Engineering/Software Engineering Multiple Choice Question Set 1 Sample Test,Sample questions

'FAN IN' of a component A is defined as

1.Count of the number of components that can call, or pass control, to a component A

2.Number of components related to component A

3.Number of components dependent on component A

4.None of the above

A software design pattern used to enhance the functionality of an object at run-time is:





Adaptive maintenance is a maintenance which ___________

1.correct errors that were not discovered till testing phase carried out to port the existing software to a new environment

3. improves the system performance

4.both b and c

Complete each of the following sentences in List-I on the left hand side by filling in the word or phrase from the List-II on the right hand side that best completes the sentence:

List-I                                          List-II
I. Determining whether you
have built the right system
is called .............                       A. Software testing
II. Determining whether you
have built the system right
is called .........                           B. Software verification
III. ............ is the process of
demonstrating the existence
of defects or providing
confidence that they do not
appear to be present.              C. Software debugging
IV. .......... is the process of
discovering the cause of a
defect and fixing it.                  D. Software validation


1.B D A C

2.B D C A

3.D B C A

4.D B A C

Match the following for methods of MIS development:

List – I List – II

(a) Joint Application Design (JAD) (i) Delivers functionality in rapid iteration measured in weeks and needs frequent communication, development, testing and delivery

(b) Computer Aided Software Engg (ii) Reusable applications generally with one specific function. It is closely linked with idea of web services and service oriented architecture.

(c) Agile development (iii) Tools to automate many tasks of SDLC

(d) Component based technology (iv) A group based tool for collecting user requirements and creating system design. Mostly used in analysis and design stages of SDLC

a b c d

1.(i) (iii) (ii) (iv)

2.(iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

3.(iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

4. (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

Module design is used to maximize cohesion and minimize coupling. Which of the following is the key to implement this rule?




4. Abstraction

Software Configuration Management is the discipline for systematically controlling

1. the changes due to the evolution of work products as the project proceeds

2.the changes due to defects (bugs) being found and then fixed

3.the changes due to requirement changes

4.All of the above

Software Engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with: computer systems work

2.theories and methods that underlie computers and software systems

3.all aspects of software production

4.all aspects of computer-based systems development, including hardware, software and process engineering

Testing of software with actual data and in actual environment is called

1. Alpha testing

2. Beta testing

3. Regression testing

4.None of the above

The ISO quality assurance standard that applies to software Engineering is

1.ISO 9000 : 2004

2.ISO 9001 : 2000

3.ISO 9002 : 2001 d.

4.ISO 9003 : 2004

To compute function points (FP), the following relationship is used FP = Count - total x (0.65 + 0.01 x  ∑(Fi))where Fi (i = 1 to n) are value adjustment factors (VAF) based on n questions. The value of n is





Which of the following is not one of three software product aspects addressed by McCall's software quality factors?

1.Ability to undergo change

2.Adaptability to new environments

3. Operational characteristics

4. Production costs and scheduling

Which of the following is used to determine the specificity of requirements ?

(A) n1/n2                        (B) n2/n1
(C) n1+n2           (D) n1–n2

Where n1 is the number of requirements for which all reviewers have identical interpretations, n2 is number of requirements in a specification.





Which one from the following is highly associated activity of project planning?

1.Keep track of the project

2.Compare actual and planned progress and costs

3.Identify the activities, milestones and deliverables produced by a project

4.Both b and c

 IEEE 830-1993 is an IEEE recommended standard for

1.Software requirement specification.

2.Software design.


4.Both (A) and (B)

 What does the study of an existing system refer to?

1.Details of DFD

2.Feasibility Study

3.System Analysis

4.System Planning

A Design concept Refinement is a :

1.Top-down approach

2.Complementary of Abstraction concept

3.Process of elaboration

4.All of the above

A process which defines a series of tasks that have the following four primary objectives is known as
1. to identify all items that collectively define the software configuration.
2. to manage changes to one or more of these items.
3. to facilitate the construction of different versions of an application.
4. to ensure that software quality IS maintained as the configuration evolves over time

1.Software Quality management process

2.Software Configuration Management Process

3.Software Version Management Process

4.Software Change management Process

A server crashes on the average once in 30 days, that is, the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is 30 days. When this happens, it takes 12 hours to reboot it, that is, the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) is 12 hours. The availability of server with these reliability data values is approximately:




4. 99.3%

A software company needs to develop a project that is estimated as 1000 function points and is planning to use JAVA as the programming language whose approximate lines of code per function point is accepted as 50. Considering a=1.4 as multiplicative factor, b=1.0 as exponention factor for the basic COCOMO effort equation and c=3.0 as multiplicative factor, d=0.33 as exponention factor for the basic COCOMO duration equation, approximately how long does the project take to complete?

1.11.2 months

2.12.2 months

3.13.2 months

4.10.2 months

A software design is highly modular if :

1. cohesion is functional and coupling is data type

2.cohesion is coincidental and coupling is data type

3.cohesion is sequential and coupling is content type

4.cohesion is functional and coupling is stamp type

A software project was estimated at 352 Function Points (FP). A four person team will be assigned to this project consisting of an architect, two programmers, and a tester. The salary of the architect is Rs.80,000 per month, the programmer Rs.60,000 per month and the tester Rs.50,000 per month. The average productivity for the team is 8 FP per person month. Which of the following represents the projected cost of the project?





An experimental file server is up 75% of the time and down for 25% of the time due to bugs. How many times does this file server have to be replicated to give an availability of at least 99% ?





An Operating System (OS) crashes on the average once in 30 days, that is, the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) = 30 days. When this happens, it takes 10 minutes to recover the OS, that is, the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) = 10 minutes. The availability of the OS with these reliability figures is approximately :



3. 99.009%


Assume that a program will experience 200 failures in infinite time. It has now experienced 100 failures. The initial failure intensity was 20 failures/CPU hr. Then the current failure intensity will be

1.5 failures/CPU hr

2.10 failures/CPU hr

3.20 failures/CPU hr

4.40 failures/CPU hr

Assume that the software team defines a project risk with 80% probability of occurrence of risk in the following manner:

Only 70 percent of the software components scheduled for reuse will be integrated into the application arid the remaining functionality will have to be custom developed: If 60 reusable components were planned with average component size as ' 100 LOC and software engineering cost for each LOC as $ 14, then the risk exposure would be

1.$ 25,200

2.$ 20,160


4. $ 15,120

Cohesion is an extension of :

1.Abstraction concept

2.Refinement concept

3.Information hiding concept


Consider a project with the following functional units:
Number of user inputs = 50
Number of user outputs = 40
Number of user inquiries = 35
Number of user files = 06
Number of external interfaces = 04
Assuming all complexity adjustment factors  and  weighing  factors  as average, the function points for the project will be





For a program of k variables, boundary value analysis yields .............. test cases.

1.4k – 1


3.4k + 1

4.2k – 1

Function points can be calculated by



3.UFP * Cost

4.UFP * Productivity

If S1 is total number of modules defined in the program architecture, S3 is the number of modules whose correct function depends on prior processing then the number of modules not dependent on prior processing is:

1.1 + S3/S1

2.1 - S3/S1

3. 1 + S1/S3

4. 1 - S1/S3

In which testing strategy requirements established during requirements analysis are validated against developed software?

1.Validation testing

2.Integration testing

3. Regression testing

4. System testing

Match each software lifecycle model in List – I to its description in List – II:

List – I                                       List – II
I. Code-and-Fix                        a. Assess risks at each step; do most critical
action first.
II. Evolutionary prototyping  b. Build an initial small requirement specifications,
code it, then “evolve” the specifications and code
as needed.
III. Spiral                                    c. Build initial requirement specification for
several releases, then design-and-code in
IV. Staged Delivery                 d. Standard phases (requirements, design,
code, test) in order
V. Waterfall                               e. Write some code, debug it, repeat
(i.e. ad-hoc)

Codes :
      I    II   III   IV   V

1.e b a c d

2.e c a b d

3. d a b c e

4.c e a b d

Match the following

a. data  coupling i. module A and module B have shared  data

b. stamp coupling ii. dependency between modules is based on the fact they communicate by only
passing of data

c. common coupling iii. when complete structure is passed from one module to another

d. content  coupling iv. when the control is passed from one module to the middle of another

a b c d

1. iii ii i iv

2.ii iii i iv

3. ii iii iv i

4. iii ii iv i

Match the following 

List - I List - II

(a) Size-oriented metric (i) uses number of external interfaces as one of the measurement parameters

(b) Function-oriented metrics (ii) originally designed to be applied to business information system

(c) Extended Function Point Metrics (iii) derived by normalizing quality and/ or productivity measures by considering the size of the software.

(d) Function Point (iv) uses algorithm characteristics as of the measurement parameter

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d)

1.(iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

2. (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

3. (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

4. (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

Match the following style rules for re-usability

a. Keep methods coherent i. Write a method to get the last element of a list

b. Keep methods small ii. Maintain structure possible parallel when

c. Keep methods consistent iii. Breaking a method into smaller parts

d. Provide uniform coverage iv performs a single function or a group of closely related functions.

a b c d

1.iv iii ii i

2. ii i iv iii

3.iii iv ii i

4. ii iii iv i

Match the following with respect to relationship between objects and classes :
a.       state  diagram i.  useful for both abstract modeling and for designing actual programme

b.      object diagram ii. describes object classes

c.       class  diagram iii. useful for documenting test cases

d.      instance diagram iv. describing the behavior of a single class of objects

a b c d

1.iv i ii iii

2.ii iii iv i

3.iii iv ii i

4. ii iv i iii

Match the following:

a. Good quality              i. Program does  not fail for a
                                               specified time in a given
b. Correctness              ii. Meets the functional
c. Predictable                iii. Meets both functional and
                                              non-functional requirements ,
d. Reliable                    iv.  Process is under statistical 
a   b   c  d

1.iii ii iv i

2. ii iii iv i

3.i ii iv iii

4. i ii iii iv

Match the following:

List-I                           List-II

a. Correctness                i.  The extent to which a software tolerates the unexpected problems

b. Accuracy                       ii.  The extent to which a software meets its specifications

c. Robustness                iii. The extent to which a software has specified functions

d. feof()                             iv. Meeting specifications with precision


a       b       c       d

1. ii iv i iii

2.i ii iii iv

3. ii i iv iii

4. iv ii i iii

Match the terms related to Software Configuration Management (SCM) in List-I with the descriptions in List-II.

List-1                  List-II
I. Version           A. An instance of a system that is
distributed to customers.
II. Release         B. An instance of a system which
is functionally identical to other
instances, but designed for different
hardware/software configurations.
III. Variant          C. An instance of a system that differs,
in some way, from other instances.

   I   II  III

1.B C A

2.C A B

3. C B A

4.B A C

Maximum possible value of reliability is





One weakness of boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning is

1.they are not effective

2. they do not explore combinations of input circumstances

3. they explore combinations of input circumstances

4.None of the above

Requirement Development, Organizational Process Focus, Organizational Training, Risk Management and Integrated Supplier Management are process areas required to achieve maturity level





Requirements prioritization and negotiation belongs to :

1.Requirements validation

2.Requirements elicitation

3.Requirements elicitation

4. Requirements reviews

Software testing is

1.the process of establishing that errors are not present

2.the process of establishing confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do

3.the process of executing a program to show that it is working as per specifications

4.the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors

Temporal cohesion means

1.Coincidental cohesion

2.Cohesion between temporary variables

3. Cohesion between local variables

4. Cohesion with respect to time

The ................ model is preferred for software development when the requirements are not clear.

1.Rapid Application Development

2.Rational Unified Process

3.Evolutionary Model

4.Waterfall Model

The extent to which a software performs its intended functions without failures, is termed as





The extent to which a software tolerates the unexpected problems, is termed as:





The major shortcoming of waterfall model is

1.the difficulty in accommodating changes after requirement analysis.

2.the difficult in accommodating changes after feasibility analysis.

3.the system testing

4. the maintenance of system.

The most important feature of the spiral model is

1.requirement analysis.

2.risk management.

3.quality management.

4.configuration management.

The Prototyping model of software development is:

1.a reasonable approach when requirements are well-defined

2.a useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly

3.the best approach to use for projects with large development teams

4.a risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product

The quick design of a software that is visible to end users leads to ............

1.iterative model

2.prototype model

3.spiral model

4.waterfall model

The software _______ of a program or a computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships among them.





The worst type of coupling is

1. Data coupling.

2. control coupling.

3. stamp coupling.

4.content coupling.

Verification :

1. refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function answer to the question - Are we building the product right ?

3.requires execution of software

4.both a and b

What is the first step in the software development lifecycle?

1.System Design


3.System Testing

4.Preliminary Investigation and Analysis

What is true about UML stereotypes ?

1.Stereotype is used for extending the UML language

2.Stereotyped class must be abstract

3.The stereotype indicates that the UML element cannot be changed

4.UML profiles can be stereotyped for backward compatibility

Which design metric is used to measure the compactness of the program in terms of lines of code?





Which of the following are external qualities of a software product ?

1.Maintainability, reusability, portability, efficiency, correctness

2.Correctness, reliability, robustness, efficiency, usability

3.Portability, interoperability, maintainability, reusability

4.Robustness, efficiency, reliability, maintainability, reusability

Which of the following are facts about a top-down software testing approach?

I. Top-down testing typically requires the tester to build method stubs.
II. Top-down testing typically requires the tester to build test drivers.

1.only I

2.Only II

3.Both I and II

4. Neither I nor II

Which of the following does not relate to Evolutionary Process Model?

1.Incremental Model

2.Concurrent Development Model

3.WINWIN Spiral Model

4.All of the above

Which of the following is not included in waterfall model ?

1.Requirement analysis

2.Risk analysis



Which of the following is/are CORRECT statement(s) about version and release ?

I. A version is an instance of a system, which is functionally identical but nonfunctionally distinct from other instances of a system.
II. A version is an instance of a system, which is functionally distinct in some way from other system instances.
III. A release is an instance of a system, which is distributed to users outside of the development team.
IV. A release is an instance of a system, which is functionally identical but onfunctionally distinct from other instances of a system.

1.I and III

2.II and IV

3.I and IV

4. II and III

Which of the following prototypes does not associated with Prototyping Model?

1.Domain Prototype

2.Vertical Prototype

3.Horizontal Prototype

4.Diagonal Prototype

Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE with regard to software testing?

I. Regression testing technique ensures that the software product runs correctly after the changes during maintenance.
II. Equivalence partitioning is a white-box testing technique that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.

1.only I

2. only II

3. both I and II

4.neither I nor II

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true with respect to software architecture?

S1: Coupling is a measure of how well the things grouped together in a module belong together logically.
S2: Cohesion is a measure of the degree of interaction between software modules.
S3: If coupling is low and cohesion is high then it is easier to change one module without affecting others.

1.Only S1 and S2

2.Only S3

3. All of S1, S2 and S3

4.Only S1

Which once of the following is not a software myth?

1.Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done

2.Project requirements continually change, but change can be easily accommodated because software is flexible

3.If we get behind schedule, we can add more programmers and catch up

4.If an organization does not understand how to control software projects internally, it will invariably struggle when it outsources software projects

Which one of the following is not a definition of error ?

1.It refers to the discrepancy between a computed, observed or measured value and the true, specified or theoretically correct value

2.It refers to the actual output of software and the correct output

3.It refers to a condition that causes a system to fail

4.It refers to human action that results in software containing a defect or fault

Which one of the following is not a key process area in CMM level 5 ?

1.Defect prevention

2.Process change management

3.Software product engineering

4.Technology change management

Which one of the following is not a source code metric?

1.Halstead metric

2.Function point metric

3.Complexity metric

4.Length metric

Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering?

1.Requirement elicitation

2.Requirement analysis

3.Requirement design

4.Requirement documentatIon

Which one of the following set of attributes should not be encompassed by effective software metrics?

1.Simple and computable

2. Consistent and objective

3.Consistent in the use of units and dimensions

4.Programming language dependent

Which process model is also called as classic life cycle model?

1.Waterfall model

2.RAD model

3.Prototyping model

4.Incremental model

_____ are applied throughout the software process.

1.Framework activities

2.Umbrella activities

3.Planning activities

4.Construction activities


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