Decimal to octal conversion in one line by R4R Team

Octal number-

- A number which expressed in the base-8 numeral system.
- Octal number range is 0 to 7

Decimal number -

- A number which expressed in the base-10 numeral system.
- Decimal number range is 0 to 9

Conversion of Decimal to octal number
Decimal number - 10
Its octal equivalent is 1010

Decimal number - 11
Its octal equivalent is 1011

program -

print("Octal equivalent is - "+oct(int(input("Enter Decimal numbern"))))

output -

Enter Decimal number
Octal equivalent is - 0o12

Enter Decimal number
Octal equivalent is - 0o55

-In this program, we use oct() function which is build-in function in python, which find the octal value for the given decimal number and in the output 0o denotes that the this is octal number.

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