All citizens of the world must show respect to the constitution, and must not view the law and order machinery with _____. (A) reverence (B) contempt (C) sincerity (D) disdain (E) allegiance (F) dignity
1.A and B
2.C and E
3.C and F
4.B and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:49:16
Although he believes in expressing his views openly, his _____ earned him few friends and many enemies. (A) haughtiness (B) superciliousness (C) imperiousness (D) forthrightness (E) insolence (F) candidness
1.A and B
2.B and C
3.C and D
4.D and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:26:40
Despite _____ laws, poaching of wild animals is still carried out clandestinely in some parts of the country. (A) legal (B) penal (C) stringent (D) binding (E) dimunitive (F) violable
1.A and B
2.B and E
3.C and D
4.D and B
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:45:25
For most _____ plants and animals, there is no way back from a place on the list of endangered species. (A) exotic (B) threatened (B) imperiled (D) extant (E) wild (F) extinct
1.A and B
2.B and C
3.A and D
4. B and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:48:05
Money and power can bring _____ happiness but at the same time they also bring in an equal amount of misery. (A) spiritual (B) mental (C) material (D) worldly (E) psychological (F) emotional
1.A and B
2. E and F
3.C and D
4.D and E
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:52:46
Pulsating with power and _____ an image of Lord Surya is believed to dispel darkness and is usually worn as an amulet strung from a gold chain. (A) pelf (B) radiance (C) resplendence (D) prestige (E) enlightenment (F) wisdom
1.A and F
2.B and C
3.D and E
4.B and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:50:09
While enduring extreme hardships in life, what one needs is mental _____ and not just physical stamina. (A) energy (B) resilience (C) flexibility (D) sanity (E) resistance (F) restraint
1.A and E
2. B and C
3.B and E
4.A and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:27:47
A person who remains courageous even during times of _____ will ultimately emerge successful. (A) grief (B) adversity (C) destruction (D) horror (E) suffering (F) cheer
1.A and B
2.B and E
3.A and E
4.C and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:21:17
After a protracted illness which left her weak and _____, she is now on the road to recovery. (A) energized (B) debilitated (C) invigorated (D) emaciated (E) robust (F) enervated
1.A and C
2.B and F
3.D and E
4.B and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:23:21
Although she was _____ by his infuriating remarks she remained calm and composed. (A) piqued (B) riled (C) amused (D) beguiled (E) captivated (F) regaled
1.C and F
2.A and B
3. D and E
4.E and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:24:18
Despite wide campaigning for their _____ and several advances, a large majority of women remain voiceless and powerless. (A) empowerment (B) remonstration (C) education (D) emancipation (E) security (F) edification
1.A and F
2.B and F
3. C and D
4.A and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:59:06
His diligence and _____ execution of any task assigned to him is worthy of emulation. (A) perfunctory (B) punctilious (C) meticulous (D) slipshod (E) desultory (F) tactful
1.A and B
2.A and E
3.B and C
4.D and E
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:25:18
It is a/an _____ that while almost every religion stands for and preaches the universal brotherhood of man, religion has been a constant source of conflict in human history. (A) dilemma (B) paradox (C) coincidence (D) ambiguity (E) contiguity (F) irony
1.A and D
2. B and F
3.A and B
4.C and E
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:51:57
Leadership is the ability to secure desirable actions from a group of followers voluntarily without the use of _____. (A) coercion (B) blandishments (C) discipline (D) deception (E) punishment (F) cajolery
1.A and F
2.B and C
3.B and D
4.B and C
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:43:34
One must not be _____ by failure because it is often said that failure is the stepping stone to success. (A) influenced (B) hapless (C) affronted (D) disheartened (E) discouraged (F) inspired
1.A and E
2.B and C
3.D and E
4.A and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:39:50
Plural and open demo cracles are the targets of the scourge of terrorism that strikes at the very root of _____, the mainstay of civil society in a free world. (A) injustice (B) dishonesty (C) tolerance (D) violence (E) acceptance (F) treachery
1.A and B
2. D and F
3.C and E
4. B and C
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:55:05
Pollutants present in the environment are said to have a _____ effect on human health and are responsible for causing many diseases. (A) deleterious (B) salubrious (C) detrimental (D) soporific (E) seminal (F) somnolent
1.B and D
2. D and F
3. A and B
4.D and E
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:44:32
Social entrepreneurs are committed individuals who have a dedicated streak that does not allow them to get _____ from their chosen mission. (A) obsessed (B) divested (C) digressed (D) diverted (E) focused (F) obviated
1.A and E
2.B and F
3.C and A
4. C and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:50:59
The city is a unique blend of tradition and _____ because it still retains its old world charm despite rapid urbanisation. (A) history (B) progress (C) modernity (D) retrogression (E) liberalism
1.A and F
2. A and B
3.C and
4.D and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:37:30
The easiest and most efficient way to encourage or secure _____ with international norms is through voluntary, not coercive means. (A) conformity (B) judiciousness (C) discipline (D) compliance (E) ingenuity (F) correspondence
1.A and D
2.B and C
3.B and E
4.A and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:01:05
The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Industries has expressed concern at the _____ financial situation and has threatened to launch an agitation if the government does not extend concessions. (A) exacerbating (B) deteriorating (C) rising (D) diminishing (E) receding (F) escalating
1.A and E
2.A and B
3.C and D
4.C and E
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:57:20
The island looks very _____ because there are hardly any inhabitants dwelling in it. (A) parlous (B) perilous (C) commodious (D) picturesque (E) deserted (F) desolate
1.A and B
2.C and D
3.C and F
4.C and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:38:30
The natural beauty of the _____ location and its lush vegetation and wildlife have been a rich source opportune of inspiration for artists and naturalists. (A) chaotic (B) scenic (C) picturesque (D) rustic (E) opulent (F) terrestrial
1.A and D
2.D and E
3.B and C
4. E and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:22:24
The _____ utilization of human resources can not only help in economic development but can also help in reducing the rate of unemployment. (A) drastic (B) effective (C) minimal (D) optimal (E) nominal (F) voracious
1. A and F
2.B and D
3.D and F
4. B and C
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:53:55
Those who champion the cause of women seek to _____ their rights and power. (A) demand (B) establish (C) uphold (D) assert (E) transform (F) transcend
1.E and F
2.A and B
3.D and E
4.C and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:56:38
Tolerance is _____ for peaceful relations among the members of a society. (A) egalitarian (B) indispensable (C) redundant (D) imperative (E) phenomenal (F) apparent
1.A and B
2.B and D
3. B and C
4.E and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 12:00:07
What leads to peace is not violence but peace ableness, which is not _____, but an alert, informed, practiced and active state of being. (A) passivity (B) lethargy (C) sensitivity (D) ignorance (E) obedience (F) enlightenment
1.A and B
2.A and D
3.B and E
4.C and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:46:17
With the increase in human activities, there has been _____ use of natural resources thereby causing disharmony between human beings and the natural environment. (A) planned (B) reckless (C) excessive (D) careful (E) sustained (F) avaricious
1. C and F
2.B and C
3.A and D
4.B and F
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:36:30
_____ and discipline are the basic necessities of an organised society. (A) Peace (B) Harmony (C) Prosperity (D) Progress (E) Hierarchy (F) Concord
1.A and B
2.B and F
3.D and F
4. A and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:35:27
_____ and remote in the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman and Nicobar islands is a paradise, once inhabited only by little-known tribes. (A) Secluded (B) Impossible (C) Encroached (D) Isolated (E) Scattered (F) Abandoned
1.B and C
2.D and E
3.C and E
4.A and D
Posted Date:-2022-04-07 11:47:08