Firebase Interview Questions for Freshers/Firebase Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

I Am An Existing Google Cloud Messaging (gcm) Developer, And I Want To Use Firebase Notifications. What Should I Do?

Firebase Notifications is an out-of-the-container answer that lets every body send notifications to target specific audiences based totally on Firebase Analytics insights. Also, Firebase Notifications gives funnel evaluation for every message, allowing clean evaluation of notification effectiveness. If you are an present GCM developer, to use Firebase Notifications you need to upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs. See the courses for migrating Android and iOS apps.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:15:16

Why Does My Android App Access Each Dynamic Link Twice?

The getInvitation API clears the saved Dynamic Link to prevent it from being accessed twice. Be positive to name this API with the autoLaunchDeepLink parameter set to false in every of the deep link sports to clean it for the case when the pastime is brought about outdoor the main activity.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:14:17

How Quickly Does The Remote Config Service Return Fetched Values After My App Sends A Fetch Request?

Devices generally acquire fetched values in less than a 2d, and often obtain fetched values in milliseconds. The Remote Config provider handles fetch requests inside milliseconds, but the time required to complete a fetch request will rely upon the community velocity of the device and the latency of the network connection utilized by the tool.If your aim is to make fetched values take effect to your app as soon as feasible, but without developing a jarring person experience, consider adding calls to activateFetched on every occasion that your app does a full screen refresh.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:13:32

What Are The Scaling Limitations Of The Realtime Database?

Each Realtime Database instance has limits at the wide variety of write operations in line with 2nd. For small writes, this restriction is approximately one thousand write operations according to second. In addition, each database example has a cap on the number of simultaneous database connections.Our default limits are massive sufficient for most applications. If you're building an app that requires additional scale, we suggest monitoring your utilization over time and contacting us if you get near those limits. In some instances, we might also want to shard your application across multiple database times for introduced scale.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:11:45

Why Was My Realtime Database Reported Bandwidth Lower Than Average Between September 2016 And March 2017?

For our bandwidth calculations, we commonly include SSL encryption overhead (based totally on layer five of the OSI model). However, in September 2016, we delivered a worm that caused our bandwidth reporting to disregard encryption overhead. This might have resulted in artificially low suggested bandwidth and bills to your account for some months.We released a fix for the worm in late March 2017, returning bandwidth reporting and billing to their everyday stages.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:10:55

I Have Implemented Onmessagereceived In My Android App, But It Is Not Being Called.?

When your app is within the historical past, notification messages are displayed within the device tray, and onMessageReceived is not referred to as. For notification messages with a facts payload, the notification message is displayed within the machine tray, and the information that became included with the notification message can be retrieved from the rationale launched whilst the consumer taps on the notification.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:09:46

I Am An Existing Google Cloud Messaging (gcm) Developer. Should I Move To Firebase Cloud Messaging?

FCM is the new edition of GCM underneath the Firebase emblem. It inherits GCM’s center infrastructure, with new SDKs to make Cloud Messaging improvement less difficult.Benefits of upgrading to FCM SDK consist of:Simpler patron development. You not need to write your own registration or subscription retry logic.An out-of-the-box notification solution. You can use Firebase Notifications, a serverless notifications answer with a web console that we could all and sundry send notifications to target precise audiences based on Firebase Analytics insights.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:08:30

Do I Need To Use Other Firebase Services In Order To Use Fcm?

You can use Firebase Cloud Messaging as a standalone issue, in the same way as you probably did with GCM, with out the use of other Firebase offerings.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:07:43

How Do I Control How My Analytics Data Is Shared With Rest Of Firebase?

By default, your Firebase Analytics statistics is used to beautify other Firebase and Google functions. You can manage how your Firebase Analytics information is shared on your challenge settings whenever.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:06:59

Why Is Firebase Analytics A Recommended Part Of Using Firebase Products?

You can reframe the problem by using "negatively concentrated on" those users. For instance, reframe the problem as "Don't display commercials to humans who have offered something", and shape an target audience of those users to goal.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:06:12

What Open Source Notices Should I Include In My App?

On iOS, the Firebase pod incorporates a NOTICES document which includes the applicable entries.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:03:59

What Are The Supported Browsers For Accessing Firebase Console?

The Firebase console may be accessed from recent variations of famous desktop browsers which include Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE. Mobile browsers are currently not completely supported.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:03:08

What Are The Prerequisites For Linking Play/admob/adwords/bigquery To My Firebase Project?

For linking your Play account, you need to be both a Firebase venture owner and a Play account proprietor.
For linking your AdMob app, you need to be each a Firebase undertaking proprietor and an AdMob administrator.
For linking your AdWords account, you want to be each a Firebase venture proprietor and an AdWords administrator.
For linking your BigQuery venture, you want to be the Firebase venture proprietor.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 11:02:30

What Roles And Permissions Does The Firebase Console Support?

The Firebase console and Google Cloud console use the equal underlying roles and permissions. At a high-stage, those are proprietor, editor, and viewer.
A mission proprietor can upload different members to the venture, hyperlink other Google services consisting of Play/AdMob/AdWords/BigQuery and has full edit get admission to on the venture.
A venture editor has complete edit get entry to on the mission.
A project viewer has simplest study access on the task. Note that our UI currently does now not conceal/disable edit UI controls for assignment viewers, but these operations will fail for users with viewer function.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:58:32

How Is My Firebase Console Language Determined?

The language setting for the Firebase console is primarily based at the language selected to your Google account settings below "Account Preferences" > "Language and Input Tools".The Firebase console is available within the following languages:English
Brazillian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:57:19

Does Firebase support descending sort order?

According to the documentation, there is no descending order in Firebase, it support ascending order:

orderByChild() : The children with a numeric value come next, in increasing order. If more than one child has the same numerical value for the same child node, the children are sorted by key.

We can use Collection.reverse(datalist) to perform descending sort order.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:53:59

Is Firebase key value?

Anything in the Firebase Database is a node that follows the key: value pattern. We can generate unique keys with ease using Firebase Database. Unique keys generate new items, whereas data uploaded to a previously stored key updates it.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:53:11

Which method is used to update the firebase data?

We can utilize setValue() on the relevant child reference to update a single node in our JSON database.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:52:24

What is the set() method in firebase?

We can use the set() method to overwrites data at the specified location, with any child nodes

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:51:50

What is the push method in firebase?

The Push() method creates a unique key each time a new child is added to the provided Firebase reference. Users can use the reference to the new data provided by the Push() method to get the value of the child's auto-generated key or set data for the child.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:51:22

What are the limitations of Firebase?

1. Costs: Firebase free plan is limited to 50 Connections and 100 MB of storage.

2. Hosted solution: Firebase is a hosted solution, so You don’t host the data, Firebase does. You don’t have root access to the location where your data is stored etc.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:50:35

What are the types of Events in Firebase?

There are different types of event available in the Firebase:

1. child_added − This event type will be triggered once for every player and every time a new player is added to our data.
2. child_changed − This event type is triggered when the data has changed.
3. child_removed − This event will be triggered once every time a child is removed.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:49:07

How to create Closed Funnels?

For creating close funnels, the events created by the developers need to enforce this. Understanding with an example, if these floors can happen. Flow 1: Screen X, Screen Y, Screen C, Screen D. Flow 2: Screen A, Screen B, Screen C, Screen D. Only the open funnel is seen in the funnel pages of firebase analytics. It does not show the closed funnels.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:48:16

Is there a need for some other services of Firebase for using FCM?

No. There is no need to use any other service of Firebase for using FCM ( Firebase Cloud Messaging ). It could be used as a strong and stable element.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:47:40

What is the use of Set Method in Firebase?

The use of the Set method is that it is used for writing or replacing the data specifically.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:47:06

What permissions are supported by Firebase Console?

The permissions and roles used by the Firebase Console and GC Console ( Google Cloud Console ) are similar. At an upper level, there are project viewers, project editors and project owners. Members are added to the project by a project owner. The project owner can also link other services of Google like AdWords and AdMob

Also, a project owner has complete access to the edit in the project. The complete access to the edit in the project is also available to the project editor while the project viewer has access in the project only to read. Permissions differ for a project owner, a project editor and project viewer. All these have their own different roles.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:46:36

How to import both an existing app and an existing Google project to a single Firebase project?

To import an existing app and an existing Google project to a single firebase project, the app should be upgraded to a firebase project.

To use firebase invites in the firebase project with OAuth client which is already registered to some other Google project, OAuth client could be added to the whitelist client IDs from Google’s sign in methods

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:42:55

What are the features of Firebase?

1. Hosting

a − Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure hosting for your web apps and your static and dynamic content.

2. Authentication

a. Firebase Authentication provides backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app.
b. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and more.

3. Real-time Database

a. The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data between your users in realtime.
b. Firebase automatically updates connected clients and store and sync data in real-time across all connected clients and also representing JSON objects or data

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:42:10

What are Cloud Functions for Firebase?

Firebase Could Function is a Google analog that is taken into used to develop applications which are serverless. The Cloud Functions for firebase allows running the code of backend itself as a reaction to the HTTP requests and Firebase's triggered events. There is no more need for managing and increasing one’s own server since the data is being kept in Google's cloud which runs in a safe and managed atmosphere. TypeScript and JavaScript can be used for writing the functions. The Firebase features and Google Cloud feature’s events generated by them, the functions can react to these events including Real-time database triggers and Cloud Storage triggers.

After deploying the code written in JavaScript what TypeScript to a server of Firebase along with a command, it automatically carries on with the process of scaling the computing resources that will help to match the patterns of usage of the users. One did not take any tension regarding the server configuration, regards to the Cloud Functions. The function can be deployed with an HTTP request as well and the function will automatically start to be managed by the service of Google. All the connections are cleaned up as the function gets deleted and the event provider also gets erased.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:39:16

What do you understand by a Firebase project?

A project is a vessel containing applications of the web, android, and iOS. Firebase projects are the projects presented by Google which uses services of Firebase. The projects that are available in the Firebase Console are available also in the GCP ( Google Cloud Platform ). The projects are also accessible in the Google APIs consoles.

When a project is deleted from any console, it gets deleted from all the consoles. Project’s distinctive identifiers are shared over consoles and project’s permissions are also shared over consoles. You get the ease to share with users the data overall platforms of Android, web, and iOS. This allows users to enjoy the same experience on all the devices they are using.

To manage every version of the apps that use Firebase are attached to a Firebase project so that the apps could be managed from Firebase Console. Database and configuration between apps from different platforms are features that are supported by the Firebase project.

It is preferred to add web, iOS and android application versions into one single project.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:38:53

Why do you require Sha-1 in Firebase?

The use of Sha-1 is done for simplifying the configuration of Google Sign-In with the help of authentication in Firebase. Sha-1 is not always needed. Its need arrive when you use Firebase invites or the FDL i.e. Firebase Dynamic Links. When one is not using these factors that are mentioned above, you don’t need access to Sha-1.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:37:11

What are the advantages of Firebase?

1. It is very simple and user friendly.
2. No need for complicated configuration.
3. Firebase offers simple control dashboard.
4. Offers number of useful services.
5. The data is real-time, which means that every change will automatically update connected clients.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:36:39

What are the limits to Real-time database in Firebase?

The limits of Real-time database are as follows.

A database of size 1 MegaByte ( 1 MB ) triggers a function. 100000 connections are added as simultaneous. 100000 responses are sent per second simultaneously through a single database.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:35:31

What could be the reason for being unable to use Cloud Storage?

The Firebase Storage helps in easily sharing the data between the GCP project ( Google Cloud Platform Project ) and Firebase. It allows to rapidly start going with the Firebase storage with no more need of putting the credit card in. Firebase storage creates a space in the Google Application Engine.

The reason for being unable to create that space is known to depend on two causes which will prevent you from using the Firebase storage. The first reason could be that the project which is transferred from Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) has projects with domain prefix. The second reason is that the project which is transferred from Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) has a Slave data store application.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:34:29

What benefits will a GCM developer get by moving to FCM?

GCM is an abbreviation to the term ' Google Cloud Messaging '.

FCM is an abbreviation to the term ' Firebase Cloud Messaging '.

FCM is basically the recent version of Google Cloud Messaging ( GCM ). FCM has the core infrastructure of GCM, making it easier for cloud messaging development.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:34:10

What are the advantages of Firebase analytics while using the products of Firebase?

The biggest advantage of Fibre Analytics is that it is free and provides limitless analytics solution that functions with the features of Firebase for more effectiveness. It helps you to keep the visible track of the events in Firebase. Its audience targeting ability is very profitable and suitable for growth in businesses. Firebase Analytics helps you to get access to actionable steps for developing applications with high quality. It allows the business to grow the user base and gain maximum profit by earning money. It is fast to integrate the Firebase Analytics, and also it is simple to do so.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:33:53

Which browsers support Firebase Console?

The Firebase Console is supported by the latest versions of browsers including Chrome of Google, Safari of Apple, Firefox of Mozilla and Internet Explorer of Microsoft. Firebase Console is supported by desktop browsers however it is currently not completely supported on mobile browsers.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:32:46

How is the language in Firebase console determined?

The language in the Firebase Console is determined on the basis of the selected language from the Google account setting. It is as per the language opted from 'Language and Input Tools' in 'Account Preferences'. Firebase is feasible in many languages which include English, German, French, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and few more. Language is one of the factors that provide ease to users from different countries and continents around the world.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:32:09

What are the restrictions in Firebase?

The main restriction in the Firebase is its price since the free plan of Firebase is limited. It allows only 1000 MB of storage and provides just 50 connections. The other limitation of firebase is that the data is not hosted by you. It is hosted by Firebase. The root access to the exact location of the storage of your data is not under your control. By a single write, 1000 cloud functions are triggered

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:31:50

What features are available in the Firebase?

Firebase provides a number of features that are advantageous. The most convenient features of Firebase include Hosting and Authentication. Firebase hosting grant our web applications swift and safe hosting, and so is also provided you are content. Authentication of users is an effective feature of the Firebase provided by Google. Another great feature of Firebase involves a Real-time database that allows us to monitor the changes happening that get uploaded automatically. Fiber storage also contributes up to a greater extent by providing cloud storage for uploading raw files and able to read it.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:31:34

What is the beneficial factor in Firebase?

The benefits offered by Firebase are enormous which includes its user-friendly nature along with its simplicity. It offers multiple useful services for the applications. It's very decent control dashboard is helpful and its real-time data allows to observe every change instantly that occurs in real-time. The complicated configurations are no more needed in Firebase. It storage allows us to upload raw files on the cloud and read it from there itself.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:31:18

What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language.
Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:31:00

What are the features of Firebase?

1) Hosting
2) − Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure hosting for your web apps and your static and dynamic content.
3) Authentication
4) Firebase Authentication provides backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app.
5) It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and more.
6) Real-time Database
7) The Firebase Real-time Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data between your users in real-time.
8) Firebase automatically updates connected clients and store and sync data in real-time across all connected clients and also representing JSON objects or data
9) Note: Try Cloud Firestore, the latest real-time, scalable NoSQL database from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:30:32

What are the full forms of FCM and GCM in Firebase?

FCM: FCM stands for Firebase Cloud Messaging.

GCM: GCM stands for Google Cloud Messaging.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:28:45

Who founded Firebase?

Firebase was founded by James Tamplin and Andrew Lee in the year 2011 in September.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:27:32

What is Firebase?

Firebase is a Google’s platform which helps to build and develop web applications, IOS applications, and Android applications. It adds developer to speedily develop the apps with maintaining the high quality of applications and allows you to grow your business to a higher extent. The platform of Firebase can actually help to empower the application's backend and static hosting. It also contributes to user identification. Real-time database which the firebase of words and many authentication types is advantageous for the applications.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-02 10:27:17

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