According to Bernstein Marxian philosophy was:
1.Most scientific
2.Very unscientific
3. Not in keeping with modern needs
4.Most suited to modern needs
Jean Jaures, a Revisionist Socialist was:
Jean Jaures:
1.Favoured Marxian philosophy
2.Opposed Marxian philosophy
3.Tried to reconcile Marxian views with his own views
4. Tried to twist Marxian philosophy to suit his own views
Point out which one of the following is incorrect about democratic socialism?
1.Wealth should not be allowed to get concentrated in few hands
2. Inequalities in wealth should be reduced
3.Progressive taxation should be checked
4.Production should eb community controlled
Point out which one of the following is not true about Jean Jaures?
1.Revolution was justified in the absence of democracy
2.General strike should be first step towards revolution
3.It was not correct that present state assisted the capitalists only
4.That the state should immediately be overthrown
State Socialists believe that industries:
1.Should be left to the care of the private individuals
2.Should be nationalised
3.Only big industries be kept in the hands of individuals
4.Only big industries should be under the care of the state
The profit, according to Fabians, should be:
1.Retained by the capitalists
2.Distributed among all the workers
3.Distributed among all traders
4.Used for the welfare of the society
Which one of the following is not true about Sidney Webb?
1.Revolution was no solution to problems
2.History demonstrated progress of democracy
3.Revolution was likely to being social upheavals
4. Changes could come only with the help of revolution
Which one of the following is not true about workers in Bernsteins philosophy?
1.They have no fatherland
2.They have share in the making of their Governments
3.They can participate in development of national wealth
4.They have a fatherland
Which one of the following statements is correct about socialism?
1.I leads to concentratior of wealth
2.It favours establishment of private enterprises
3.It wants to establish just and equitable society
4.It gives more importance to individual
Who of the following is not associated with Fabianism?
1.Sydney Webb
2.G.B. Shah
3.J.S. Mill
4.Karl Marx
According to Fabians means of production and distribution should be:
1.At the disposal of guilds
2.Left to the care of the elite of the society
3.At the disposal of those who can control them
4.Controlled by the community
Bernstein had some ideas about proletariat rule. Which one of the following is not correct?
1.It could not solve existing problems
2. It could solve existing problems
3.It could solve only some of the problems
4.None of the above
Edward Bernstein belonged to:
Febian Society was established in the year:
Point out which of the following does not apply to Democratic Socialists?
1.Private property should be encouraged
2.Private property should be distributed among the poor
3.Private property should be abolished
4.Private property should be placed under trusts
State Socialists feel that present system of distribution is:
2.Most Rotten
3.Unjustified as it concentrates wealth in the hands of few persons alone
4.None of the above
The Fabian Socialists believed that the state:
1.Was bound to wither away
2. Was the instrument of exploitation
3.Is an agency which can promote welfare of the people
4.Promotes class struggle
The Fabians believed that capital should be:
1.Allowed to remain where it is
2.Allowed to concentrate in few hands
3.Transferred to society as a whole
4.Distributed among the poor
The Fabians were of the view that the value of a commidity:
1.Was decided by the labour involved
2.Was determined by capital invested
3.Was decided by socially useful labour put in that
4.Was decided by the society
The State Socialists believe that:
1.Capitalism should be abolished
2.Capitalism is promoting social welfare
3.Capitalism is promoting international trade
4.Capitalism is moral strength of a nation
Unearned increments in values according to Fabians were due to:
1.Ever increasing population
2. Changing fashion
3.Increased demands by the capitalists
4.Non-availability of technical labour
Which one of the following is not true about Fabian Socialists?
1.They believed in democratic system
2.They championed the cause of all sections of society
3. They stood for revolutionary means
4.They stood for secularism
Which one of the following is not true about Jean Jaures philosophy?
1.State could help in achieving objects of socialism
2.Socialism and democracy were opposed to each other
3. Socialism and democracy were complementary to each other
4.Democratic institutions should be preserved
abians believed that for social welfare it was essential that means of production should be in the hands of:
4.Society as a whole
According to Fabians existing struggle is between the:
1.The rich and the poor
2.The employers and employees
3.The poor and middle classes
4.Community and the capitalists
According to Fabians in the present society for every change:
1.Economic factor was the sole consideration
2.Political factor was only weighty
3.Religion alone counted very much
4.All factors combined together weighed
According to Fabians private property should:
1. Remain in the hands of capitalists
2.Remain with the churches
3.Remain with the sovereign
4.Be transferred from individual to society
According to State Socialists all changes in the existing order should be brought about:
1.With the use of force
2. Violence should be used when necessary
3.By terrorism
4.With the help of parliamentary institutions
According to State Socialists education:
1.Should be given to the elite of the society
2. Should be costly
3.Should be given to those who can afford
4.Should be given to those who have aptitude for this
According to State Socialists state?
1.Is an evil to be ended immediately
2. It is necessary evil
3.It should be happily tolerated
4.It is a positive good
According toFabians the value of a commodity always depended on:
1.Capital investment in production
2. Land and capital needed in production
3.Labour of the labourers put in it
4.Extent to which society created its value
As regards bureaucrats, State Socialists believe that:
1.They should be given vast powers
2.They should be given no powers
3.Bureaucracy is unavoidable
4. Bureaucrats should be trained in a spirit that they serve as public servants
ccording to State Socialists
1. It is the responsibility of the state to give social justice
2.State has nothing to do with social justice
3.Concept of social justice is absured
4.Social justice should be the respobsibility of organised associations
Democratic Socialists believed that the:
1.State was a necessary evil
2.State was a welfare agency
3.State stood to promote common good
4. State helped in intellectual development
Fabian movement was found most acceptable in:
he Fabians believe that changes can come in the society:
1.With the help of parliamentary institutions
2.With violent revolution
3.When capitalists will end
4.When new proletariat dominant society will come into being
In England chief exponent of theory of State socialism was:
1.G.B. Shah
3.Mill. J.S.
4. T.H. Green
In their philosophy the Fabians have laid maximum stress on:
1.Working classes
2.Middle classes
4.Political elite
Pick up which of the following is not true about Jean Jaures?
1.He did not favour the idean of revolution
2.Revolution should be brought at the earliest
3.He suggested workers to follow democratic ideas
4. The proletariat will get the support of small business in their struggle against capitalists
State Socialists believe that changes in the present institution of state can be brought about effectively with the help of:
3.Elites of society
4.Spread of education propaganda
State Socialists believe that present parliamentary institutions:
1.have failed in promoting the interests of the people
2.Are delivering goods and should be strengthened
3.Should be abolished
4.Are instruments of exploitation
tate socialists believe that the State should be:
1.Given maximum functions
2.Assigned minimum functions
3.Given only compulsory functions
4.Given the responsibility of defending the people and removing hindrances
The Democratic Socialists favour:
1.Only political democracy
2.Only social democracy
3.Only economic democracy
4.Social, economic and political democracy
The Fabians believed that changes in present system can come only:
1.By revolutionary means
2.Through parliamentary system
3.Reforming the present system of production
4.By introducing radical land reforms
The Fabians wish to bring changes in society by:
1.Revolutionary means
2.Democratic means
3.Both revolutionary and democratic means
4.Abolishing the state
The members of the Fabian Society had:
1.Close contacts with the working classes
2.Were the people who belonged the poor middle class
3.Were very rich capitalists
4.Were highly intellectual people
They preferred individual over society
1.They stand for practical equality
2.They wanted to extinct private property
3.They want dissemination of knowledge
4.They do not wish the abolition of even the idle class
Voraus Setznugen de-Socialismus was written by:
1.Syden Webb
3.Robert Owen
4.Edward Bernstein
Which of the following is not true about Jean Jaures views about capitalism?
1. It was decreasing
2.It was main g the rich richer and the poor, poorer
3.It was sowing the seeds of its destruction
4.It has helped increase small business
Which of the following is not true about Joads views about Democratic Socialism?
1.They believe in Central State
2.They believe that state will work for collective welfare
3.They believe in non-bureaucratic state
4.They imagine state will protect the interests of the governed
Which one of the following is not an objective of Democratic socialism?
1.Collective social interests should be promoted
2.Free trade should be encouraged
3.Trade should be state regulated
4.There should be cooperation than competition in society
Which one of the following is not correct views of C.E.M. Joad about Democratic Socialism?
1.It was a social theory
2.It was political philosophy
3. It was political viewpoint
4. It was set of economic principles
Which one of the following is not true about Bernsteins views about capitalist society?
1. It is based on exploitation
2.It has encouraged production of costly goods
3.It is antagonistic of state
4.It does not allow full payment of wages to workers
Which one of the following is not true about democratic socialism?
1. Inequalities in wealth should be reduced
2.Free way of life to every one should be allowed
3. Civil rights should be guaranteed
4.No political rights should be allowed
Which one of the following is not true about Fabianism?
1.They wanted broad based franchise
2.They wished limited franchise
3.They stressed more social legislation
4. They wished properly trained civil servants
Which one of the following is not true about Fabians?
1.They turned socialist doctrine from rigidity to flexibility
2.They turned socialist doctrine from flexibility to rigidity
3.They made socialistic philosophy acceptableto intellectuals
4.They made socialist doctrines broader
Which one of the following is not true about Jean Jaures views?
1.The workers were not economically sinking
2.It the revolution workers will not be better of
3.Class conflict was a reality
4.Even after proletariat revolution class conflict will continue
Which one of the following is not true about Sydney Webb?
1.State was respobsible for exploitation of the poor
2.State did not side with one class
3.State was useful for bringing far reaching changes
4. State should be used for collective welfare
Which one of the following is not true about the objectives of Fabians?
1.They condemned violence
2.G.B. Shah
3.J.S. Mill
4.Karl Marx