How did Carter remove the resins?
1.with the help of chisel and hammer
2.with the help of chemicals
3.with the help of machinery
4.with the help of man power
How has archeology changed through the decades ?
1.focusses more on treasure
2. focusses more on physical findings
3.focusses on time factors more
4.focusing less on treasure and more on the fascinating details of life and mysteries of death
What did Carter and his men do after cutting down his body?
1.they sent it for X-Ray
2.they examined them carefully
3.they placed it on the layer of sand in a wooden box
4.they clicked photographs
What does CT scan stand for?
1.Computed Telegraphy
2.Computed Tomography Scan
3.Car Topology
4.Computer Technology
What facts were revealed when the mummy was X-Rayed in 1968?
1.his several possessions were missing
2. his hip bone was missing
3.his breast bone and front ribs were missing
4.his feet bone was missing
What is the Cemetery of Tut called?
1. Valley of the Kings
2.Tut’s Resting Place
3.Resting Peace
4.Valley of Flowers
What name did Amenhotep IV change to?
4. Amenhotep III
What was found with Tutankhamun’s body?
2.Egyptian Gold Coin
3.Nothing as such, wealth, bronze razor, games, clothes, cases of food and wine
What was in the first coffin?
1.garlands of olives, lotus petals, and cornflowers and coins, wealth, bronze razor, games, clothes, cases of food and wine
4.It was empty
When did Tut die?
1.22000 years ago
2.more than 33000 years ago
3.10000 years ago
4.16000 years ago
Who said “The mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s”?
2.Zahi Hawass anatomy professor
4.A Egypt Historian
Why did the procedure stop in between?
1.As spare fan stopped working the light went off
3.As the lift broken
4.none of the above