting is helpful in JIRA?

Security settings help control who should have read or write access to issues. This can be done while creating issues or through admin.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:18:59

What are the precautions to be taken while moving issues in JIRA?

If your source has custom types or values such as Issue type, issue status or any other custom field that does not occur in target then either you must choose a new issue type/status to be mapped or provide new values.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:18:32

Can you disable JIRA mobile for the site?

Yes, it is possible. JIRA Mobile is a plug-in that can be disabled at any time by the administrator. If this is disabled, then the users will not be able to get the desktop view of JIRA on their mobile devices.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:17:48

Explain How You Can Share An Issue With Other Users?

You can email an issue by using the share option in JIRA. You can also email other JIRA users a link to the issue by sharing the issue with them or by mentioning them in an issue’s Description or Comment field.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:17:21

Explain Labelling And Linking Issue In Jira?

* Labelling Issue: It enables you to categorize an issue in a more informal way than assigning it to a component or version. You can then search issues according to label.

* Linking Issue: This feature enables you to link an association between two issues on either on the same or different JIRA servers.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:16:55

What are the limitations when editing an active workflow?

If the JIRA workflow is active, the user cannot edit the workflow name and description.

* User cannot able to delete the workflow steps
* A steps involved in status cannot be edited.
* A step ID cannot be changed or edited.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:16:20

How to add your gadgets in the JIRA dashboard?

The following navigation explains how to perform this,

First, go to the JIRA dashboard -> select the dashboard link -> click the “Add gadgets” button on the dashboard -> now use the gadget wizard to pick the selected gadgets.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:15:27

What is an audit log?

Under the Audit log in JIRA, the user can see all the details about the issues generated, and also changes made to any issue.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:14:58

What is the use of move issue wizard in JIRA?

The move issue wizard helps users to specify the JIRA project in any JIRA instances. This issue permits users to perform any type of modification to certain attributes of the issue such as issue status, and custom field values.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:14:37

For any agile project, how user stories in JIRA are created?

The following steps will explain how to create user stories in JIRA;

* Issue type – epic and issue types ->then the agile stories linked to it. To perform this follow the navigation “create issue “page -> then go to the “configure fields” -> select the “epic link”.

* Or the user can have a product backlog feature -> by creating the main user story -> create sub-tasks under it.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 05:14:11

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