What happens if a durable subscriber is not running? will JMS Server discard the message? JMS Interview Questions for freshers/JMS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What happens if a durable subscriber is not running? will JMS Server discard the message?

A durable subscription is created by the subscriber to ensure that it receives all the messages published by the publisher, even during the period when the Receiver is inactive or down. JMS Provider or Broker will retain all messages published by a publisher for a durable subscriber until messages get acknowledge or expired.

Each durable subscriber is known by a unique name (Client id) and JMS Provider keeps a record of all these durable subscriptions to ensure message delivery, even if they are not active.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-11 07:35:35

What happens if a durable subscriber is not running? will JMS Server discard the message?

How do you find if a message is redelivered by JMS provider?

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If you have a transacted session what happens if you get an exception while processing a message?

Difference between PERSISTENT and NON_PERSISTENT messages?

Does JMS support Guarantee message delivery?

For sending messages through JMS, what encryption options are there?

How you can deliver a java message to a non-java client?

What is MOM in reference to JMS?

What are the types of messages that are supported by JMS?

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Explain how Application server handles the JMS Connection?

Can we send e-mail messages using JMS?

What is a JMS client?

What is the difference between the P2P (Peer to Peer) model and subscribe model?

Describe the concept of Message Driven Bean Clustering.

What is the functionality of the Oracle Glassfish server? What added advantage it has on top of Apache Tomcat server?

Mention different types of messages available in JMS API?

What is the functionality of a JMS message Producer?

What are components of JMS?

Difference between publish-subscribe and point-to-point messaging?

Can we use JMS for sending automated e-mails?

How does a sender application transport/send a message through JMS?

For sending messages through JMS, what encryption options are there?

How you can deliver a java message to a non-java client?

What is MOM in reference to JMS?

What are the types of messages that are supported by JMS?

What is a StreamMessage?

Explain how does the JMS work with the J2EE?

What is the difference between JMS and RPC (Remote Procedure Call)?

How is Message Oriented Middleware responsible for no time dependency between the sender and receiver component with respect to Point to Point model on JMS?

What is Message Oriented Middleware?

What is the principle difference between the working mechanism of JMS and RPC?

What is a JMS client?

What is the difference between the P2P (Peer to Peer) model and subscribe model?

Mention different types of messages available in JMS API?

What is Byte Message?

Mention the difference between durable and non-durable subscription?

What is JMS session?

What is JMS administered object?

For JMS-enabled application, what are the core JMS-related objects required?

Give an example of using point to point model in JMS?

What are the components of JMS?

What is the role of the JMS provider?

Explain the difference between topic and queue?

How many types of messaging model do JMS provide for and what are they?

What do you mean by Synchronous and Asynchronous type of messaging?

What type of messaging is provided by JMS?

What is JMS?

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