A rectifier type AC voltmeter consists of a series resistance R, an ideal full-wave rectifier bridge and a PMMC instrument. A DC current of 1 mA produces a full-scale deflection of the instrument. The resistance of the instrument is 100 Ω. A voltage of 100 V (rms) is applied to the input terminals. The value of R required is?
1.63.56 Ω
2.89.83 Ω
3.89.83 kΩ
4.141.3 kΩ
For any given signal, average power in its 8 harmonic components as 50 mW each and fundamental component also has 50 mV power. Then, average power in the periodic signal is _______________
4. 50
The value of 2 [u (t – 1) – u (1 – 2t)] (u ( t + 1) + u (t)) at t = 3 sec is ____________
A 1 μF capacitor is connected across a 50 V battery. The battery is kept closed for a long time. The circuit current and voltage across capacitor is __________
1.0.5 A and 0 V
2.0 A and 50 V
3.20 A and 5 V
4.0.05 A and 5 V
A 3 phase balanced supply feeds a 3-phase unbalanced load. Power supplied to the load can be measured by ___________
1.2 Wattmeter and 1 Wattmeter
2.2 Wattmeter and 3 Wattmeter
3.2 Wattmeter and 2 Wattmeter
4.Only 3 Wattmeter
A capacitor of 110 V, 50 Hz is needed for AC supply. The peak voltage of the capacitor should be ____________
1.110 V
2.460 V
3.220 V
4.230 V
A capacitor stores 0.15C at 5 V. Its capacitance is ____________
1.0.75 F
2.0.75 μF
3.0.03 F
4.0.03 μF
A constant k band pass filter has a pass band from 100 to 400 Hz. The resonant frequency of series and shunt arms is ____________
1.300 Hz
2.250 Hz
3.200 Hz
4.150 Hz
A rectifier type AC voltmeter consists of a series resistance R, an ideal full-wave rectifier bridge and a PMMC instrument. The internal resistance and a full-scale deflection produced by a DC current are 100 Ω and 1 mA respectively. A voltage of 100 V (rms) is applied to the input terminals. The value of R required is _________
1.63.56 Ω
2.89.83 Ω
3.89.83 kΩ
4.141.3 kΩ
A relay coil having voltage of magnitude 210 V and frequency 50 Hz is connected to a 210 V, 50 Hz supply. If it has resistance of 50 Ω and an inductance of 0.2 H, the apparent power is _____________
1.549.39 VA
2.275.6 VA
3.157 VA
4.187 VA
A two branch parallel circuit has a 50 Ω resistance and 10 H inductance in one branch and a 1 μF capacitor in the second branch. It is fed from 220 V ac supply, at resonance, the input impedance of the circuit is _____________
1.447.2 Ω
2.500 Ω
3.235.48 Ω
4.325.64 Ω
A voltage having the waveform of a sine curve is applied across a capacitor. When the frequency of the voltage is increased, what happens to the current through the capacitor?
3.Remains same
4.Is zero
An RLC series circuit has R = 7.07 Ω, L = .707 H and C = 7.07 μF. At Half power frequencies the circuit impedance is ___________
1.7.07 Ω
2.10 Ω
3. 14.14 Ω
4.20 Ω
Barlett’s Bisection Theorem is applicable to ___________
1.Unsymmetrical networks
2.Symmetrical networks
3.Both unsymmetrical and symmetrical networks
4.Neither to unsymmetrical nor to symmetrical networks
For a transmission line, open circuit and short circuit impedances are 10 Ω and 20 Ω. Then characteristic impedance is ____________
1.100 Ω
2.50 Ω
3.25 Ω
4.200 Ω
Given a sinusoidal voltage that has a peak to peak value of 100 V. The RMS value of the sinusoidal voltage is ___________
1.50 V
2.70.7 V
3.35.35 V
4. 141.41 V
Given I (t) = 10[1 + sin (- t)]. The RMS value of I(t) is ____________
2. 5
In a dual slop integrating type digital voltmeter, the first integrating is carried out for 10 periods of the supply frequency of 50 Hz. If the reference voltage used is 2 V, the total conversion time for an input of 1 V is _________
1.0.01 s
2.0.05 s
3.0.1 s
4.1 s
In a dual slop integrating type digital voltmeter, the first integrating is carried out for 50 periods of the supply frequency of 50 Hz. If the reference voltage used is 10 V, the total conversion time for an input of 40 V is?
1.3 s
2. 2 s
3.4 s
4.1 s
In a two terminals network the open circuit voltage measured at the given terminals is 110 V and short circuit currents at the same terminals 10 A. If a load of 50 Ω resistance is connected at the terminals, load current is ___________
1.1.8 A
2.1.25 A
3. 6 A
4.6.25 A
In an AC circuit, the maximum and minimum values of power factor can be ___________
1.2 and 0
2.1 and 0
3.0 and -1
4.1 and -1
In an unloaded transformer, the flux limiting the primary is 10 mWb and secondary is 30 mWb. The coefficient of coupling is ____________
2. 0.1
In the bilateral Laplace transform, the lower limit is?
4. – ∞
Let us assume x (t) = A cos(ωt + φ), What is the final steady state solution for y (t)?
1.A|H(jω)|cos[ωt+Ø+ θ (ω)]
2.A|H(jω)|cos[ωt-Ø+ θ (ω)]
3. A|H(jω)|cos[ωt-Ø- θ (ω)]
4.A|H(jω)|cos[ωt+Ø- θ (ω)]
Poles and zeros of a driving point function of a network are simple and alternate on jω axis. The network consists of ___________
1.R and C
2.L and C
3.R and L
4.R, L and C
The coefficients of the polynomials P (S) and Q (S) in the network function N (S) are ________ for passive network.
1.real and positive
2. real and negative
3.complex and positive
4.complex and negative
The current rating of a cable depends on ___________
1.Length of the cable
2.Diameter of the cable
3.Both length and diameter of the cable
4.Neither length nor diameter of the cable
The Current Transformer supplies current to the current coil of a power factor meter, energy meter and, an ammeter. These are connected as?
1.All coils in parallel
2.All coils in series
3.Series-parallel connection with two in each arm
4.Series-parallel connection with one in each arm
The electrical energy required to heat a bucket of water to a certain temperature is 10 kWh. If heat losses, are 10%, the energy input is ____________
1.2.67 kWh
2.3 kWh
3.2.5 kWh
4.3.5 kWh
The equivalent transform circuit contains an admittance of value ____ and equivalent transform current source.
The imaginary part of the complex frequency is called?
1.angular frequency
2.sampling frequency
3.neper frequency
4.radian frequency
The impedance matrices of two, two-port network are given by [3 2; 2 3] and [15 5; 5 25]. The impedance matrix of the resulting two-port network when the two networks are connected in series is ____________
1.[3 5; 2 25]
2.[18 7; 7 28]
3.[15 2; 5 3]
The impedance of an RC series circuit is 12 Ω at f = 50 Hz. At f = 200 Hz, the impedance will be?
1.More than 12
2.Less than 3
3.More than 3 Ω but less than 12 Ω
4.More than 12 Ω but less than 24 Ω
The ratio of the current transform at one port to current transform at other port is called?
1.Transfer admittance
2.Transfer impedance
3.Current transfer ratio
4.Voltage transfer ratio
The ratio of transform current to the transform voltage is defined as ________ of the resistor.
1.transform admittance
2.transform impedance
3.transform current
4.transform voltage
The ratio of transform voltage to the transform current is defined as _________ of the resistor.
1.transform voltage
2.transform current
3.transform impedance
4. transform admittance
The ratio of voltage transform at first port to the voltage transform at the second port is called?
1.Voltage transfer ratio
2.Current transfer ratio
3.Transfer impedance
4.Transfer admittance
The ratio of voltage transform at the first port to the current transform at the second port is called?
1.Voltage transfer ratio
2.Transfer admittance
3.Current transfer ratio
4.Transfer impedance
The real part of the complex frequency is called?
1.radian frequency
2.neper frequency
3.sampling frequency
4.angular frequency
The relation between current and voltage in the case of inductor is?
The resistance element __________ while going from the time domain to frequency domain.
1.does not change
3. decreases
4.increases exponentially
The resistance of a 230 V, 100 W lamp is ____________
1.529 Ω
2.2300 Ω
3.5290 Ω
4.23 Ω
The transfer function of a system having the input as X(s) and output as Y(s) is?
2.Y(s) * X(s)
3.Y(s) + X(s)
4.Y(s) – X(s)
The transform admittance of the capacitor is?
The transform admittance of the inductor is?
2. sL
The transform impedance of the capacitor is?
4. 1/sC
The transform impedance of the inductor is?
The voltage and current in a capacitor are related as?
Two coils having self-inductances of 1 mH and 2 mH are mutually coupled. The maximum possible mutual inductance is ___________
1.1.414 mH
2. 2 mH
3.1 mH
4. 5.5 mH
Two similar coils have self-inductance of 20 mH each. Coefficient of coupling is 0.4. The mutual inductance M is ______________
1.2.5 mH
2.8 mH
3.7 mH
4. 1 mH