Python program to check number is positive or negative by R4R Team

In real life, human are able to judge that the number is positive or negative because of the human intelligance.
like we know that
2 is positive
-3 is negative
0 is neutral


n=int(input("Enter number to check it is positive or negativen"))
if n>0:
print("Number is positive")
elif n<0:
print("Number is negative")
print("Number is neutral")

Output -

Enter number to check it is positive or negative
Number is positive

Enter number to check it is positive or negative
Number is negative

Enter number to check it is positive or negative
Number is neutral

In this program, we take number as a input and our task to check to identify it is positive or negative so in first if condition we check number is positive and then in elif we check number is negative or not otherwise it is neutral.
We check for different values and show the output above.

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