A compound of Xe and F is found to have 53.5% of Xe. What is the oxidation number of Xe in this compound?
Zn gives H2 gas with H2SO4 and HCl but not with HNO3 because
1.Zn acts as an oxidising agent when it reacts with HNO3
2.HNO3 is a weaker acid than H2SO4 and HCl
3.In electrochemical series, Zn is above hydrogen
4.NO3– is reduced in preference to hydronium ion
A solution contains Fe2+, Fe3+ and I– ions. This solution was treated with iodine at 35oC. Eo for Fe3+/Fe2+ is 0.77V and Eo for I2/2I– = 0.536V. The favourable redox reaction is
1.I2 will be reduced to I–
2.there will be no redox reaction
3.I– will be oxidised to I2
4.Fe2+ will be oxidised to Fe3+
Zn gives H2 gas with H2SO4 and HCl but not with HNO3 because
1. Zn acts as an oxidising agent when it reacts with HNO3
2. HNO3 is a weaker acid than H2SO4 and HCl
3. In electrochemical series, Zn is above hydrogen
4.NO3– is reduced in preference to hydronium ion
Which of the following cannot function as an oxidising agent?
4.. Cr2O72-
Which reaction involves neither oxidation nor reduction?
1.CrO42- -→ Cr2O72-
2.Cr → CrCl3
3.Na → Na+
4.2S2O32- → S4O62-