A modern state is expected:
1.To ensure that citizens have healthy relations
2. Not to bother about individual s mutual relations
3.Least interfere in individual s mutual relationship
4.None of the above
According to Individualists state should:
1.Be given maximum powers
2.Have maximum interference in individual affairs
3.Perform maximum optional functions
4.Should least interfere in the affairs of individuals
According to Syndicalists the functions of the state should be taken over by:
For whom end of the state activity was advancement of civilisation and humanity as a whole:
Guild Socialists believe that:
1.State should perform maximum functions
2.Most of the present day functions of the state should be performed by guilds
3.State should perform all optional functions
4.State should actively interfere in individual s affairs
Liberalism was written by:
3.Leacock Hobbes
4.Ludwig von Mises
The compulsory functions of the state are those which:
1.State is given by the society to perform
2.State compulsorily takes upon itself
3.State is forced to take upon itself
4. If not performed the state will disintegrate
Which is considered as optimal function of the state?
1.Opening educational institutions
2.Giving justice to the people
3.Preserving life of the people
4.Preserving law and order
Which of the following can be called a secular state namely which:
1.Is anti-religious
2.Is irreligious
3. Declares all religions as state religions
4.Does not distinguish people on the basis of religion
Which one of the following to day is not considered as function of the state?
1.Imposing of taxes
2.Interfering in the religion of the people
3.Giving education to the people
4.Protecting one class of people against the other
Who believed that end of the state is good of humanity?
Who said that the state should aim at preserving destiny of humanity at international level?
According to Anarchists the state:
1. Should be given maximum functions
2.Should be given only compulsory functions
3. Should be given both compulsory as well functions
4. Should immediately be overthrown
According to Anarchists:
1.The state authority is not being misused
2.The state authority is not being misused
3.The state is misusing its authority
4.The state is using its position in favour of workers
In our modern times the state is expected to perform:
1.Minimum functions
2.Only compulsory functions
3.Only optional functions
4.Both compulsory and optional functions
Most important responsibility of a welfare state is:
1.To preserve private property
2.To promote religion of people
3.To check exploitation
4.To check encroachments on fundamental rights
Which of the following is not the optional function of the state?
1.Maintenance of diplomatic relations
2. Spread of education
3.Provide scholoarships for brilliant students
4.To maintain good postal system
Who said that organic theory of the state is not a trustworthy guide to state activity?
Who said that state is image of human organism?
4.August Comte
Who said that state is march of God on earth?
Who said that the state is individual magnified?
2.G.B. Vico
Whose name is primarily associated with organic theory of the state?
1.August Comte
3.Herbert Spencer
4. T.H. Green
A welfare of state of today is supposed to perform:
1.Only compulsory functions
2.Only optional functions
3.Minimum functions
4. Both compulsory and optional functions
According to Absolutists:
1.Individual can develop in the state
2.State does not contribute in individual s development
3.State should not keep the individuals in his sphere of activity
4.Should not maintain law and order
According to Absolutists:
1.The state authority can be challenged
2.The state is one of the associations
3.The state should be put on high pedestals and worshipped
4.The individual has the right to rise against state
According to Absolutists:
1.Individual is much higher than the state
2.Individual should be scarified at the altar of the state
3. Individual s natural rights must be preserved
4.Individual should be guaranteed fundamental rights
According to Anarchists the present system of representation
1.Is very sound
2.Needs great encouragement
3. Should be replaced by functional representation
4.Is a mockery
According to Individualists state activities:
1.Should remain as these are
2.Should be kept to the minimum
3.Should be expanded
4.Should be at the highest ebb
According to Karl Marx state:
1.Protects the interests of the poor
2.Gives maximum happiness to maximum number of people
3.Promotes exploitation of poor by the rich
4.Promotes moral welfare of the people
According to monistic theory about the functions of the state:
1.Individual has nothing to do with state
2.Individual and state must exist for each other
3. Individual should surrender very little to the state
4.State should perform minimum functions
Bosanquest s name is associated with:
1.Organic theory
2.Idealist theory
3.Anarchist theory
4.Socialist theory
Essential function of state these days is:
1.Maintenance of law and order
2.Collection of maximum revenues
3.Punishing of the criminals
4.To maintain good transport system
Idealistic Theory is also called:
1.Socialistic theory
2.Divine theory
3.Anarchist theory
4.Metaphysical theory
In a secular state the religion:
1.Of majority is promoted
2.Of minority is protected
3.Of State is promoted
4.Has nothing to do with politics
In ancient India most important function of the state was:
1.To expand
2.To give economic prosperity to the people
3.To prserve private property of citizens
4.To promote dharma
In our times distinction between compulsory and optional functions:
1.Has consiiderably widened
2.Has remained as it was
3.Has altogether come to an end
4.Has considerably narrowed down
In so far as limitation on state authority is concerned important one is:
1.Discharge of international obligations
2.Fear of educational institutions
3.Fear of dacoits and robbers
4.Fear of dacoits and robbers
In the past stte used to perform:
1. Welfare functions
2.Police functions
3.Optional functions
4.Maximum functions for human development
India is a secular state because in it there is:
1.Equality of status
2.Social Justice.
3.Equality before law
4. Liberty of worship
Marx considers state:
1.A means of revolution
2. Class instrument
3.A welfare agency
4.A law-making agency
One of the compulsory functions of the state is to:
1.Defend the people from outside aggression
2.Regulate working hours of workers
3.To spread education
4.To maintain good transport system
Optional functions of the state are those which:
1.If not performed the state will disintegrate
2.If not performed the very character of the state will change
3.If not performed the existence of state will not be in danger
4.If not performed the people will rise against the state
Organic theory of the state gave set back to:
1.Theory of Divine Origin
4.Theory of Social Contract
The Idealists have:
1.Glorified state
2.Given minimum functions to state
3.Given only welfare functions to state
4.Have given individuals right to revolt against the state
The individualists believe that:
1.Individual is the best judge of his interests
2.He needs others to make min realise his welfare
3.State looks after best interests of the individuals
4.Guilds can promote individual s welfare
Those who believe that the state is an end in itself believe that: .
1.Should be widened
2.Should be narrowed down
3.State should have no functions
4.State should perform optional functions
Those who believe that the state is means to an end believe that:
1.Man is the highest aim of perfection
2.Nothing should be left to the individual
3.Individual is not the best judge of his interests
4.State should bother about removing hindrances
Which is the greatest limitation on the authority of the state?
1.Disruption of transport system
2.Disruption of consumption system
3.Sovereign will of the people
4.Slow land reform system
Which of the following is not a limitation on state authority?
1.Religion and moral
2.Schools and colleges
3.Transport and communication
4.Labour laws
Which one of the following is not compulsory function of state?
1.Enacting a constitution for the people
2.Specifying rights and duties of the people
3.Maintaining armed forces
4.Regulation of labour laws
Who believed that head of the state is comparable to the spirit of human body?
2.St. Paul
Who believed that the state has the same organs as the individuals?
1.The Dualists
2.The Socialists
3.The Organic Theory of State
Who believed that the state should protect and restrain and not foster and promote?
1.The Absolutists
2.The socialists
3.The Fabian Socialists
4.The Monistic
Who believes that individual independent in his own way dependent on others?
1.The Monistic
2.The Dualists
3.The Socialists
4.The Anarchists
Who of the following believed that state was Leviathan?
Who said that everystate activity should aim at perfection of national life?
Who said that individual is an instinct part of the state?
Who said that state came into being for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life?
Who said that state existed for the life and continues to exist for the sake of good life?
Whose name is associated with Idealist theory of the state?
3.J.S. Mill
4.James Mill