Mention the log that has to be seen to report errors in Ruby Rails?RUBY programing interview question set 2/Ruby Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Mention the log that has to be seen to report errors in Ruby Rails?

Rails will report errors from Apache in the log/Apache.log and errors from the Ruby code in log/development.log.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-13 07:47:42

Explain how can you declare a block in Ruby?

Explain what is Polymorphic Association in Ruby on Rails?

Define the background available in the feature file?

What are the various examples of behavior-driven tests written in plain text?

Define Cucumber Dry Run?

What are the meanings of support, hooks.rb, and env.rb?

Differentiate between Cucumber tool and Rspec?

What is the meaning of the term profile in the Cucumber tool? What are the commands used to execute one?

What is the software required to run a test on the Cucumber tool?

Define regular expressions?

Differentiate between Jbehave and Cucumber?

Mention the log that has to be seen to report errors in Ruby Rails?

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Explain what is ORM (Object-Relationship-Model) in Rails?

Explain what is “Yield” in Ruby on Rails?

What are the benefits of using BDD in selenium?

Define test harness?

What is the meaning of the Steps in Cucumber tool?

What is the meaning of Scenario Outline available in the feature file?

Mention the main reasons behind using a simple programming language such as Gherkin?

How can any scenario in the feature file be written?

Define a route for a create action without using “resources”

What is the difference between find, find_by, and where in ActiveRecord?

What is the difference between class and instance variables?

What’s a scope?

What is the difference between a class and a module?

What is the difference between load and require?

What is the splat operator?

What is the asset pipeline?

What is Spring?

What is your favorite Ruby gem?

What do you dislike about Rails?

What is Active Job?

What is content_for for?

What is yield in Ruby?

What is the difference between a proc and a lambda?

What is a block in Ruby?

What is MVC?

What is Rack?

When do we use “self” in Ruby?

What is ActiveRecord?

What logic goes into a helper?

How to declare a constructor on a Ruby class?

What frameworks have you used for backgrounding jobs?

Is Ruby strongly or weakly typed?

Does Ruby allow multiple inheritances?

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