How is it different from artificial neuron?Biomedical Interview Question and Answer for freshers/Biomedical Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

How is it different from artificial neuron?

Biological neuron is also commonly known as spiking neuron model. This model is mathematical description of the properties of the nerve cell or neuron. This model is formulated to predict and describe the biological processes. This is different from artificial neuron because, artificial neuron is based on computational effectiveness. Artificial neuron is based on the synaptic weight for determining the neuron output.

Posted Date:- 2022-07-20 06:03:59

Explain what is MRI?

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Explain the mechanism of ELISA. What are its uses?

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Do you know what is epilepsy?

How is it different from artificial neuron?

Performing work in a timely manner is very important for hospitals, and our services, tell me about your time management skills?

Tell me about a situation when it was important for you to pay attention to details. How did you handle it?

Working on million dollar equipment can be stressful, how have you prepared to handle this?

Tell me what is EEG scan? Explain the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?

Describe to me your education, what equipment did you specialize in during your training?

What was the outcome? Were you satisfied with it?

What is method of perfusion. State some of its drawbacks?

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How would you handle a situation that required you to fix two pieces of equipment in the same time?

What is technique of gene conversion?

Do you know what is therapeutic cloning?

Do you know what is LMO? State some of its importance?

What is gram staining method?

what do you understand by MRI?

what is blood brain barrier?

How often did you call days off at your previous employment?

What is Alzheimer's disease?

What is DNA fingerprinting?

Would you like to advance your career in any other technical fields?

How long do you plan on staying in this area?

What would you do if you had to switch careers?

What equipment do you find most challenging?

What piece of equipment do you enjoy working on the most?

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