Consider a region inside which, there are various types of charges but the total charge is zero. At points outside the region
1.the electric field is necessarily zero.
2. the electric field is due to the dipole moment of the charge distribution only.
3. the dominant electric field is inversely pro-portional to r3, for large r (distance from ori-gin).
4.the work done to move a charged particle along a closed path, away from the region will not be zero.
Electric field lines provide information about
1. field strength
3.nature of charge
4.all of these
The surface considered for Gauss’s law is called
1.Closed surface
2.Spherical surface
3.Gaussian surface
4.Plane surface
The force per unit charge is known as
1.electric flux
2.electric field
3. electric potential
4.electric current
The unit of electric dipole moment is
Which of the following statements is not true about Gauss’s law?
1.Gauss’s law is true for any closed surface.
2.The term q on the right side side of Gauss’s law includes the sum of all charges enclosed by the surface.
3.Gauss’s law is not much useful in calculating electrostatic field when the system has some symmetry.
4.Gauss’s law is based on the inverse square dependence on distance contained in the coulomb’s law