Engineering/Software Engineering Multiple Choice Question Set 3 Sample Test,Sample questions

In a object oriented software design, ‘Inheritance’ is a kind of...................	





In software project planning, work Breakdown structure must be .................

1.A graph

2.A tree

3.A Euler’s graph

4.None of the above

System development cost estimation with use-cases is problematic because:

1.of paucity of examples

2.the data can be totally incorrect

3.the expertise and resource available are not used

4.the problem is being over simplified

The main objective of designing various modules of a software system is:

1.To decrease the cohesion and to increase the coupling

2.To increase the cohesion and to decrease the coupling

3.To increase the coupling only

4.To increase the cohesion only

Three essential components of a software project plan are:

1.Team structure, Quality assurance plans, Cost estimation

2.Cost estimation, Time estimation, Quality assurance plan

3.Cost estimation, Time estimation, Personnel estimation

4.Cost estimation, Personnel estimation, Team structure

Which possibility among the following is invalid in case of a Data Flow Diagram ?

1.A process having in-bound data flows more than out-bound data flows

2.A data flow between two processes

3.A data flow between two data stores

4.A data store having more than one in-bound data flows

A black hole in a DFD is a:

1.A data store with no inbound flows

2.A data store with only in bound flows

3.A data store with more than one in bound flow

4.None of These

A major defect in water fall model in software development is that:

1.the documentation is difficult

2.a blunder at any stage can be disastrous

3. a trial version is available only at the end of the project

4. the maintenance of the software is difficult

Abstraction’ is......................step of Attribute in a software design.





An error message produced by an interactive system should have:

1.always the error code

2. the list of mistakes done by the user displayed

3. a non-judgemental approach

4.the past records of the occurrence of the same mistake

Black Box testing is done show that s/w is operational at its interfaces i.e. input and output. examine internal details of code. client side

4.None of the above

Capability Maturity Model is meant for:



3.Product and Process

4.None of the above

COCOMO model is used for:

1.product quality estimation

2.product complexity estimation

3.product cost estimation

4. all of the above

Difference between flow-chart and data-flow diagram is:

1.there is no difference

2. usage in high level design and low level design

3.control flow and data flow

4.used in application programs and system programs

Function point metric of a software also depends on the:

1. number of function needed

2. number of final users of the software

3.number of external inputs and outputs

4. time required for one set of output from a set of input data

In a good software design, ................ coupling is desirable between modules.





In clean room software engineering:

1.only eco-friendly hardware is used.

2.only hired facilities are used for development.

3.correctness of the code is verified before testing.

4.implementation is done only after ensuring correctness.

In software cost estimation, base estimation is related to:

1. cost of similar projects already completed

2.cost of the base model of the present project.

3. cost of the project with the base minimum profit

4. cost of the project under ideal situations

In Software Metrics, McCABE’s cyclomatic number is given by following formula:


2. c=e-n-2p

3. c=e+n+2p


In the light of software engineering software consists of:

1.Programs b.



4. All of the above

Match the following:

(a) Unit test                   (i) Requirements
(b) System test             (ii) Design
(c) Validation test         (iii) Code
(d) Integration test       (iv) System Engineering

Which of the following is true?
         (a)     (b)      (c)    (d)

1.(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

2. (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

3. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

4.None of the above

n software development, value adjustment factors include the following among others:

1.the criticality of the performance and reusability of the code.

2.number of lines of code in the software.

3.number of technical manpower and hardware costs.

4.time period available and the level of user friendliness.

Problems with waterfall model are:

1.    Real projects rarely follow this model proposes
2.    It is often difficult for the customer
3.    Working model is available only in the end
4.    Developers are delayed unnecessarily

1.1 and 4 only

2. 2 and 3 only

3.1, 2 and 3 only

4.1, 2, 3 and 4

Reliability of software is dependent on:

1.Number of errors present in software

2. Documentation

3. Testing suties

4.Development Processes

Reliability of software is directly dependent on:

1.quality of the design

2. number of errors present

3. software engineer’s experience

4.user requirement

Reverse engineering is the process which deals with:

1.Size measurement

2.Cost measurement

3.Design recovery

4.All of the above

Sliding window concept of software project management is:

1.Preparation of comprehensible plan

2.Ad-hoc planning

3. Preparation of the various stages of development

4.Requirement analysis

Software Cost Performance index (CPI) is given by:

(Where:   BCWP stands for Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS stands for Budget Cost of Work Scheduled
ACWP stands for Actual Cost of Work Performed)




4.None of the above

Software Quality Assurance(SQA) encompasses:



3. both verification and validation

4.None of the above

Software Risk estimation involves following two tasks:

1.risk magnitude and risk impact

2. risk probability and risk impact

3. risk maintenance and risk impact

4. risk development and risk impact

Successive layer of design in software using bottom-up design is called:

1.Layer of Refinement

2. Layer of Construction

3.Layer of abstraction

4.None of the above

System Development Life-cycle has following stages:

(I) Requirement analysis        (II) Coding
(III) Design                    (IV) Testing

Which option describes the correct sequence of stages?

1.III, I, IV, II

2.II, III, I, IV

3.I, III, IV, II

4.None of the above

System study yields the following:

1.System study yields the following:

2.Requirement specifications

3.Prevailing process description

4.Data source identification

The approach to software testing is to design test cases to:

1.break the software

2.understand the software

3. analyze the design of sub processes in the software

4.analyze the output of the software

The capability maturity model (err) defines 5 levels:

(a) Level 1         (i) Managed
(b) Level 2         (ii) Defined
(c) Level 3         (iii) Repeatable
(d) Level 4         (iv) Initial
(e) Level 5         (v) Optimized

correct matching is:
   a     b    c     d     e

1.(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

2. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (v)

3. (v) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)

4. (v) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

The COCOMO model is used for ............. design cost estimation

3. software cost approximation

4. software analysis

The lower degree of cohesion is:

1.logical cohesion

2.coincidental cohesion

3. procedural cohesion

4.communicational cohesion

The reliability of the software is directly dependent upon:

1.Quality of the design

2.Programmer’s experience

3. Number of error

4.Set of user requirements

The testing of software against SRS is called:

1.Acceptance testing

2. Integration testing

3.Regression testing

4.Series testing

Water fall model for software development is:

1.a top down approach

2.a bottom up approach

3. a sequential approach

4. a consequential approach

Which level is called as “defined” in capability maturity model?

1.level 0

2.level 3

3. level 4

4.level 1

Which of the following combination is preferred with respect to cohesion and coupling?

1.low and low

2. low and high

3.high and low

4.high and high

Which of the following is used for test data generation?

1.White box

2.Black box

3. Boundary-value analysis

4.All of the above

Which of the following tools is not required during system analysis phase of system development life cycle?

1.Case tool

2.RAD tool

3.Reverse engineering

4.None of These

Which one is measure of software complexity ?

1.Number of lines of code (LOC)

2. Number of man years

3. Number of function points (FP)

4.None of the above

Which one of the following is a object-oriented approaches:

1.The Booch method

2.The Rumbaugh method

3.The Coad and Yomdon method

4.All of the above

Which one of the following is not a software process model ?

1.Linear sequential model

2.Prototyping model

3.The spiral model

4.COCOMO model

Which one of the following ISO standard is used for software process?

1.ISO 9000

2.ISO 9001

3. ISO 9003

4. ISO 9000-3

Which type of coupling is least preferred ?

1.Content coupling

2.Data coupling

3. Control coupling

4.Common coupling

While designing the user interface, one should:

1.use as many short cuts as possible.

2.use as many defaults as possible.

3.use as many visual layouts as possible.

4. reduce the demand on short-term memory.


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