NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022/NEET Biology MCQS Mock Test Paper 33 Sample Test,Sample questions

 If a muscle fails to give stimulation action and there is much ingestion of lactic acid; the conduction is termed as





A child is suffering from Kwashiorkor and if this child is compared with other marasmus children then what additional symptoms are present in Kwashiorkor child?

1. Oedema

2.Wasted muscles

3. A decrease in body weight

4. Impaired physical growth

A painful disorder of the joints; Gouts is due to

1. inflammation of synovial membrane

2.deposition of uric acid at joints

3.injury to tendon

4.damage caused to ligaments

A patient is suspicious of having breast cancer. What type of test will a physician conduct to diagnose the cancer

1.blood test


3. CT scan

4.pap test

 Presence of RBC in urine is known as





 This statement regarding Angina is true

1. blood flow is unaffected

2.most common in children

3. inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscles

4.heart stops beating

 Which one of the following statements is correct about T-lymphocytes in mammals?

1. These are produced in the thyroid

2. These are originated in lymphoid tissues

3.They scavenge damaged cells and cellular debris

4.There are three main types – cytotoxic T-cells; helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells

Benign tumour is the one which

1.differentiated and capsulated

2.shows metastasis

3.differentiated and non capsulated

4.undifferentiated and non capsulated

Chemicals; that can induce cancer are called

1.Carcinogens and produce malignant tumour

2. carcinogens and produce non-malignant tumour

3.mutagenic agents and do not produce malignant tumour

4.mutagenic agents and produce benign tumour

Chronic anaemia and multiple sclerosis are

1. Allergic diseases

2.Hormonal diseases

3.Autoimmune diseases

4.Hereditary diseases

Gaucher’s disease is linked with________.


2.Abnormal fat metabolism

3.Abnormal protein metabolism

4.Abnormal carbohydrate metabolism

Infectious proteins are present in ________.



3.Gemini viruses

4.Satellite viruses

The probable cause of Erythroblastosis fetalis can be



3.Adjoining of RBC


LSD is obtained from _______.

1.Cannabis Sativa

2.Claviceps purpurea

3.Papaver somniferum

4.Erythroxylon coca

Parkinson’s disease is caused due to deficiency of ________.





Pick the wrongly matched pair

1.heart failure – not enough blood supply to the body

2.angina pectoris – acute chest pain

3.cardiac arrest – narrowing of the lumen

4.heart attack – not enough blood supply to cardiac muscles

Rheumatoid arthritis is different from some other forms of arthritis as it

1.occurs below the waist

2. is more painful than other forms

3. generally occurs above the waist symmetrical; affecting the right and the left sides of the body

The antibody-dependent cytotoxicity is seen in ________.

1.Local anaphylaxis

2.Generalise anaphylaxis

3. Immune complex reaction

4.Non-compatible-blood transfusion

The disease as a result of prolonged clotting is due to lack of plasma thromboplastin component (PTC) necessary to the formation of thromboplastin; is



3.Christmas disease

4.Stuart disease

The disease characterized by extreme muscle weakness and brownish pigmentation of the buccal cavity and skin is

1.Grave’s disease


3. Addison’s disease

4.Cushing’s disease

The low RBC count is seen in anaemia and ________.


2. Influenza



This can help on the diagnosis of the genetic basis of a disorder



3.ABO blood group


This diabetes drug acts by decreasing the amount of glucose produced by the liver

1. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors


3. Biguanides


This disease is not related to the circulatory system

1.Diabetes mellitus



4. Coronary thrombosis

This is cancerous state of blood

1. Uremia

2. Chloremia



This measure does not help to prevent diabetes complications

1. controlling blood lipids and blood pressure

2.Prompt detection of diabetic eye and kidney disease

3.Eliminating all carbohydrates from the diet

4.controlling blood glucose

Which of the following protein causes the dilation of blood vessels?



3. Interferon

4.None of these


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  2. Neet Online Test Series -Jan 2021(Biology)
  3. Test Series(Physics) Paper Set 1- neet 2021
  4. NEET Biology MCQS Mock Test Paper 1
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