A Second Letter Concerning Toleration book is written by:
1.Jeremy Bentham
2.John Locke
3.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4.Thomas Sowell
According to Plato Socrates mother was:
4. None of these
Arthashastra book is written by:
1.Jeffrey K. Tulis
2.Catherine Boone
4.Kevin Phillips
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel died in:
1.Stuttgart Germany
2.Berlin germany
3.London Britain
4.Paris France
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel the founder of:
1.Russian Idealism School
2.German Idealism School
3.French Idealism School
4.None of these
How does true opinion relate to knowledge?
1.It s always inferior
2. It s sometimes superior
3.They are equally good
4.It s inferior in the long run
If an individual was unwilling to adhere to particular precepts and standards of the state Rousseau envisaged how would this be handled?
1.Tolerance would be the guiding principal
2.The individual would be ostracized but not otherwise hindered
3.The individual would be enrolled in a voluntary educational program
4.Punishment would be administered to force the individual to adhere
In Rousseau s writings he argued for a humane and loving approach to children. How could his relationship with his own children be characterized?
1.Loving and supportive
2.He was childless
3.Stormy at times but generally positive
4.He placed the five children he produced with his mistress in orphanages
In which of the following circumstances does democracy thrive?
1.There is a small surplus
2.A southern climate
3.Not densely populated
4.People don t eat much
New Wars book is written by:
1.Gabriel A. Almond
2.Gant Michael M
3.Mary Kaldor
4.None of these
The Global Covenant 2002 book is written by:
1. Bob Woodward
2.Robert H. Jackson
3.Kevin Phillips
4.None of these
Thomas Hobbes died in:
1.Derbyshire England
2.Wiltshire England
3.London England
4.None of these
Through his portrayal in Plato s dialogues Socrates has become renowned for his contribution to the field of:
4. None of these
What did Aristotle see as the central tension in ethical decisions?
What is the name of the will exercised by magistrates in their capacity as members of government?
1.General will
2.Corporate will
3.Particular will
4.If I don t no one will
Which nephew of Aristotle was executed by Alexander?
Which of the following loes Hobbes believe approximates the living conditions of the state of nature?
1.Native American societies
2.The Spanish Armada
Who is a Xenophon?
1. Son of Socrates
2.Father of Socrates
3. Student of Socrates
4. None of these
Who stressed that virtue was the most valuable of all possessions; the ideal life was spent in serch of the Good. Truth lies beneath the shadows of existence and it is the job of the philosopher to show the rest how little they reall know.
1. Plato
3.Socrates is cold-hearted
Who was the founder of Hegelianism and Historicism?
1.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
2. H. Jackson
3.Immanuel Kant
4.Horn David Bayne
Xenophon and Plato were direct disciples of: .
According to Aristotle which of the following is not one of the six elements of the tragedy?
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel died at the age of:
International Relations in europe book is written by:
1.Gabriel A. Almond
2.Lossky Andrew
3.Bob Woodward
4.None of these
La Realided Inventada book is written by:
1.T.E. Cronin
2.Jan Crawford Greenburg
3.Ruben Herrero de Castro & Robert Jervis
4.None of these
The Great Illusion 1909 book is written by:
1.Jan Crawfod Greenburg
2.Kammen Michael
3.Norman Angell
4.None of these
Which does Rousseau think is the best form of aristocracy?
1.Natural aristocracy
2.Elective aristocracy
3.Hereditary aristocracy
4.Different forms are best under different circumstances
Which of the following is true of the lawgiver?
1.He henerally establishes his authority by an appeal to divine providence
2.He is a citizen of the state he makes laws for
3.He is chosen in a general election
4.He becomes the first head of state once he has set down the laws
Who is the contemporary of Socrates?
4. None of these
Who wrote the book The Age of Louis XIV: The Rise of Moderm Diplomacy?
1.Immanuel Kant
2.Morgan Edmund S
3.Grant Michael M
4.Roosen William J
Who wrote: Bacon Locke and Newton .... I consider them as the three greatest men that have ever lived without any exception ?
1.Thomas Jefferson
2.James Madison
3.Alexander Hamilton
4.None of these
A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689) book is written by:
1.Jeremy Bentham
2.John Locke
3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4.Thomas Sowell
A Third Letter for Toleration book is written by:
1.Jeremy Bentham
2.John Locke
3.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4.Thomas Sowell
According to Kant actions conform to duty when:
1.They are undertaken for the sake of duty alone
2.Others approve of them
3.You have been beaten sufficiently
4.When physical needs are satisfied
According to Plato Socrates father was:
4. None of these
According to Socrates conclusion at the end of the Meno beneficent statesmen are like:
1.Soothsayers and prophets
2.Oracles and deities
3.Gorgias and Anytus
4.Blindfolded children
Alongwith his mentor Socrates and his student Aristotle helped lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science:
Anytus suggests that Meno talk to whom to learn about virtue?
1.An oracle
2.Any Athenian on the street
3.The Sophists
Especially for Plato s writings referring to Socrates it is not always clear which ideas brought forward by Socrates (or his friends) actually belonged to Socrates and which of these may have been new additions or elaborations by Plato - this is known as the:
1.Socratic Problem
2. Platonic Problem
3.Soitic Problem
4.Aristocratic Problem
Gorgles refuses to say:
1. That virtue is truth
2.That Socrates is a bad influence
3.That he can teach virtue
4.That he can t teach virtue
How does true opinion relate to knowledge?
1.It s always inferior
2.It s sometimes superior
3. They are equally good
4. It s inferior in the long run
I know that I know nothing is a well-known saying which is attributed to the Greek philosopher:
2.Jacques-Louis Davi
In a large state which of the following recommendations does Rousseau make?
1.The government should be weaker
2.There should be many magistrates
3.There should be fewer magistrates
4.There should be frequent elections
In the pursuit of happiness what is the highest form of plesure for a human being according to Aristotle?
Nicomachus was the name of which of Aristotle s relations?
3.Father and son
Regions and Powers 2003 book is written by:
1.Noam Chomsky
2.Jeans Jacques Rousseau
3.Gant Michael M
4.Barry Buzan
Renaissance Diplomacy book is written by:
1.Mathew McCubbins
2.Thompson J. W. and S. K. Padover
3.Mattingly Garrett
4.None of these
The Post-Modern State book is written by:
1.Mathew McCubbins
2.Robert Cooper
3.Gabriel A Almond
4.None of these
Thomas Hobbes died at the age of:
Thomas Hobbes died on:
1.4th December 1672
2.4th December 1674
3.4th December 1677
4.4th December 1679
What is an example of religion of the citizen ?
1.The Catholic Church
2.The gods of ancient Greece
3.A personal relationship with God
4. Therevada Buddhism
What is the Fundamental Law of Nature ?
1.Nature abhors a vacuum
2.Human beings seek peace
3.The war of all against all
4.The Pythagorean Theorem
What paradox does Meno raise?
1.How can one look for what one does not know?
2.How can those without virtue be elected if democracy is virtuous?
3.Xeno s paradox
4.None of these
What was the name of Aristotle s father which he used to name one of his works?
What was the name of the school that Aristotle established in a grove sacred to Apollo?
Which of the following is not a danger Rousseau associates with monarchy?
1.The monarch will govern in his own interests and not those of the people
2.The corporate will and the general will might be confused
3.A monarch will not delegate authority well
4.It takes a great deal of strength to govern single-handedly
Which of the following is not an example of a law?
1.All citizens must attend monthly assemblies
2.Stockwell Day is the leader of the official opposition party in Canada
3.The English head of state is a monarch determined by hereditary succession
4.The punishment for treason is death
Which of the following is not listed as a trouble that might affect a state that is too large? A. B. C. D.
1.Overly complex bureaucracy
2. Invasion and annexation from powerful neighbors
3. One law cannot apply equally to people living in different climates and regions
4.The government will be less swift and precise in maintaining law and order
Which of the following is not the father or son of one of the others?
Which of the following kind of law is most important?
1.Political Law
2.Civil Law
3.Criminal Law
4. Law derived from morals customs and beliefs
Which of the following practices does Rousseau favor?
1.Hereditary succession of power
2.The abolition of private property
3.Capital punishment
4.Public ballots
Which of the following relationships does Euthyphro think is unlike the relationship between gods and men?
1.The groom-horse relationship
2.The slave-master relationship
3.The shipbuilder s servant shipbuilder relationship
4.The soldier-general relationship
Which of the following was not a form of soul in Aristotle s work on the Soul?
Who wrote the book Anarchical Society?
1.Mathew Mc Cubbins
2.Hedley Bull
3.Immanuel Kant
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Leviathan?
1.Thomas Hobbes
2.Noam Chomsky
3.Small Melvin
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Secret Diplomacy?
1.T.E. Cronin
2.Thompson J. W. and S. K. Padover
3.Gabriel A. Almond
4.None of these
Who wrote the book The Laws of War and Peace?
1. Catherine Boone
2.Kamman Michael
3.Hugo Grotius
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Twenty Years Crisis?
1.E.H. Carr
2.Francis Fukuyama
3.Mathew McCubbins
4.Morgan Edmund S
Why do the gods want our sacrifices according to Euthyphro?
1.They need them to survive
2.They find them gratifying
3.They benefit from them
4.They use them as objects of trade
______ was a Classical Greek philosopher mathematician writer of philosophical dialogues and founder of the Academy in Athens the first institution of higher learning in the Western world:
3.Socrates is cold-hearted
4.None of these