Types of Mapping in Hibernate or Relationship Multiplicity by R4R Team

In the Hibernate we have the following type of the mapping which are given below:

1. One To One Mapping 
2. One To Many Mapping 
3. Many To One Mapping 
4. Many To Many Mapping

1. One-to-One
A single AccountOwner has a single HomeAddress
A single HomeAddress has a single AccountOwner

2. One-to-Many
A single Account has many Transactions
Reverse of a many-to-one relationship

3. Many-to-One
Multiple Transactions belong to a single account
Reverse of a one-to-many relationship

4. Many-to-Many
Multiple Accounts have multiple AccountOwners
Often realized through two one-to-many relationships
A single Account has multiple AccountOwners
A single AccountOwner has multiple Accounts

Relationship Directionality

1. Unidirectional
a. Can only traverse objects from one side of the relationship
b. Example: Account : Transaction
c. Given an Account object, can obtain related Transaction objects.
d. Given a Transaction object, cannot obtain related Account object.

2. Bidirectional
a. Can traverse objects from both sides of the relationship
b. Example: Account : Transaction
c. Given an Account object, can obtain related Transaction objects.
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