4th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th September 1791
2.15th October 1791
3. 15th November 1791
4.15th December 1791
5th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th September 1791
2.15th October 1791
3.15th November 1791
4.15th December 1791
In a Conferences of Supreme Court opinions which are concluded by CJ and his colleagues in the form of document called:
1.Executive Agreement
2.The Opinion of the Court
3.Judicial Review
4. None of these
President Bush is:
1.Republican President
2.A Democratic President
3.A De facto President
4.None of these
President Kennedy was:
4.None of these
The doctrine of Implied powersfirst enunciated by Chief Justice Marshall in case of:
1.Marbury Vs. Madison
2.McCulloch Vs. Maryland
3.Gibbon Vs. Ogden
4.None of these
What was the 10th Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Trial and Punishment
2.Search and Seizure
3.Powers of the States & People
4.Slavery Abolished
What was the 8th Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Powers of the States & People
2.Right to Bear Arms
3.Slavery Abolished
4.Cruel and Unusual Punishment
2nd Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th September 1791
2.15th October 1791
3.15th November 1791
4.15th December 1791
8th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th November 1791
2.15th December 1791
3.15th January 1791
4. 15th August 1791
In Americathe types of federal courts are of :
Presidential Candidate RepublicansAbraham Lincoln gained victory in:
4.None of these
The Principal of Judicial review was founded by:
1.Chief Justice John Marshall
2.President Roosevelt
3.Attorney-General Gerald R. Ford
4.None of these
The USA PresidentBarak Obama took an oath before the Chief Justice on:
1.January 20,2009
2.February 28,2009
3.June 7,2009
4.July 7,2008
1st Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th September 1791
2.15th October 1791
3.15th November 1791
4.15th December 1791
3rd Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th September 1791
2.15th October 1791
3. 15th November 1791
4.15th December 1791
6th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th November 1791
2.15th December 1791
3.15th January 1791
4.15th August 1791
7th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th December 1791
2.15th November 1791
3.15 August 1791
4.15th March 1791
9th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:
1.15th September 1791
2.15th October 1791
3.15th November 1791
4.15th December 1791
After independence of America two parties emergedthose who were in favor of strong centre called themselves:
4.Non of these
Article 1 of the Constitution of United States of America deals with?
1.The Judicial Branch
2.New States
3.The Legislative Branch
During the Presidential election the main burden of party affairs is borne by:
1.The Present Committee
2.The Country Committee
3.The Congress District Committee
4.The National Committee
First tem Amendments in United States Constitution are called:
1.Bill of Property
2.Bill of Security
3.Bill of Rights
4.None of these
In US the Supreme Court was established in:
No incumbent president can be removed by:
1.Electoral defeat
3.By referendum
4.None of these
Ordinarilythe Supreme Court continues its hearing:
1.Four days a week
2.Five days a week
3.Six days a week
4.Seven days a week
Originallythe United States comprised of:
1.13 states
2.15 states
3.17 states
4.10 states
Out of 33 presidents 18 had been:
4.In army
President Wilson had been:
1.University teacher
2.A film actor
3.A novelist of gret fame
4.None of these
Republican Party was founded by:
1.George Washington
2.Chester A. Arthur
3.Alexander Hamilton
4.None of these
The American congress is:
4.None of these
The Anti-federalists later on assumed a new name:
4.Round heads
The Anti-federalists led by:
1.Mr. Washington
2.Mr. Franklin Roosevelt
3.Mr. Thomas Jefferson
4.Non of these
The elections to House of Representatives held:
1.After every fours years
2.After every three years
3.After two years
4.None of these
The federalists later on assumed a new name:
4.Round heads
The federalists led by:
1. Mr. Washington
2.Mr. Thomas Jefferson
3.Mr. Alexander Hamilton
4.Non of these
The First women judge of US was:
1.Sandra Day O Connor
2.Madam Helliary
4.Non of these
The house of representative is elected by:
1.By Electoral College consists of states ligislature
2.By all citizens of the United States
3.By proportional votes of the states
4.None of these
The judicial review by the Supreme Court can be distinguished into:
1. 2 aspects
2. 3 aspects
3. 4 aspects
4.5 aspects
The president during his office tenure is:
1.In immune from paying taxes
2.In immune from arrest
3.In immune from congressional censure
4.None of these
The president is installed on the:
1.20th January of the ensuing year
2.On the 25th December of the same year
3.One month after the presidential election is over
4.None of these
The principal of check and balance in US has forced to work together:
1.The three organs of government
2. The national and state government
3.The senate and House of Representatives
4. The government and political parties
The US has:
1.One party system
2.One dominant party system
3.Two party system
4.Multi Party system
The water gate affairs scandal was related with:
1. President Kennedy
2.President Carter
3.President Nixon
4.None of these
Thomas Jefferson became president when Anti-federalists gained victory in:
4.None of these
Vice President is described as the:
1.Dark horse of presidential stable
2.Dark star of presidential constellation
3.Dark figure of presidential office
4.None of these
What was the 1st Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Right to Bear Arms
2.Trial and Punishment
3.Freedom of ReligionPressExpression
4.Slavery Abolished
What was the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution?
1.Slavery Abolished
2.Right to Bear Arms
3. Trial and Punishment
4.Powers of the States and People
What was the 3rd Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Quartering of Soldiers
2.Slavery Abolished
3.Right to Bear Arm
4.Trial and Punishment
What was the 4th Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Trial and Punishment
2.Powers of the States and People
3.Citizenship Rights
4.Search and Seizure
What was the 6th Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Right to Bear Arms
2.Right to Speedy TrialConfrontation of Witnesses
3.Slavery Abolished
4.Search and Seizure
What was the 7th Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Trial and Punishment
2.Search and Seizure
3.Right to Bear Arm
4.Trial by Jury in Civil Cases
What was the 9th Amendment in United States Constitution?
1.Construction of Constitution
2.Slavery Abolished
3.Right to Bear Arms
4.Powers of the States and People
Who became the President of Republican Party?
1.US Grand
2.Benjamin Harrison
3.Bill Clinton
4.George W. Bush