A genomic DNA possesses functioning units; a group of genes under the influence of promoters known as
3. anticodon
4. codon
All regulatory proteins possess a common DNA binding motif that are specific flexess in their protein chains permitting them to interlock with
1. the outside groove of DNA helix
2.the major groove of DNA helix
3.the minor groove of DNA helix
4.inner groove of DNA helix
An autotrophic; prokaryotic; nitrogen fixing symbiont is present in
2. Cycas
‘Saccus’ term is used for
1. exine of pollen grains of Pinus
2. intine of pollen grains of Pinus
3.Wings of pollen grains of Pinus
4. Wings of seeds of Pinus
Alleles of different genes that are on the same chromosome can occasionally be separated by a phenomenon called
1.crossing over
2. continuous variation
3. epistasis
Cell lining of the lumen of the fallopian tube is involved in ciliary action to transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus. The cytoskeleton structure responsible for this movement is
1. flagella
4.intermediate filaments
Eukaryotic entities
1. in the presence of cAMP molecule; it carries out protein synthesis
2.have only operons assisting in gene expression
3.transcription takes place in the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm
4.transcription occurs in the cytoplasm and translation in nucleus
Malformation of these cytoskeleton structures can be linked to an inability to contract muscle
2. microtubules
4.intermediate filaments
Mycoplasma is
1.eukaryotic and unicellular
2. prokaryotic and unicellular
3.prokaryotic and multicellular
4.eukaryotic and multicellular
Percentage of crossing over is more when
1. genes are located in a different cell
2. genes are not linked
3.linked genes are located close to each other
4.linked genes are located far apart from each other
The “witches broom” of legumes is caused by a
1. fungus
2. bacterium
These are osmotically inactive
1. nostoc
2. mycoplasma
4.all of these
This is a microfilament inhibitor
2. colchicine
This is called “Jockers of microbiological park”
4.none of these
This is the most heterogenous type of cytoskeleton filament
1.intermediate filaments
2. microfilaments
4.none of the above
Vancomycin and Penicillin do not affect the mycoplasma as
1.there is no Golgi body
2. there are no mitochondria
3. there is no nucleus
4. there is no cell wall
What are flagella and cilia of eukaryotic cells made of?
4. keratin
Basic tools of genetic regulation is the ability of some proteins to bind to specific
1. regulatory DNA sequences
2.regulatory RNA sequences
3.enzymes of cells
4.promoter portions of genes
Crossing-over takes place in the
1. Diakinesis stage
2.Anaphase stage
3.Pachytene stage
4. Leptotene stage
f the percentage of crossing over between two genes is 10; then the distance between two genes will be
1.5 morganoid
2. 10 morgan
3.20 centimorgans
4.40 map units
Flowers and cones are similar because
1. both assist seed dispersal
2.both are responsible in attracting insects to pollinate
3.both are shoy and bright
4. both are reproductive structures
In eukaryotes and bacteria; most common form of regulation is
1. promoter control
2.translation control
3.repressor control
4.transcriptional control
In mycoplasma; the elementary cell body performs the function of
1. respiration
2. reproduction
In the regulation of gene expression; this is an incorrect statement
1. in the bacteria; it permits to replicate with no control
2.in the bacteria; it permits to adapt to changing environments
3.permits the maintenance of homeostasis is multicellular entities
4.permits the functioning of multicellular entities on the whole
This statement is true
1. microtubules are composed of tubulins
2.microfilaments are composed of actin
3. intermediate filaments are resistant to cytochalasin-B and colchicine
4.all the above
Little leaf of brinjal is caused by
2. fungus
Microfilaments are composed of
1.mosaic protein
2.tubulin protein
3.chitin protein
4.actin protein
Network of microfilaments and microtubules is classified as
2. active skeleton
3.vertebral skeleton
4.endoplasmic skeleton
Pick the pair that is incorrectly matched
1.Cycas – coralloid roots
2.Abies – wood tar; wood gas
3. Pinus – Mycorrhizal roots
4. Sequoia – Red wood tree
Regulatory proteins turn transcription off through binding to a site rapidly at the front of the promoter and many times even overlaps the promoter; this site is the
1.regulatory site
2.operator site
3.suppressor site
4.transcriptional control site
Repulsion and coupling are two faces of
3. linkage
4. crossing over
The intermediate filament found in hair and nail is a type I IF protein composed of
1. tubulins
The transcriptional gene control in eukaryotes is mediated by
1.metabolites that bind to the cis-acting elements
2.trans-acting factors failing to bind to cis-acting elements
3.trans-acting factors binding to cis-acting elements
4. repressor proteins that bind to operator sites
There are 4 pairs of chromosomes in a Drosophila. The linkage groups present in it are
1.one more than the pair of chromosomes
2.one less than the pair of chromosomes
3. four
There are these many histones in the core of a nucleosome
1. 8
2. 6
3. 4
This cell lacks cytoskeleton
1.prokaryotic bacterial cells
2.eukaryotic plant cell
3.both (a) and (b)
4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic animal cells
This is a bacteria without cell wall
4. virus
This is the reason why Mendel did not recognize linkage phenomenon in his experiments
1.he studied only pure plants
2.he did not have a powerful microscope
3.characters he studied were situated on different chromosomes
4. many chromosomes to handle
This is the smallest organism capable of autonomous growth and reproduction
2. viroid
4.none of these
This serves as a connecting link between the angiosperms and gymnosperms
1. Gnetales
This species of mycoplasma causes human sterility
4.all of the above