According to Classical Liberals:
1.No one should be sentenced without trial
2.No property should be confiscated without compensation
3.Application of law could not depend on the whims of law makers
4.Any person could be put to death without trial
According to Marx a revolution in the Capitalist society takes place:
1.Due to foreign interference
2.Due to increasing importance of political elites
3.Due to growing antagonism between the haves and have-notes
4.Because of dissatisfaction of the educated people with the system
According to Marx the dictatorship to proletariat which will follow the overthrow of capitalism will:
1.Conduct free and fair elections to elect its own rulers
2. Stamp out the counter revolutionaries and capitalists
3.Protect the capitalists from the wrath of the workers
4.Give complete freedom in the economic sphere
According to Marx the value of a good is determined by:
4.Combination of all the above factors
According to Marxists:
1.Gret men play an important role in shaping the course of history
2.Great men do not play any role in the shaping of history
3. Great men play only nominal role in the shaping of history
4. None of the above things
Communism believes in bringing about changes through:
1.Peaceful and constitutional methods
2.Change of heart and mind
3.Revolutionary methods
4.Combination of peaceful and revolutionary methods according to the requirements of the situation
From personal liberty Classical Liberals meant individual liberty but:
1.Provision for state intervention
2. Provision for church to invade privacy
3.Spying on activities where necessary
4.Without governmental or church control
Marxian Socialism lays emphasis on:
1.Political equality
2.Social equality
3.Legal equality
4.Economic equality
Marxian Socialists lay emphasis on:
1. Personal Rights
2.Social Rights
3.Political Rights
4. Economic Rights
The two persons who exercised maximum influence on Marx were:
1.Machiavelli and Hegel
2.Fishte and Laski
3.Hegel and Feurbach
4.Rousseau and Machiavelli
The ultimate goal of Marx was to establish:
1.A society in which people enjoy complete political liberty
2. A casteless society
3.A society based on religion and morality
4.A classiess society
Which one according to the Socialists is the root cause of all evils?
4.All the above
Which one of the following criticism against Marxism has been wrongly listed?
1.It attaches too much importance to the religious factor in the interpretation of history
2. It attaches too much importance to the materialistic factor in interpretation of history
3. It wrongly asserts that the value of goods is determined by labour alone
4.It wrongly considers the state as an instrument of oppression
Which one of the following ideas was borrowed by Marx from Hegel?
1.Class struggle theory
2. Surplus value theory
3.Dialectical method
4.None of the above
Which one of the following ideas was borrowed by Marx from Machiavelli?
1.Theory of class struggle
2.Dictatorship of proletariat
3.Theory of surplus value
4.None of the above
Which one of the following is not true about evolutionary socialism?
1.It regards individual an end
2.It stands for abolition of private property
3.It stands for democracy
4.It believes in stateless society
According of Marx the society broadly consists of:
1.Two classes
2.A number of classes arranged in hierarchical order
3. Only one class
4. Four classes
According to Marx history is the product of:
1.Material forces
2.Religious forces
3. Political forces
4.Combination of material religious and political forces
According to Sidney Webb:
1.State was instrument of exploitation
2.State sided only with capitalist class
3.State could not be utilised for collective welfare
4. State was useful instrument for society
Classical Liberals believed in fiscal liberty for the:
3. Land owners
4.Middle classes
Marx held that in the Communist Society the:
1.Bourgeois will dominate the proletariat
2.The proletariat will dominate the bourgeois
3.The spheres of the bourgeois and proletariat will be clearly demarcated and none will dominate the other
4.Distinction between bourgeois and proletariat shall not exist
Sidney Webb believed that:
1.Revolution was only solution to many problems
2.Revolution created problems
3.Revolution was unavoidable
4.Revolution and change must go hand in hand
The dialectic materialism of Marx:
1.Was a continuation of Hegels dialectic
2.Was a reversal of Hegels dialectic
3.Had no relationship with the dialectic
4. None of the above
abian society was first started in:
abians had:
1.No faith in democratic institutions
2. Desire to reform democratic institutions
3.Full faith in existing democratic institutions
4.Preference for strong ruler over democracy
According to Classical Liberals:
1.One nation had a right to exploit the other
2.Strong nations could exploit the weak ones
3.Poor nations could be exploited by the rich
4.No nation had right to exploit the other
According to Classical Liberals:.
1.Rights of all were equal
2.The educated should have more rights
3. More rights should be enjoyed by propertied class
4.The rulers should have more rights than others
According to Fabian Socialists changes can be brought about:
1.With the help of propaganda
2.With the use of force
3.With the assistance of terror and coercion
4.Only by powerful people in society
According to Marx during the dictatorship of proletariat:
1.The state shall be used to safeguard interest of the capitalist
2. The state should be used to safeguard the interests of the working classes
3.The states whall try to bring about reconciliation between the Capitalists and working classes
4.The state shall not exist
According to Marx state is:
1.A divine institution
2.A positive good
3.A necessary evil
4.An instrument of exploitation
According to Marx the class distinctions in the society are based on:
2. Social status
3.Family status
4.Hostile interests
According to Marx:
1.Matter is more important than spirit
2.Spirit is more important than matter
3.Spirit and matter are equally important
4.None of the above
According to Marx:
1.Religion exercises a moralising effect on the people
2.Religion is the opium of people
3.Religion provides a sense of contentment
4.Religion creates tension amongst various sections of society
According to Marx:
1.State is a Corporate Community siming at the common good
2. State is an executive committee of the bourgeois
3.State is an instrument of levelling social inequalities
4.State is a spiritual institution
Basic principles of Classical Liberalism are available in Liberalism by:
1.Gilbert Murray
Classical Liberals believed that:
1.Men should be governed by men
2.Men should be governed by law
3.Men should be governed by the system of administrative law
4.There should be no rule of law
Classical Liberals means that hereditary advantages should be:
1.Brought to an end
2. Continued
3.Continued but in a limited manner
4.Continued but in a modified form
Communism which was propounded by Marx and Engels and modified by subsequent philosophers believes in:
1.State ownership of all the means of production
2.Complete freedom in the economic sphere
3.Mixed economy with only key industries under state control
4.None of the above
Democratic Socialisms is also known as:
1. Fabian Socialism
2.Evolutionary Socialism
3.State Socialism
4.None of these
Dialectical Materialism of Marx means:
1.History is the creation of materialistic forces
2.History is the creation of spiritual forces
3.History is the creation of religion and force events
4.History is created as result of clash of contrary material forces
Fabian Socialists believe that profits:
1.Were earned by individuals and should be kept with them
2.Should be used for the welfare of individuals
3.Should be used for social welfare
4. Should never be earned
Fabian Socialists derive their main authority from:
Marsian Socialism is also known as:
1.Scientific Socialism
2.Revolutionary Socialism
3. Evolutionary Socialism
4.Utopian Socialism
Marx belonged to:
Marx has given numerous causes which will lead to the overthrow of capitalism. Some of the causes are given below. However one of the causes listed is not.
1.Capitalism concentrates large
2.Capitalism reduces the purchasing capacity of workers by paying them lowest wages
3.Capitalism concentrates the capital in the hands of fewer persons and pushes the smaller capitalists in the rank of working classes
4.Capitalism frees the workers from economic worries and thus makes it possible for them to wage a strong struggle against capitalism
Marx held that ultimately the state will:
1.Wither away
2.Become omnipotent
3.Come under the control of the workers
4. Come under the control of the Communist Party
Marxian Socialists are in favour of:
1.Abolishing capitalism
2.Reforming capitalism
3.Retaining capitalism as it is
4.None of the above
Marxists aim at capturing power:
1.Through elections
2.Through strikes
3.By killing the bourgeoisie class
4.Through guilds of workers
Marxs principle of materialistic conception of history is based on the assumption that:
1.The course of history remains unchanged
2.The course of history is determined by the leaders of society
3.The course of history is determined by the conscience of men
4.The course of history is determined by the mode of production
Marxs theory of surplus value holds that:
1.Labour must be paid minimum wages irrespective of the quantum of goods produced and the profit be passed on to the state
2.The labourers be paid fixed salary and all the profits earned should be used for social good
3.There is difference between what a labourer produces and what he is paid. This difference is known as surplus value and is pocketed by the capitalists.
4.None of the above
Modern Liberalism has been expounded by:
1.Herbert Spencer
2.John Dewey
4.C.E.M. Joad
Modern Liberalism speaks for:
1.Capitalist class
2.Working class
3.Educated class
4.Mass of mankind
One contribution of Fabians as compared with Marxists is:
1.That they narrowed down the scope of state activity
2.They made philosophy broad based
3.They openly criticised state
4.They championed the cause of private property
One of the main contribution of Fabians to socialist philosophy is that:
1.They gave new ideas about private property
2.Original views about religion
3. Concrete proposals about use of profits
4.Turned socialist doctrines from rigidity of flexibility
The Communist Manifesto describes the state as:
1.An executive committee of the workers
2.An executive committee of elites
3.An executive committee of the bourgeois
4.An executive committee of various sections of society
The Marxian Socialists believed that private property:
1.Promotes better living
2. Provides an incentive for hard work
3.Serves as an instrument of social good
4.Is an instrument of exploitation
The Marxists believe that capitalism of Hegel contributes to its own destruction:
1.By paying lowest wages to workers and reducing their purchasing capacity
2.Nby not permitting the workers any
3.By bringing more people from lower classes in its own ranks
4.By large scale production and making the working classes economically
The Marxists believe that the political power is generally used for:
1.Common good
2.Good of the society as a whole
3.Promotion of the interests of the economically dominant classes
4.Promotion of the interests of the economically backward classes
The method of Democratic Socialism is:
2.General strike
Under the dictatorship of proletariat:
1.There shall be least interference in the economic sphere by the state
2.The means of production and distribution shall be used for
3.The means of production whall be used for social good
4.None of the above
Which of the following isnot true about Fabin Socialists?
1.They agree with Marx that history of hitherto existing struggle is class struggle
2.Working class is not a separate class from society
3.Capitalism is not an evil
4.Democracy can help in solving present day many problems
Which one of the following four stages of historical evolution as given by Marx has been wrongly listed?
1.Primitive communism
2.Slave system
3.Capitalism system
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a contribution of Marxism?
1. It provides a social system with a definite purpose and a clear programme
2. It emphasises the inadequacy of the present social organisation
3.It lays emphasis on bringing about changes in the present system through peaceful and constitutional methods
4. It aims at the welfare of the proletariat
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a merit of socialism?
1.It tried to promote the welfare of the entire community
2. It ensures liberty as well as equality
3.It ensures real democracy
4. None of the above
Which one of the following is not correct about Fabian Socialism?
1. It believes in common ownership of means of production
2.It believes in peaceful means
3.It believes in democracy
4.It believes in class struggle
Which one of the following is not true about democratic socialism?
1. Motive of industry should be profit earning
2.Industry should aim at social service
3.Social needs should be cared by industry
4.None of the above
Which one of the following statements has been wrongly attributed to Marx?
1.State is the executive committee of the bourgeoisie
2.The state uses force for the protection and promotion of interests of the poor people
3.The state uses force for the protection and promotion of the interests of the ruling class
4.All the phenomena of human society have their irigin in material conditions of life
Which one of the following statements sums up Marxs views about history?
1.History is nothing but a record of the wars between the various people
2.History is nothing but a succession of struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed classes
3.History is a faithful record of the past
4.None of the above
Who is considered as the founder of Marxian Socialism?
Who said: "Workers of the world unit; you have nothing to lose except your thains"?
3. Mao Tse Tung