Why do you not need to specify dependency versions in your pom.xml file when including 3rd party libraries? Does that hold true for all 3rd party libraries or only some? How can you find out what libraries Spring Boot supports?Spring boot interview question for experienced/Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Why do you not need to specify dependency versions in your pom.xml file when including 3rd party libraries? Does that hold true for all 3rd party libraries or only some? How can you find out what libraries Spring Boot supports?

This is because Spring Boot does some dependency management for you.

On a high-level, Spring Boot starters pull-in a parent pom.xml file (or a build.gradle file) which has all the dependencies and respective versions defined that a specific Spring Boot version supports - a so-called bill of materials. You can then simply use those pre-defined versions, or override the version numbers in your own build scripts.

You can find the list of all currently supported 3rd party libraries and versions in the spring-boot-dependencies project.

Posted Date:- 2021-08-25 07:43:35

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what happens in the background when a Spring Boot Application is executed as “Run as Java Application”?

How Exception Handling implement using Spring Boot?

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Is this possible to change the port of Embedded Tomcat server in Spring boot?

What is a shutdown in the actuator?

Define ELK stack.

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Can you write Spring application with Groovy?

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How to exclude any package without using the basePackages filter?

What is the error you see if H2 is not in the classpath?

How to instruct an auto-configuration to back off when a bean exists?

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