XML Unmarshaller by R4R Team

XML Unmarshaller:
An unmarshaller deserializes XML stream to an object. there is the org.springframework.oxm.Unmarshaller interface.

public interface Unmarshaller {


* Unmarshals the given provided Source into an object graph.


Object unmarshal(Source source) throws XmlMappingException, IOException;


 Unmarshaller interface also has one method, which reads from the given javax.xml.transform.Source (an XML input abstraction), and returns the object read. As with Result, Source is a tagging interface that has three concrete implementations. Each wraps a different XML representation, as described below:

Source implementation

Wraps XML representation




org.xml.sax.InputSource, and org.xml.sax.XMLReader


java.io.File, java.io.InputStream, or java.io.Reader

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