Bureaucracy existed in the ancient empire of:
4.All the above
In view of the growing power of the bureaucracy, which one of the following writers has that a nw form of depotism has emerged?
1. Lord Hewart
2.Ramsay Munir
3.Sir William Beveridge
4.Harold Laski
The rise of delegated legislation has resulted in:
1. Increase in the powers of the bureaucracy
2.Decline in the powers of the bureaucracy
3.Beither increase nor decline in the powers of bureaucracy
4. None of the above
Which of the following is not a function of bureaucracy?
1.To keep financial stability
2.To help in maintaining sound economy
3.To take their greievances to the Members of Parliament
4.To properly perform quasi-judicial allotted functions
Which one is not an important cause for increased work-load of bureaucracy?
1.Work-load with government has increased
2.States are performing both compulsory and optional functions
3.States have become police states
4.The Ministers are amateurs
Which one of the following functions of the bureaucracy has been wrongly listed?
1. It enforces the laws passed by the legislature
2.It prepares the bills for the approval of the legislature
3.It prepares the budget for the country
4. It recommends to the head of the state cases for grant of pardon
Which one of the following is not an important cause for increased work of bureaucracy?
1.Committee work has increased
2.Bureaucracy is required to perform judicial work
3.Delegated legislation has increased
4.Ministers have become experts
From committed bureaucracy is understood a bureaucracy which has commitment to:
1.Plitical ideology
2.Political leadership
3.Farm of Government
4.Head of the state
In modern times the powers of the bureaucracy have:
1.Greatly increased
2.Considerably declined
3.Bneither increased nor declined
4. None of the above
In the context of a democratic political system devoted to the cause of speedy socio-economic progress through governmental action, which one of the following actions is appropriate for bureaucracy?
1.Taking preventive steps to avoid the processes through which the political parties opposed to the Government are lekely to improve their chances in the elections
2.Taking effective measures to prevent the process of development of the private sector
3.Effective mobilization and management of resources to achieve the accepted sociopolitical and economic goals of the nation
4.Planning in advance the strategies that are to be followed for defeating the electoral calculations of the political parties opposed to the government
Of a good bureaucracy it is expected that it should:
1.Implement laws in letters
2.Implement laws in spirit
3.Be too rigid
4.Be flexible
The bureaucracy performs:
1.Only administrative functions
2.Legislative as well as financial functions
3.Only judicial function
4.All the above types of functions
Which of the following is not a method for securing impartiality of the bureaucrats?
1.They are allowd to work closely with Ministers
2.They are provided medical facilities
3.They are given residential houses
4.They are given leave travel concession
Which of the following step is not needed for maintaining non-committed judiciary?
1. To recruit politically unconscious people
2.To provide retirement facilities
3.To provide incentives while in service
4. To pay high salaries and allowances
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a characteristic of good bureaucracy?
1.It should avoid confrontation with political executive
2.It should guide Ministers
3. It should provide factural data to the executive
4.It should insist to the last on its viewpoint
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as the characteristic of the bureaucracy:
1.It should be impartial
2.It should be too rigid
3.It should implment laws in goad spirit
4.It should work in close cooperation with the political executive
Bureaucracy consists of:
1.Members of Parliament
2. Judges of the Supreme Court
3.Top political leaders
4.All civil servants
Bureaucracy is also called:
1.Permanent executive
2.Political executive
3.Nominal Executive
4.De-jure executive
Bureaucracy is an important feature of :
1.Democratic governments
2.Dictatorial system of governments
3.All governments
4.None of the above
Bureaucracy is needed in:
1.Parliamentary form of Government
2.Presidential form of Government
3. Socialist system
4.Democratic system
Bureaucracy literally means a system of government by:
1. Elected representatives
3.Nominated representatives
4.None of the above
In Parliamentary System of Government the bills are:
1.Prepared by the civil servants but introduced by the ministers
2.Prepared as well as introduced by the civil servants
3. Prepared as well as introduced by the ministers
4. None of the above
In recent years the powers of bureaucracy have:
1.Considerably declined
2.Enormously increased
3.Not undergone any changes
4. None of the above
Name the country in which there is committed bureaucracy:
Name the country in which there is no committed judiciary:
Of a good bureaucracy it is expected that:
1. It should help political executive in the implementation of programmes
2.It should properly guide political executive
3.It should keep its records properly
4.It should avoid giving classified information to political executive
The growing rowers of the bureaucracy e A pose any threat to democracy because the final authority:
1.Rests with the Head of the State
2.Rests with the Council of Ministers
3.Rests with Parliament
4.With all the above
Under Parliamentary system government bureaucracy exercises:
1.Only those powers which are vested in it
2.Only those powers which are vested in the Ministers
3.Powers which are vested in it as well as powers vested in the ministers
4. None of the above
When we talk of bureaucracy we mean:
1.All public servants
2.Only high ranking public servants
3.Only lower level civil servants
4.Those working in the public undertakings.
Which one of following is not a function of the bureaucracy:
1.To guide the Ministers
2.To avoid lag between law and its implementation
3.To prepare sub-rules and regulations for the laws
4.To help in maintaining financial stability
Which one of the following descriptions gives a definition of bureaucracy?
1.A set of government officials, possessed of certain traits of excessive formality, the use of verbiage and jargon as the basis of communication, inflexibility of procedure and insistence on the powers of their office
2.A career based appointed administrative service of fixed status and tenure with salary limited to rank and a known rank order of advancement
3.A particular pattern of administrative behaviour, associated with certain types of social organisation and identificable by reference to a constellation of objective criteria
4.The activity concerned with the implementation of policies by the direction or management of efforts of individuals and groups towards specific goals
Which one of the following functions is not performed by the bureaucrats in the financial sphere?
1. They formulate the budget proposals
2.They get the budget proposals approved by the Legislature
3.They implement the budget proposals after they are approved by the legislature
4.All the above functions
Which one of the following functions is performed by the bureaucrats?
1.Collection of taxes
2.Audit of accounts
3.Inspection of factories
4.All the above functions and many other too
Which one of the following has not been in any way responsible for increase in the powers of bureaucracy?
1.National emergencies like war, natural calamities, etc.
2.Enormous growth in the functions of the Parliament resulting in enactment of skeleton laws
3.Introduction of universal franchise
4. Making of civil services a life long career
Which one of the following is not a function of bureaucracy?
1.To help maintaining law and order
2.To help preparing international treaties
3.To help preparing national budget
4.To promulgate ordinances
Which one of the following is not important function performed by bureaucracy?
1.It should properly scrutinize ligislative proposals
2.It should vigorously implement laws
3.It should be inelastic in law implementation
4. It should try to be maximum efficient
Which one of the following is not necessary for impartiality of bureaucracy?
1.Civil servants be given good salaries
2.Status and position of civil servants should be kept high
3.Civil servants should be given security of service
4.Bureaucrats should be allowed to accept grafts
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.Civil servants are recruited on the basis of competitive examination
2.Civil services are assured security of service
3.Civil servants are assured fixed salary and promotional avenues
4.All the above
Who expressed the view that under Parliamentary system of govwernment bureaucracy thrives under the cloak of ministerial responsibility?
1.Ramway Macdonald
2.Ramsay Muir
3.William Beveridge
4.Lord Hewart
Who said Bureaucracy like fire is involuable as a servant but ruinous when it becomes a master?
1.Herman Finer
2.Ramsay Muir
3.James Bryce
4.Iver Jennings
Who said that bureaucracy is a system of government, the control of which is so completely in the hands of the fofficials that their power jeopardizes the liberties of the ordinary citizens?