If for the parallel reactions A→B and A→C, if the final concentration of B is 26 mol/ L and A converted is 36 mol/L, then the final concentration of C is ____
3. 6
If τ = 5 s, first order rate constant, k = 0.25 sec-1 and the number of tanks, N is 5, then the conversion is?
4. 67.2%
In which of the following reaction the rate of reaction is a function of rate constant alone is?
1.Zero order reaction
2.Third order reaction
3.First order reaction
4.Second order reaction
Increase in temperature for an endothermic reaction ____
1.Decreases equilibrium conversion
2. Increases equilibrium conversion
3.Does not affect equilibrium conversion
4.Initially decreases and then increases equilibrium conversion
The catalyst in a first-order chemical reaction changes the _______
1.Activation energy
2. Equilibrium constant
3. Heat of reaction
4.Heat of formation of the product
What is the unit of activation energy?
1.J/ mol
Which of the following is an example of autocatalytic reaction?
1.Oxidation of copper
2.Ammonia formation reaction
3.Hydrogen peroxide decomposition reaction
4.Reaction of permanganate with oxalic acid
Which of the following is not a reversible reaction?
1. Ammonia formation from its elements
2.Formation of hydrogen bromide from its elements
3. Decomposition reaction of nitrogen pentoxide
4.Oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide
Which of the following represents heterogeneous catalytic reaction?
1.Reduction of iron ore
2.Ammonia synthesis
3. Burning of coal
4.Roasting of ores
Which of the following represents series type deactivation model? (Where R is the product and P is the poison)
1. A → R + P↓
2. A → R → P↓
3. A → R, A → P
4.A → P↓
Which of the following theories does not propose the temperature dependence of rate constant?
1.Transition state theory
2. Bohr’s theory
3.Arrhenius theory
4. Collision theory
A liquid phase reaction occurring in adiabatic PFR has a heat of reaction -120000 J/molK. Specific heat of the stream is 10000 J / molK. The temperature difference for complete conversion to be achieved is ___
1.560 K
2.8.33 K
3.12 K
A microfluid is the one in which ____
1.Fluid motion is restricted
2. Fluid molecules are free to move
3.Molecules do not take part in reaction
4.Fluid is compressed in due course of reaction
According to Langmuir adsorption model, the rate of adsorption of a gas molecule onto the solid surface is ____
1.Proportional to the square of the partial pressure of the gas
2.Proportional to the partial pressure of the gas
3. Inversely proportional to the square of the partial pressure of the gas
4. Inversely proportional to the partial pressure of the gas
Catalyst is a substance that _______
1.Can either increase or decrease the speed of a chemical reaction
2.Alters the value of the equilibrium constant in a reversible chemical reaction
3.Increases the speed of a chemical reaction
4.Decreases the speed of a chemical reaction
CR = CR0 + CA0XA
1.Rate of forward reaction > Rate of backward reaction
2.Rate of forward reaction = Rate of backward reaction
3.Rate of forward reaction < Rate of backward reaction
4.Rate of forward reaction is independent of the rate of backward reaction
Decrease in inerts for an endothermic reaction ____
1.Increases conversion
2.Decreases conversion
3.Has no effect on conversion
4.Initially increases and then decreases conversion
For early mixing, which of the following reactors/ combination of reactors is used?
1.CSTR followed by PFR
3.Two CSTRs in series
4.Two CSTRs in parallel
For the reaction A ↔ R, which of the following is the correct expression of CR?
1.CR = CA0XA
2. CR = CA0XA
3.CR = CR0 + CA0
4.CR = CR0 + CA0XA
For the reaction step to be the controlling mechanism in a catalytic reversible reaction, which of the following is valid?
1.Rate of adsorption > Rate of desorption
2.Rate of adsorption < Rate of desorption
3.Rate of adsorption = Rate of desorption
4.Rate of adsorption ≠ Rate of desorption
If the vander waal equation has only one root, what is the relation between a and b?
1.729a = pb2
2.243a = pb2
3. 81a = pb2
4.9a = pb2
State true or false. A reversible reaction is the one in which the reaction proceeds simultaneously in both directions.
2. False
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
State true or false. An exothermic reaction approaches isothermal conditions by increasing the addition of inerts to the reaction mixture.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
State true or false. For exothermic reactions with large temperature drop, PFR is used.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
State true or false. It is possible to achieve a conversion greater than the equilibrium conversion.
2. False
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
State true or false. Late mixing is favoured for reactions with positive order.
2. False
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
State true or false. Macrofluids form large aggregates.
2. False
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
State true or false. Physisorption occurs by Van-der-waal’s forces.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
The conversion achieved for the liquid phase reaction occurring in an adiabatic PFR with a heat of reaction -100 kJ/molK, specific heat of the stream being 100 J / molK and the temperature difference being 800K is ___
3. 0.90
4. 0.80
The final concentration of product is related to the yield as ____
1. Final concentration = Yield × Reactant fed
2.Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed
3.Final concentration = Yield × Reactant converted
4. Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed
The Le- Chatlier principle states that ____
1.No reaction is reversible
2. All reactions are reversible at high temperatures
3.A system experiencing disturbance shifts direction of equilibrium to nullify the change
4.A system experiencing disturbance does not shift direction of equilibrium to nullify the change
The optimum temperature progression for exothermic reversible reaction is ____
1.The locus of maximum rates
2. Highest allowable temperature
3. The isothermal path
4.Lowest allowable temperature
The plot of the function of equilibrium conversion to time for a bimolecular type reversible reaction is ____
2. Linear
4. Quadratic
The point of intersection of energy balance and material balance curves for exothermic irreversible reactions, wherein instability is witnessed is stated as ____
1.Pour point
2.Boiling point
3. Flash point
4. Ignition point
The rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the _______
1. Temperature
The rate of reaction is rapid for which of the following reactions?
1.Gas reactions in porous catalysts
2.Reactions in rocket engines
3.Cellular reactions
4.Reactions in coal furnaces
The sequence of steps in a heterogeneous catalytic reaction is ____
1.Diffusion → Adsorption → Reaction → Desorption → Diffusion → Mass transfer → Mass transfer
2.Mass transfer → Diffusion → Adsorption → Reaction → Desorption → Diffusion → Mass transfer
3.Mass transfer → Diffusion → Adsorption → Desorption → Diffusion → Mass transfer → Reaction
4. Mass transfer → Adsorption → Diffusion Reaction → Desorption → Diffusion → Mass transfer
The variation of Chemisorption with Pressure is ____
1. Chemisorption increases with increase in pressure
2.Chemisorption decreases with increase in pressure
3.Chemisorption increases with decrease in pressure
4. Change of pressure has no effect on Chemisorption
Virial Equation is a ______
1.Arithmetic Progression
2.Geometric Progression
3.Harmonic Progression
4.None of the mentioned
What is the activity of a catalyst when a time t = 0?
2. ∞
Which of the following is an isomerization reaction?
1.Conversion of glucose to fructose
2. Combustion reactions
3. Formation of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen
4.Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to hydrogen and oxygen
Which of the following is not a characteristic of tracer?
1.Easily detectable
2.Absorbance onto the reactor surface
Which of the following is NOT a part of reactor design?
1.Flow rates of the reactant and product streams
2.Method of operation
3. Type of the reactor
4.Size of the reactor
Which of the following is not an assumption of Langmuir model?
1.Energy of adsorption of gas molecules to the adsorbent site is different at different adsorbing site
2.Maximum amount of adsorption corresponds to a monolayer
3. Desorption rate depends on the amount of material adsorbed onto the solid surface
4. Gas phase molecules are adsorbed on discrete points on the solid surface
Which of the following is not the equation of state?
1. Van der Waals Equation
2.Charles Equation
3. Holborn Equation
4.Peng Robinson Equation
Which of the following is the most suitable reactor for the pharmaceutical industry?
3. PFR
4.Batch reactor
Which of the following is true for gas-phase reactions?
1. Decrease in moles of the product increases the volume of the reaction mixture
2. Increase in moles of the product does not affect the volume of the reaction mixture
3.Increase in moles of the product increases the volume of the reaction mixture
4. Increase in moles of the product decreases the volume of the reaction mixture
Which of the following reactor arrangements causes fast deactivation?
1. Fluidised bed reactor
2.Batch for fluid and solid
3.Plug flow for fluid
4.Mixed flow for fluid
Which of the following represents second-order bimolecular type reversible reaction?
1. A+B ↔ R
2.A ↔ R+S
3.A ↔ B
4.A+B ↔ R+S