What is nodetool utility in Cassandra?Cassandra Interview Questions for Experienced/Cassandra Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What is nodetool utility in Cassandra?

The nodetool utility is a command line interface for managing a cluster.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-15 11:24:20

Do I need to use a caching layer (like memcached) with Cassandra?

What is a "snitch"?

What are ‘seed nodes' in Cassandra?

How is my data partitioned in Cassandra across nodes in a cluster?

What is nodetool utility in Cassandra?

What do you understand by Snapshot in Cassandra?

How will you move data to or from other databases?

Describe the different consistency levels for read operation in Cassandra?

What is the procedure of data storage in Cassandra?

Does Cassandra use a master/slave architecture or something else?

When to use RDBMS instead of Cassandra?

What do you mean by SS Table and explain how it is different from the other original tables?

Explain the concept of Cassandra Data Model?

What is Consistency Availability and Partition tolerance theorem ?

What is Hadoop, HBase, Hive and Cassandra? Specify similarities and differences among them.

What are the differences between a node, a cluster, and datacenter in Cassandra?

Explain the super column in Cassandra?

What are the management tools in Cassandra?

What is memtable?

Can we change the replication factor on a live cluster?

What is replication factor in Cassandra?

How many types of tunable consistency are supported in Cassandra?

What are CRUD operations?

What are the best monitor tools for Cassandra?

What is the relation between tunable consistency and Cassandra?

On what platforms does Cassandra run?

Explain Tombstone in Cassandra.

What is Thrift?

What is the difference between Column and Super Column?

What is Super Column in Cassandra?

What is Python Stress test in Cassandra?

What are snapshots and how do you create one in Cassandra?

What is JMX? And How is it useful in Cassandra?

What is Hinted Handoff?

What is BASE?

What do you mean by ACID?

What is Anti-Entropy and How is it associated with Merkel Tree?

What is the use of Coordinator Node in Read?

What do you mean by Snitch? Name a few

What are the different types of Partitioners in Cassandra? Explain.

how Cassandra delete Data?

Explain how Cassandra writes changed data into commitlog?

what is Bloom Filter is used for in Cassandra?

Explain what is Memtable in Cassandra?

What are partitions and Tokens in Cassandra?

How does gossip Protocol help in Failure Detection?

What are the general operations of Cassandra CQL?

How does Cassandra store data?

How is data distribution done?

What is the difference between memtable and SSTable?

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