#2?s complement of -13 = 11110011 Add the two numbers in their 2?s complement form including their sign bits and discard any carry out of the sign (leftmost) bit position. So the answer is 11101101 (-19). -6 11111010 -13 11110011 ---------------------- -19 11101101 #6. Which one of the following CPU registers holds the address of the instructions (instructions in the program stored in memory) to be executed next?IR (Instruction Register)
1.MAR (Memory address register)
2.MBR (Memory Buffer Register)
3.AC (Accumulator)
4.PC (Program Counter).
.Information transfer from one register to another is designated in symbolic form by means of
1.Control Function
2.Op Code
4.Replacement Operator
A combinational circuit that converts binary information from n input lines to a maximum of unique output lines is
A full-adder is simply a connection of two half-adders joined by a
1.AND gate
2.OR gate
3.NAND gate
4.NOR gate
Boolean functions expressed as a --------- of minterms or ---------- of maxterms are said to be in a canonical form.
1.Product Sum
2.Sum Product
3.Subtract Divide
4.Divide Subtract
Consider the following logic function f(ABC). f(ABC) = ( A + B + C?) . (A + B?+ C?) Which of the following would be the result if the above logic function is to be simplified using k-maps?
1.C? + A
2.C + C?A?
Convert decimal value (888)10 to base-5.
ftware Programming 2015 examinations :
1.Operational registers
2.Memory registers
3.Storage registers
4.Binary registers
Given the characteristic table of a JK flip-flop find the missing output value. J K Q(t+1) 0 0 Q(t) 0 1 0 #1 0 1 #1 1 ---
he bulk of the binary information in a digital computer is stored in memory but all computations are done in
1.Timing Control
2.Memory Registers
3.Processor Registers
4.Program Control
he CPU nearly delays its operation for one memory cycle to allow direct memory I/O transfer. This process is called
1.Burst transfer
2.Cycle waiting
3.Cycle stealing
4.Cycle interrupting
In which type of flip-flop the indeterminate condition of the SR flip-flop (when S=R=1) is eliminated?
1.Edge-triggered flip-flop
2.JK flip-flop
3.D flip-flop
4.T flip-flop
System Software usually includes a program called a _______ which helps the programmer to find errors in a program.
1.Write Buffer
2.Read Buffer
4.Both (opt1) and (opt3) above
Techniques that automatically move program and data blocks into the physical main memory when they are required for execution are called
1.Associative-Mapping techniques
2.Main Memory techniques
3.Virtual Memory techniques
4.Cache Memory techniques
The correspondence between the main memory blocks and those in the cache is specified by
1.Mapping function
2.Replacement algorithm
3.Hit rate
4.Miss penalty
The simplest way to determine cache locations in which to store memory blocks is the
1.Associative Mapping technique
2.Direct Mapping technique
3.Set-Associative Mapping technique
4.Indirect Mapping technique
The sum of -6 and -13 using 2?s complement addition is
To convert octal code to binary code which of the following digital functions should be used?
What are the building blocks of combinational circuits?
2.Logic gates
What are the major components of a CPU?
1.Control Unit Register Set Arithmetic Logic Unit
2.Control Unit Memory Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit
3.Memory Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Auxiliary Memory
4.Register Set Control Unit Memory Unit
What does T stands for in T flip-flop?
What interface is used to connect the processor to I/O devices that require transmission of data one bit at a time?
What is a parity bit?It is the last bit in a byte
1.It is used to indicate uppercase letters
2.It is used to detect errors
3.It is the first bit in a byte
4.It is the last bit in a byte
What is an optical storage?
1.Has faster access time than disk storage
2.Smaller capacity than CD-ROM
3.Greater capacity than DAT storage
4.Smaller capacity than DAT storage
What is Q when S = 1 and R = 1 for SR flip-flop?
1.No Change
2.Clear to 0
3.Set to 1
4.Complement of previous output
What is the minimum number of bits required to store the Hexadecimal number FF?
What is the name of device that is allowed to initiate data transfer on the bus?
1.Bus Master
2.Bus Arbitration
3.Bus Cycle
4.Bus Request
What is the purpose of RAID system?
1.It increases the processor speed
2.It increases the disk storage capacity
3.It increases the disk storage capacity and availability
4.It increases operating system efficiency
What is the purpose of Stack Pointer (SP) register?
1.It is used for accessing strings
2.It is used for accessing memory
3.It is used for accessing stack
4.It is used for accessing data segment
What is the purpose of the floating point unit(FPU)?
1.Makes integer arithmetic faster
2.Makes pipelining efficient
3.Increases RAM capacity
4.Makes some arithmetic calculations faster
What is the word size of a 8086 processor? #64. What is the word size of a 8086 processor?
1.8 bits
2.16 bits
3.32 bits
4.64 bits
Which of the following is not involved in memory write operation?
4.Data Bus.
Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?
1.Arithmetic-logic unit
2.Control unit
3.Memory unit
4.Input unit
Which of the following modes are used to handle data transfer to and from peripherals?
1.Programmed I/OInterrupted-initiated
2.I/ODirect memory accessProgrammed
3.I/O Interrupted-initiated
4.I/O Direct memory access
Which of the following statements is wrong
1.Combinational circuits has memory
2.Sequential circuits has memory
3.Sequential circuits is a function of time
4.Combinational circuits does not require feed back paths
ystem Software usually includes a program called a -------- which helps the programmer find errors in a program.
1.Write Buffer
2.Read Buffer
4.Both (opt1) and (opt3) above